Sentences with phrase «bearing in mind which»

Consider wheel type of stroller that you intend to buy with purpose and bearing in mind which kind of terrain you will be moving about.
Bear in mind which console didn't flounder horribly.
Lawmakers interested in regulating in relation to environmental issues must bear in mind which aspects of the physical environment fall under Federal jurisdiction, which are under Provincial jurisdiction, and which may be regulated by both levels of government.
There are several things to bear in mind which can help you to get the best out of your counseling experience.
I think we need to bear in mind which organization holds the greatest amount of sway regarding this discussion, and how that obviously must be Canada Mortgage and Housing.

Not exact matches

co, which business owners should bear in mind, however.
For example, there's a scene in the book's fifth chapter in which Lyons discusses an article Shah has written on LinkedIn about the wisdom of bringing a teddy bear named Molly to meetings as a stand - in for the customer, so that staff will always remember to keep the customer top - of - mind.
Bear in mind, it's a lot of suit: the extra hardware (the classic «six - on - two» style has six buttons down the front, only two of which are functional), the rules (always fasten the inner button, called a jigger or anchor, never the outer lower one), and all that fabric have long vexed men.
A conditional commitment should not stop you from asking the important questions as you proceed, but bear in mind that it might affect the willingness of your buyer to part with certain information, something which can be interpreted in light of the buyer's response mode as well.
Here is John Carney arguing that «There's nothing about Bitcoin that means you can't have fractional reserve banking,» which is entirely correct but bear in mind that he's arguing against libertarian bitcoin supporters who view the absence of fractional reserve banking as a desirable feature of bitcoin.
Well, bearing in mind that we start our analysis with a projection that Canada's economic potential is likely to grow by only around 1.5 per cent, which is not very inspiring, we need to take every decimal point of potential growth more seriously than we have in the past.
Bear in mind that this is only short - term flows and a recent report from the Wall Street Journal has revealed that traders are currently leveraged to the hilt, which may explain some of the volatility we've been seeing lately.
Although the scientific community is constantly proving the veracity of the Bible, bear in mind that science is extremely handicapped in dealing with certain issues (such as cosmogony), and to deal with those types of issues, one has no recourse but to take that which is subjective as his only evidence.
And you must also bear in mind that you may only refer to the human technology of the time at which the revelation was made.
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
He is the one of whom the apostle Paul wrote, «Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
It addresses the whole man — in his mind (in which he understands what the Sign of the Cross signifies), in his imagination (in which he perceives the crucified Christ), and in his physicality (in which each muscle stretches to bear the passion in his body).
One should bear in mind that studies of populations show that condom use for contraceptive purposes has a failure rate of 12 \ % [6]- where «failure» means conception, which can occur only once a month, whereas HIV can be transmitted any day of the year.
Phillipians 2:5 - 11 — Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
2) At the same time, bearing an mind the relation between historical process and natural process, I should try to develop in my own way the metaphysical inquiries concerning nature which have lately been brought into fresh prominence by Alexander and Whitehead.
A few that pop to mind are the Coconino Sandstone, the meandering / lateral channels in the Grand Canyon, the progressive order of the fossil record (complete with a pre-hominid through hominid progression), forms which bear features bridging the specially - created kinds (i.e. fish with tetrapod features, reptiles with mammalian features, reptiles with avian features, etc), the presence of anomalous morphological / genetic features (e.g. the recurrent laryngeal nerve, male nip - ples, the presence of a defunct gene for egg - yolk production in our own placental mammal genomes), etc, etc..
Although this is academic theology at full - throttle, it is important to bear in mind this is an issue which can provoke strong reactions in the pews.
The exact nature of a theology of abandonment on the cross could do with clarification, in view of the extreme formulations of some contemporary theologies (which introduce distance and division into the Trinity), and bearing in mind that the cry of abandonment is a quotation from Psalm 21, a psalm of trust in God.
The traditional problem is to explain the possibility and justification of this move, bearing in mind the errors and illusions which sometimes lead us astray.1
Bearing this in mind, we can nevertheless see that being religious entails having intellectual commitments whose scope is universal; that the institutionally dominant modes under which interaction among serious religious persons now occurs, both within the academy and outside it, largely prevents the airing of intellectual differences, and so inevitably trivializes religious commitments; and that if this distressing situation is to be remedied, the rehabilitation of interreligious polemics is essential.
It is especially important to bear this unitary quality of the incarnation in mind when thinking about the development of a Christian stance toward the world in which we live.
We must understand that our spirit is born again (not our soul) and become a new creation with the nature of God, which is in war with our soul and body (the flesh, our mind) with his corrupt nature.
Also, bear in mind King Josiah's reforms to the hebrew bible not to mention the convenient «discovery» of one of the lost books of Moses during his reign, ie Deuteronomy (which most scholars agree was not written in the time of «Moses»... provided Moses even existed... no evidence he or any of the Patriachs ever existed... except David) when you start to look at the evidence and history of judaism and christianity it becomes quite clear that these religions are not what they claim to be.
Bear in mind that the law in their context is not the original Law of Moses (which was difficult to keep in its own right) but the one around which the religious leaders had built fence upon fence — to the extent that Jesus accused them of expecting others to keep to a law that they themselves could / did not.
We must bear in mind one important way in which neo-orthodoxy differs in its view of history from traditional orthodoxy.
Especially must it be borne in mind that in dealing with this life we are not dealing with an «official» event; that there were no inscriptions, no chronicles, probably also no Roman court record which would have contained a dated report of Jesus» life.
In fact, the confidence born of this exercise will later register on his hearers» minds not as arrogance, which is usually born in a poorly hidden sense of inadequacy, but as conviction and as convincing claritIn fact, the confidence born of this exercise will later register on his hearers» minds not as arrogance, which is usually born in a poorly hidden sense of inadequacy, but as conviction and as convincing claritin a poorly hidden sense of inadequacy, but as conviction and as convincing clarity.
Bearing in mind the sequence in which the New Testament books were written, what do we find as to the growth of the idea of the incarnation?
Bearing these points in mind, I would like us to examine some case - studies which present attitudes regarding women in the time of the early church.
Thus the preacher always must bear in mind that he or she is not simply «expounding the Bible»; he or she is also working with the development of Christian faith down the centuries and with the fashion in which that faith speaks directly to people in our own time.
He wrote essays on it before he began to write as a philosopher, even a philosopher of physics... Principia Mathematica... is probably the only book bearing his name in which an interest in the activities of the mind does not often show itself» (DWP 21).
It's simple as this, Rick Santorum appeals to the less educated, extremely conservative and more bigot minded segment of rural America, which is largely dominated by Born again evangelicals, who as the article points out have a misguided view that that Mormons aren't Christian, and in their misguided bigotry seem to be voting against Romney based upon their religion rather than for a good candidate who can win the general election.
Now we must always bear in mind that the nub of the problem of miracles is to be found in the condemnation and death of Jesus Christ on the cross (more so than in the resurrection, which is radically outside all categories, even that of miracle).
In so doing he perhaps had in mind the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which reminds us that, «Created «in the image of God», man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works» before further explaining that, «To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has createIn so doing he perhaps had in mind the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which reminds us that, «Created «in the image of God», man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works» before further explaining that, «To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has createin mind the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which reminds us that, «Created «in the image of God», man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works» before further explaining that, «To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has createin the image of God», man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works» before further explaining that, «To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has createin what he has created.
Now it must be borne in mind that if there is a form or nature which does not pertain to the personal being of the subsisting hypostasis, this being is not said to belong to the person simply, but relatively; as to be white is the being of Socrates, not as he is Socrates, but inasmuch as he is white.
Next is a brief account of the earthly career of Him from Whom Christianity is historically sprung and of the distinctive features which must be borne in mind as we seek to give the story of Christianity.
On which account I pray you now to bear this point in mind, that in the present part of it I am expressly trying to reduce religion to its lowest admissible terms, to that minimum, free from individualistic excrescences, which all religions contain as their nucleus, and on which it may be hoped that all religious persons may agree.
At the same time, it is to be borne in mind that «[since] everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation» (DV, 11).
It bears the mark of organization by one mind, yet it contains that which originally occurred in dialogue.
In infancy our bodies first awake to enjoy the world into which we have been born; then our minds awake to curious questioning and restless desire for knowledge; then our souls awake to a conscious search for life's spiritual meaning and purpose.
To enter into a detailed description of these would not further our present purpose; but it is important to bear fixedly in mind that all offense is in its essence a misunderstanding of the Moment, since it is directed against the Paradox, which again is the Moment.
The first thing to bear in mind (especially if we ourselves belong to the clerico - academic - scientific type, the officially and conventionally «correct» type, «the deadly respectable» type, for which to ignore others is a besetting temptation) is that nothing can be more stupid than to bar out phenomena from our notice, merely because we are incapable of taking part in anything like them ourselves.
I'm so sorry to hear this, we wanted something that had a fresh new look which is in keeping with our new brand, but we'll definitely bear this in mind.
I have very successfully replaced it with vanilla soymilk, which we have in the house all the time; just bear in mind I have also reduced the sugar down to 1 Tbsp.
As a globally - minded business practitioner, Shu understands commerce on both sides of the Pacific and brings that expertise to bear with his various ventures, including the highly anticipated upcoming release of «Regale Ruby» — an exclusive wine brand expressly developed for the Chinese marketplace, which will be exported to the region in early 2016.
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