Sentences with phrase «bearish on»

That will be a hard sell to property owners who are bearish on the value of holding REIT stock.
If the investment community was bearish on the entire real estate market, Purplebricks» market cap would be much lower.
If you're looking at major markets like Chicago and New York or other major CBDs, there's probably some opportunity for office investment, but within the context of broader suburban sprawl, we've been a little more bearish on office.»
Considering all the uncertainty that's been attached to the new administration in Washington — either warranted or not — it's good to know that investors in the capital markets haven't turned bearish on the American economy; in fact, they've been quite bullish, as all major indexes are up since the election and have mostly been backed by strong Q4 earnings.
The very famous while bearish on cryptos — «gold bug» Peter Schiff is not so much of a bitcoin - lover.
The past few sessions were mostly bearish on cryptocurrencies as bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash, ripple and litecoin failed to make an upside move.
Still, that doesn't make me bearish on Snapchat: as TV moves inexorably to a subscription - based on - demand model more and more advertising will move online, including lucrative brand advertising.
Based on those comments — some of them from President Vladimir Putin himself — it seems as if the Kremlin is turning bearish on cryptocurrencies.
Not every Wall Street bank chief is bearish on bitcoin.
As is often the case when a financial figure is bearish on cryptocurrency, Schulman is still in love with the blockchain.
«I'm very bearish on Bitcoin, I think it's one of the silliest ideas I've heard in a long time,» he told its Futures Now segment Saturday.
Other analysts are however rather bearish on the ETH price outlook argueing that Ethereum price is already inflated by now.
Also bearish on bitcoin was Stephen Roach, a Yale University economist who told CNBC's «The Rundown» that exchange legitimization makes bitcoin «somewhat dangerous [for investors],» citing a «lack of intrinsic underlying economic value to the concept.»
«The Cambridge Analytica thing is just the tip of the iceberg,» said Mellon, who is typically bearish on big tech.
Though bearish on Bitcoin, Dalio's comments were less aggressive than those of J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon's from a week earlier.
The discount (futures price lower than spot price) indicates that the market participants are bearish on the underlying asset (BTC).
The panel seemed generally bearish on D'Angelo's proposal.
As the first Bitcoin futures contracts expired and were settled this week, the CBoE hailed them a success and a victory for those bearish on Bitcoin.
I will admit that I'm bearish on it.
Playing it has only increased those reservations and made me somewhat more bearish on the release.
Broadening Revenue Streams: Those bearish on the price of Take - Two Interactive stock will say the company is reliant on just a couple of hits.
I'm bearish on the entire mile multiverse right now.
ex4 custom indicator crosses its teal line top downward, while blue histograms forms below the 0.00 level as shown on Fig. 1.1, price is said to be pushed lower i.e. a signal to go bearish on the currency pair of focus.
All the same, it makes me bearish on the US Dollar, and bullish on foreign bonds.
Since you are bearish on bonds (or bullish on interest rates,) you can buy put options on government bond ETFs.
He is bearish on the Dollar over the long term, but it could be the best of a bunch of bad developed market currencies for a long time.
In this case, though I still have many reasons to be bearish on housing, I don't let it affect my investing to any great degree.
At least I was bearish on 7 out of 10 of these losers.
I am bearish on oil because I believe Iran updating its extraction equipment and Trump removing regulations on oil extraction will be very bad for the price.
ex4 custom indicator is aligned below the 0.00 signal level, it is an indication that price is being pushed lower i.e. a trigger to go bearish on the pair of interest.
If you're bearish on fixed - income going forward, you can consider funding from that portion of the portfolio.
And this may cause some investors to turn bearish on healthcare companies in the near term.
He is also bearish on the UK Pound Sterling and bullish on the currencies of Norway, Czech Republic, and New Zealand.
If you're bearish on equities but think fixed income products offer value, selling some equity mutual funds in favour of a bond ETF might make sense.
People who are bearish on gold, like me, and think gold may be in a bubble wouldn't be surprised by the quoted observation.
David Rosenberg, the much - followed chief economist and strategist at the Toronto wealth management firm Gluskin Sheff, also advises a trip to Europe for the currency - conscious Canadian traveller, though he is not as bearish on the European economy as the folks at Friedberg.
From the Sept. 8, 2006 Grant's: «Overvalued,» we, in fact, judge trillions of dollars of asset - backed securities and collateralized debt obligations to be, and we are bearish on them.
Similarly, a trader or analyst might be bearish on stocks.
As a trader you might be bullish on crude oil, bearish on the euro currency, bullish on gold, and bearish on Japan's Nikkei 225 stock index.
Of course if you are bearish on this market you believe the resistance holds firm.
Therefore, the trader has a dual view of being bullish on the base currency and bearish on the quotation currency.
The term short sell means that an investor is bearish on a stock and selling them at a higher price without actually owning them.
Consumer staples, energy and real estate are showing notably big discounts that while bearish, are not necessarily bearish on the economy yet.
I don't tend to be bearish on China, overall, but it's long apparent the authorities have been intent on slowly pricking the property bubble... I actually think they've done a far better job than, say, the Fed (actually, not an appropriate comparison — the Fed didn't do its f**king job at all!).
Our leader was bearish on depositary financials, a view that would eventually be right.
Even more oddly, I wrote another two - part post just months earlier which was actually bearish on Russian (& Ukrainian) farmland stocks (here & here).
Not surprisingly, I'm bearish on pretty much all these rubbish stocks — so stripping»em out, it's fair to say I remain bullish on Irish stocks.
Tilson was bearish on Wells Fargo but realized at a certain price even a distressed company can be a good buy.
Discover why some investors are bearish on the company's prospects.
Tilson published the book in early 2009; however he was bearish on real estate far before the book was published.
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