Sentences with phrase «beating yourself up because»

At the end of the day, when you look at your to do list, and start the afternoon «I'm not good enough» session, beating yourself up because you didn't get everything done, try making a new list.
Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't make class today.
You think God INTENTIONALLY made you IMPERFECT and now you are beating yourself up because you are IMPERFECT.
I have been breastfeeding for about 4weeks now and have been beating myself up because I have not been able to produce enough milk to keep my baby happy.
Espada got beat up because he was a powerful Latino that did nt take his orders from the blanco establishment.
It's also perfectly natural to have some fat there, so don't beat yourself up because your body doesn't look airbrushed - that's so unrealistic!
Each training program has been designed to hit every muscle group in the body, as you'd be surprised by the number of guys who beat themselves up because they find it hard to build muscle.
If you beat yourself up because you haven't gone to the gym or taken that yoga class, relax!
Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't make class today.
Don't beat yourself up because it doesn't look like the future you naively predicted at an age when you didn't even properly know yourself!
Given his features, principally his thick lips, pale complexion, and long eyelashes, he is able to merge into the role of a woman well before the surgery that actually changed his gender to such an extent that he able to pass for a woman even among some of his friends — though two thugs in Paris beat him up because thought of him as a man who is simply dressing as a woman.
Through sleepless nights I pondered what more I could do to help, beating myself up because I've lived a very lucky life — professional snowboarder, lots of college degrees, circus arts abilities, etc. — and I felt like if anyone should be making a difference and giving back, I should.
Hyperthyroidism is treatable but don't beat yourself up because it really sneaks up on owners because they maintain pretty normal energy levels and like we are talking about their appetite increases - they also rarely show other clinical signs of illness like coughing, sneezing, vomiting, etc..
Poor girl can't possibly cope — I then start a fight and insist that she can't beat me up because I'm disabled.
Your coolness, relevance and relatability exist independently of your professional life, so don't beat yourself up because you are unemployed.
Shane made this table for the kids almost 2 years ago now and it has gotten a TON of use and it's been beaten up because of that.

Not exact matches

My prediction is that small businesses will continue to challenge and at times beat the large enterprises (perhaps sooner rather than later), simply because they will appeal to the consumers desire to support the up and comers, the dreamers and the entrepreneurs that are often much easier for people to relate to.
«I just want to praise all my colleagues who put a lot of political capital on the line and who are going to get beaten up by people because of it.
On Friday, the stock got beaten up even more because analysts at Barclays Bank released a note cutting the shares to «underweight,» with an $ 89 price target (the stock closed at $ 93).
People get into trouble because they try so hard to be perfect and then they beat themselves up when they're not.
The Greeks behind taxi - hailing app Beat, bought by Germany's Daimler last year, set up in London because of the more flexible legal framework and lower start - up costs.
Because their goals are unattainably high, they beat themselves up when they can't achieve them.
«It keeps us honest,» says English, «because when we screw up, people beat the crap out of us.»
I just say this because if you are not at these levels don't beat yourself up.
But that board was so beat up by the time I got there — because, again, the Microsoft stuff, and then Carl.
As the United States leave the battle, you will see that they will all start tail coating... What the white house is trying to accomplish, so while the white house gets beat up today, it gets beat up today because its easy to beat up on the Trump white house for so many missteps that they made.
«I didn't walk around beating people up because karate taught me discipline,» Uriah Hall told Breitbart Sports.
Structured societies got beaten up, too, but they adopted Western ways anyway, because Westerners got the best and sanest laws and systems with Judeo - Christian values.
... well the same logic applys to god... i enjoy dropping these logic bombs on people and see how they react and hope that maybe that logic bomb will eventually set up a chain reaction in their consciousness... or maybe I am an egotistical f c k who just likes to have an unassaiable argument which with to beat others over the head with... maybe I am wrong to do so because the Human Condition is so cold and bleak in its finality that people need the cushion of god to go on with their everyday lives.
Sometimes I do it without even realizing and have to go back, apologize to her and divulge the simple truth; other times, I have to say something and can't bring myself to say the actual words because I'm too embarassed; I end up beating around the bush, attempting and rejecting spin after spin before I can finally bring myself to admit something I've done or say something that I know will be difficult for others to hear.
[15] In recent years, Padre Pio took up the same point, «Our body is like a donkey which we must beat, but not too much, because otherwise it will collapse and won't carry us any more.»
I was a victim of it over the weekend and arrested because I witnessed a Paralized African American man being beat up by cops and recorded it and then I got thrown in jail falsely and giving charges that wasn't true and had witnesses there to verify.
A Christian who fled Pakistan because of persecution for his Christian faith, has been beaten up in Derby.
The image of a woman who is battered for 20 years by her clergyman husband and who would forgive him, «because the Bible tells her to,» the image of a young mother and father who can not understand why their three - year - old daughter was sexually abused in the day care center to which they had entrusted her each morning; the image of a woman who was sacked from the women's program of her church because she refused to comply to the request of the president of the church that she and the other women vote for him in his election campaign; the image of a 14 - year - old migrant domestic worker who faces the death sentence on trumped up charges, because she would not give in to the sexual demands of her employer; the image of a male priest of a church saying that every time he beats his wife she should thank him, because she is one step closer to salvation; or the priest who would make sexual advances on a woman who out of vulnerability turns to the church for pastoral comfort... these are but a glimpse of the many such images that are gathered during the course of this Decade.
You're all bent out of shape and butt - hurt because you were soundly beaten and you now are too embarrassed to own up to your defeat.
You might step out but beat yourself up with that licorice whip because you can't believe you let yourself exist in that cell for so long.
That «locker room talk» turned into a teachable moment for a man - in - the - making: make that two men - in the making, because after driving away, the second boy, seated wide - eyed in the back seat the entire time, asked my husband if he was going to «beat up» the other boy for what he said.
Jews were getting «beat up» by stronger powers in the region, like other peoples, but not because of their religious beliefs or specifically targeted as an ethnic group until Christianity came to identify them as the killers of their savior.
A good example: I've been playing a videogame of late with a combination Greek / fantasy pantheon in which the player - character is a very faithful servant of a particular goddess, knows other gods exist (because killing them / beating them up is the main plot of the game), and winds up with an ally who can clearly see that the gods exist but only cares about following himself — so there's a mix there of misotheism with a few of the gods (they are there, but they're evil), faithful worship (serving a good goddess), and nay theism («You gods are selfish jerks, I'm going my own way!»).
You all gullible christians should beat up gay kids and pray the gay away because the Holy BIBLE says so!
You all gullible christians should beat the gay kids up and pray the gays away because the freaking Bible say so!
You know, the guys in fiction (and in life) who can kick your tail seven ways but more violent - minded people wouldn't know it because these guys would rather let someone beat them up than to throw a punch and betray their principles.
If the intellectuals in the plays of Chekhov who spent all their time guessing what would happen in twenty, thirty, or forty years had been told that in forty years interrogation by torture would be practiced in Russia; that prisoners would have their skulls squeezed within iron rings; that a human being would be lowered into an acid bath; that they would be trussed up naked to be bitten by ants and bedbugs; that a ramrod heated over a primus stove would be thrust up their anal canal («the secret brand»); that a man's genitals would be slowly crushed beneath the toe of a jackboot; and that, in the luckiest possible circumstances, prisoners would be tortured by being kept from sleeping for a week, by thirst, and by being beaten to a bloody pulp, not one of Chekhov's plays would have gotten to its end because all the heroes would have gone off to insane asylums.
He will also get ready for battle by assembling his troops... which makes no damn sense because as soon as he gathered his troops, god rains down fire on him and cast him into the lake of fire and brimstone forever... so what's the purpose of releasing him for a thousand years and gathering up troops to fight a battle that will never happen??? Beats me!!
According to Driscoll, «I can not worship the hippie, diaper halo Christ because I can not worship a guy I can beat up
O.K. from 15 min in I started to listen all the way through because me and those worship songs just don't get along: I am very much a more up beat kind of music gal, I need music that wakes the dead:
ive been wrestling since i was 9 years old and when i went into high school i had to wrestle a girl... growing up learning to wrestle i had ended up having violent style, i never was dirty or broke rules but i was taught to do anything in your power to win whehter it was to club down the head or grab the throat to gain position etc. unfortunately i was in the postion to wrestle a girl once and at the time i did nt care who you were boy / girl, white / black / purple it did nt matter im was going to go out there bounce your head of the mat and bury you, so i went out there and wreslted the same way i always wrestled, 110 % and always to put your oppenents back through the mat i dditn change my style at all bc she was a girl i wrestled the same against everyone but after i pinned her in the first minute i did nt even realize that i broke her ribs when i power doubled through her, now after that for the rest of the tournament i was heckled and berated for forcefully beating a girl ppl were telling my parents «hey, looks like you raised a wife beater» etc. etc.... ever since then i refused to wrestle girls and thank go i eventually grew out of the lower weights, moral of the story is that is great and all that girls are wrestling but they shouldnt wrestle boys even if they know what they are getting into because 1.
And in our country, on colleges, because of the laws of free speach, I can speak to people about anything, but the minute I bring up Christianity, the police have to come by my side and protect my right to free speach because if they were not there, I would be beaten up.
I was also beaten by random girls for no reason, put into a dumpster, tied up in an abandoned rv by some sick teens who thought that was funny, almost raped by a man while walking down the street at the age of 17 but because I screamed he only made me jack him off (at knife point), almost raped at a friend of a friend's house when we just dropped in for a minute, was impovershed growing up, even to the point where we didn't have power in the middle of winter, had to sleep all in the same bed to stay warm and used our pantry as a refrigerator, lived (and I mean LIVED) with roaches for years no matter where we moved to, was a child during the time when we had our own civil rights movement here and went through a few horrible experiences at the time.
Find a balance that works for you, incorporate whole ingredients and nourishing foods whenever you can and most important please don't beat yourself up for eating something that isn't super duper healthy because life is too short for this!
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