Sentences with phrase «beautiful creature coming»

These beautiful creatures come in a variety of species that make them perfect for both new bird owners and experienced keepers.
And then there's the graceful Mantas, these beautiful creatures come to feed on the Plankton blooms, another encounter that will feature highly in any divers bucket list.

Not exact matches

Grimm tells Nikon that his image, though beautiful, comes with a word of caution — we need to stay connected to our planet by listening to little creatures, like bees.
Years ago during an early morning ocean swim in the Mediterranean, I come across a school of beautiful, luminescent creatures.
t seems like every movie that's based on a young adult novel about a supernatural romance is destined to be lazily compared to the «Twilight» series (and there are plenty more to come this year), but in the case of «Beautiful Creatures,» the comparisons are totally valid.
But when the offer to visit the Beautiful Creatures set came in earlier this year, I admit to being intrigued: after all, the production had attracted some seriously impressive talent (from acting legends like Jeremy Irons and Margo Martindale to relative newcomers like Emmy Rossum), and that seems to indicate that LaGravenese is building something with a little more substance and pedigree than the average teen supernatural - romance project.
The problem is that most of these endeavors (everything from TV's «True Blood» to February's «Twilight» riff «Beautiful Creatures «-RRB- come across as campy, soulless approximations, all snarled cartoony accents and loopy, moss - draped sets.
A distinct bit of charm for Beautiful Creatures instead comes with its placement in the south, which provides an effectively unique stamp on the movie's atmosphere.
It was hard for Austin to believe such a noise could come from this beautiful creature, but come it did, over and over, until he could stand it no more, and slammed on the brakes as part of an elaborate plan to avoid hitting a non-existent dog crossing the highway.
Based on the whimpers of the young women coming out of a preview screening, «Beautiful Creatures,» the movie, isn't nearly faithful enough to «Beautiful Creatures,» the novel.»
These truly wonderful, incredibly smart and beautiful creatures are so full of personality that each and every one can easily fill your day with stories and adventures for some time to come.
We have had many black dogs come through our rescue and will continue to work diligently to place these beautiful creatures in forever homes.
Visit up to four of the best snorkelling spots on the island, from a traditional Thai «Long - Tail», and have your chance to come face to face with some of Koh Tao's most beautiful sea creatures.
Come on down and enjoy an adventure like no other, experiencing these Majestic creatures in Punta Cana's beautiful Caribbean waters!
Make your dream of swimming with manatees come true on this beautiful and engrossing tour where you'll meet with these gentle creatures in their native environment, underwater.
What makes Tearaway come to life is the beautiful construction paper world, interacting with all the bizarro creature and characters, and in customizing, drawing, cutting, pasting, and photographing.
So, come on... grab a cup of coffee and pull up a seat in the beautiful outdoors — and keep your eyes open for any creatures that may decide to join us!Sunday evening in the garden... peaceful and quiet for a dinner for four!
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