Sentences with phrase «beauty of adulthood»

This is the beauty of adulthood found in our loving and growing relationship with ourselves.

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I like to think that she will be moving into adulthood where the images of women are realistic and inclusive of all races and body types, allowing her to see that beauty lives within every human being.
Since 1984, the Waldorf School of Santa Barbara has prepared students to enter adulthood with the capacities of self - discipline, independence, analytical and critical thinking skills, respect for their fellow human beings, and a reverence for the world's beauty and wonder.
I've had acne scars and sun damage for pretty much my entire adulthood, so Jessner Peels are one of my all - time favorite beauty treatments.
I believe the true beauty of humanity lies in our ethnic and cultural diversity and that learning about this diversity prepares children to lead more peaceful lives in their adulthood.
Andrea opened a window for me onto black urban life I didn't know, a world where aunts owned beauty shops, and mothers worried about their daughters getting close to 30 without a husband, a world of camaraderie, with childhood friendships that lasted through adulthood.
Bottom Line The beauty of play is that for most dogs the desire to interact with others in such a manner continues into adulthood.
In retrospect, I appreciate the effort my parents took to fill my bookshelf with classic Young Adult stories, the kind that can be read and re-read dozens of times and are encountered frequently throughout adulthood — books such as the Narnia series, the Little House books, Lord of the Rings, Island of the Blue Dolphins, To Kill A Mockingbird, Julie of the Wolves, Black Beauty, Robinson Crusoe, anything by L.M. Montgomery, Madeleine L'Engle, Lois Lowry, Roald Dahl, Charles Dickens, Judy Blume, etc..
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