Sentences with phrase «became bastions»

The ironic thing is that even if the law is upheld and similar laws spread as a result, eradicating truth - fudging from our political discourse, and campaigns became bastions of truth - telling, very little would change:
The five locations of Kelly's Roast Beef became bastions of quality not just because of the attention they pay to the preparation of their food and delivery of service, but also because of their dedication to their local communities.
Not coincidental is the fact that despite being inhabited by a significant number of Catholics, the Democratic Party has become the bastion of abortion proponents.
Indeed, were Romney to win the presidency, it is likely that the White House will once again become a bastion of the ideology of American exceptionalism, believing itself possessed of a divine mandate to «transform» the world according to American beliefs and interests.
One of Mr. Colen's sculptural trash paintings, with a traffic cone, a laundry cart and other detritus suspended on canvas, nods to the Bowery's grittier era, before it became a bastion of chic clubs and multimillion - dollar apartments.
This raises a cautionary concern, because when an academy becomes a bastion of orthodoxy, the danger posed by the absence of any dissenting voices is the possibility of descending into the kind of automatic formulas that make this room so lacking in texture.

Not exact matches

Moore flies home to B.C. every weekend and, as lead political minister for a province that has increasingly become a Conservative bastion, logs a lot of road time up and down the coast.
He thinks the reason may be what someone else here cited - that the rest of the environment in the U.S. has become highly integrated - schools, workplace, etc., and the church is the last bastion where they feel they can relax and everything seem like «old home week» — i.e. «family».
You wrote: «Instead of the church being a subversive agent of change, it will become a segregated bastion of elite zealots waging war on its neighbors.
In fact, what we propose would mean a strengthening of our position in Europe, as Hungary could thus become the Western bastion of a Turanic alliance, as well as its representative within the European Union.
Nixon said sanctuary state legislation is among the measures that must be adopted for New York to become the progressive bastion she envisions.
But Long Island is currently a GOP bastion, and can not become a battleground as Republicans work to maintain their 32 - seat majority in the Senate.
Their spacious apartment is a bastion of culture, a refuge — until it becomes a prison.
Of course, what this really means is that yes, it's been a full year now since Bastion became a fast - traveling indie sensation that took over the internet (and my iPod).
Virtually overnight, Williams became the public face of the pro-voucher movement, accepting speaking engagements at such conservative bastions as the Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institute, and the California State Republican Convention.
King Edward VI Aston School looks like a bastion of tradition, but it's taken a radical step to become more inclusive.
In Scandinavian countries, which are often regarded as bastions of education best practice, becoming a teacher is a desirable career option in the same way that becoming a doctor is.
She said not only was selection at 11 «wrong in principle», but that those areas which still had grammar schools were now «dominated by private tuition», and had become a «bastion for those who have the financial and social ability to get that tuition».
From then it grew through the medieval ages into a Royal Palace before becoming an important bastion in the defence of the nation from Ottoman advancement in the 16th century.
Such is the case of Daniel Alvarez of Austin, Texas, the bastion of gentlemanly manners who garroted his girlfriend Christina Alvarado with the cord of a Wiimote after she became angry with him for eating all her girl scout cookies.
Horror fans have had to endure a lot in the past few years: «Resident Evil,» «Dead Space» and «Alone in the Dark,» once bastions of the genre, have become little more than action games with grotesque enemies.
By wrapping every gameplay element around story conceits, Bastion becomes something new and exciting.
Visiting Radiant Garden before it became Hollow Bastion, with the knowledge that it's all gonna go to shit, is just a cool feeling.
«If Scotland does become independent hopefully the government will increase this support to help Scotland's position as a «development bastion» and national success story.
I'm still excited for both titles, but I just can't justify buying those games alongside Titan Souls and Bastion and multiple others who have prices I've become accustomed to paying.
Could land around the Great Lakes become the last bastion of hope for neo-Okies forced out of their Florida and California homes and onto the road by ever - worsening climate conditions?
This exchange slowly grew in size and complexity over many decades until it became the worldwide bastion of commerce that it is today.
While there are still some bastions of sanity in the life insurance industry it seems like they have become few and remote.
In a cashless society, bitcoin would become the last financial bastion of freedom in a world where the global financial system is under complete control of governments.
I first became aware of this bastion of data when OK Cupid announced that older women benefit from showing cleavage in their photos, but younger women don't.
In North Carolina, collaborative divorce proceedings have become something of a conflict - resolution bastion against the «litigation creep» that took over mediation.
Had large swaths of vacant neighborhoods remained unoccupied, left to rot in the sun while banks across the world sorted out ownership, thousands of streets would have become overgrown bastions of squatters and valueless real estate.
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