Sentences with phrase «became irregular»

Again now it has became irregular.
My period, which has always been regular, became irregular in March.
My once - consistent menstrual cycle became irregular, and my period stopped entirely in March of 2008.
After one month of taking 20 mg or 40 mg isoflavones daily, 60 % of the young women had prolonged menstruation, 20 % had shortened menstruation, 17 % remained unchanged and 3 % became irregular.
However, after 12 months the cycles became irregular in several of the exposed animals.
And, when the scientists selectively activated or removed just six PI cells positive for DH44, the fly's activity cycles became irregular.
When a female athlete's weight drops to an unhealthy level (i.e. when the percentage of body fat falls below 17 to 18 %), either through disordered eating and / or intense training, menstruation may not start, may become irregular, or stop altogether.
Although the skeletal muscles become temporarily paralyzed, the eyes dart around beneath the eyelids, and breathing and heart rates become irregular.
Your baby will be considered safe as long as his heart rate stays below 160 and above 100 - 120, and it does not become irregular.
If instead you allow the times of your child's feedings, playtimes, baths, and other activities to change constantly, chances are his sleep will become irregular as well.»
Perchance to Dream In 1953 Nathaniel Kleitman of the University of Chicago and his graduate student Eugene Aserinsky discovered that slumber, which had been considered a single continuous period of downtime, contains recurring periods in which the sleeper's eyes move about, heartbeat and breathing become irregular, most voluntary muscles are paralyzed and brain activity (as measured by electroencephalography) is heightened.
However, if an eye twitch lingers for a long time, or if you have double vision, a pupil that becomes irregular - looking, or facial contractions outside of the eyelid, Dr. Suh recommends seeing a specialist right away.
But when our periods become irregular, or even absent, our body is sending us a wake up call that something's out of balance.
Doctors had never mentioned anything - although I'd never been to the dr to deal with my periods having become irregular; I suffer terribly when I get them, and it was a relief to not have awful stomach issues every month).
For example, when a regular menstrual cycle becomes irregular, it could be related to various problems such as thyroid issues, liver function problems, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cysts, and so on.
All three of these conditions can cause ovulation to falter or stop completely, and your periods to become irregular, lighter or to disappear completely.
For example, the breath becomes irregular during emotional upheaval, excitement or stress.
In women who have a menstrual cycle, their cycle may become irregular and there may be exacerbation of PMS symptoms and / or cramping.
(If you're female, your menstrual cycle may become irregular, or disappear altogether.)
When your thyroid is not functioning optimally, you can feel dull, tired, constipated, gain weight, your skin gets dry, your hair can become dry and even fall out, your muscles and joints might ache, your periods become irregular, you might have fertility problems, brain fog, sugar and carb cravings (because your body is desperate for energy!)
If your menstrual cycle has become irregular, your estrogen levels have begun to drop.
Peri-menopause is defined as the time when your period starts becoming irregular and usually starts in your 40s.
Regarding your magnesium supplement: I took MagOx on the advice of my cardiologist, after he ruled out any pathology, for irregular rapid heart rate (during mild exercise, my HR would suddenly go up to around 200 bpm and then become irregular).
Menstruation can also become irregular.
Your menstrual cycle may become irregular, but it won't cease during the perimenopause stage.
Until a few, 3 - 4 months, back my menstrual cycle was regular without any medicine, but my period cycle has become irregular.
My period has become irregular for a while since I started heavy training and dieting to cut body fat.
High testosterone can actually prevent or significantly delay ovulation each month, which causes periods to become irregular or disappear completely.
«If you destroy the forest then the river will stop flowing, the rains will become irregular, the crops will fail and you will die of hunger and starvation.»
It is generally found that people often become irregular to make monthly payments on their credit card bills.
As ringworm lesions progress, they can become irregular in shape, as well as grow larger and lead to multiple lesions.
This is especially true when the schedule of reward becomes irregular — i.e. not a treat every time.
In general, having a breathing tube in place, rather than just a mask over the rabbit's face, enables us to assist in breathing during surgery even if the rabbit is still breathing on its own but the breathing has become irregular — a critical factor in helping to ensure a good outcome.
This makes it much easier for us to spot when something becomes irregular.
But using emergency contraception often can cause your periods to become irregular or unpredictable.
Using emergency contraception often, however, can cause your periods to become irregular or unpredictable.

Not exact matches

In a world where our lives are now confined behind a screen and interaction with our neighbors seems to have become more irregular, we need to look at how companies like Amazon and other online services have impacted our communities.
Especially if you're relying on big clients or irregular payment cycles, your cash flow can become unpredictable.
If you're relying on big clients or irregular payment cycles, your cash flow can become unpredictable.
About 20 % of the men I interviewed were acutally gay (meaning they were wired that way and there wasn't no changing their behaivor and a few «parts» were irregular as well), 30 % of the men had some major trauma in their young lives and were confused with who they were and were trying to belong somewhere when it became hip to be gay in the 90's and 50 % of the men (to my surprise) were married men looking for nasty sex.
Gross, now 49, had first met Fischer in the mid -»50s, back in the days before Bobby had become a world - class player, and the two had kept in irregular touch over the years.
If you are under 35 and having difficulty becoming pregnant, it may be due to an irregular or absent ovulation cycle.
These rhythms are irregular in the first few months of a child's life, but gradually become more regular and develop with maturity.
He can also become confused with irregular feedings, and it can throw his body off as well.
If rainfall becomes more irregular, as it's predicted to in the future, «then with the same average rainfall, the peatland can support less peat,» Cobb says.
«The brain becomes more regular when it's misbehaving, and if you could somehow induce it to become more chaotic or more irregular, that would help break the seizure,» Ditto says.
Atrial fibrillation occurs when electrical impulses in the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, become chaotic and cause an irregular heartbeat.
«Previous studies have suggested that ERAD contributes to many diseases where cells become overwhelmed by an irregular accumulation of proteins, including Alzheimer's,» says Xu.
Death from heart failure can often be attributed to direct cardiac causes such as heart failure symptoms, inadequate blood supply and irregular heartbeats; however, the noncardiac causes of heart failure death, such as cancer, are becoming increasingly recognized as researchers learn more about their association with the disease.
Among them: the still irregular «sing» / «sang,» «go» / «went» as well as the since - regularized «smite» which once was «smote» in Old English but since has become «smited,» and «slink,» which is now «slinked» but 1,200 years ago was «slunk.»
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