Sentences with phrase «because eggers»

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Because its plot is that simple, it gives director Robert Eggers room to play with the film's atmosphere, and sow fear in ways that require little dialogue.
Technically, in fact, it's The VVitch, with two capital V's (more or less interchangeable with the letter «U» for centuries) instead of the modern «W.» These details matter, because Robert Eggers» singularly creepy debut derives much of its power from stringent period accuracy.
What Eggers accomplishes is something entirely different, something that excels in tone and mood, that offers performances typically thought far above that of the genre, that's scary because it convinces you that maybe, just maybe, there might be something more lurking in the woods.
But because the movie is such a stripped - down version of Eggers» book — and is clearly trying to be Black Mirror with mass - audience appeal — everything it tries to say about surveillance and accountability comes off as cartoonish.
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