Sentences with phrase «because jesus»

Because Jesus» life is the ground on which the consummating events of history occur, he is the bearer of two generations.
Prior to the life and ministry of Jesus, people could not «believe in Jesus» because Jesus had not yet been born.
Because Jesus said it and because His Holy Spirit which dwells within me confirms it to be true.
Because Jesus» listeners would have been familiar with the vineyard as a symbol for the people Israel, not for creation, they would have given an altogether different meaning to the story than the one traditionally preached by Christians.
I encourage you that your life can be easy, because Jesus said so.
Because Jesus didn't say we should build a better world, or help the poor and sick, or be faithful and true.
Because Jesus underwent death in all its horror, not only in His body, but also in His soul («My God, why hast thou forsaken me»), and as He is regarded by the first Christians as the Mediator of salvation, He must indeed be the very one who in His death conquers death itself.
Because Jesus Christ suffered when he was on this earth in a mortal body, therefore the Christian must arm himself with the same intention (4:1, 2).
So the good news for lone ranger Christians out there is, you are not ultimately alone because Jesus is Lord of ALL.
The gospel should be put into practice, including casting out demons, healing the sick, cleansing the leper and raising the dead because Jesus told us to do all he commanded, the supernatural lifestyle was part of it.
Would you hire them if they chewed a piece of poop like a cigar... because Jesus told them to.
Just because Jesus said that to one man in the Bible doesn't mean it applies to me today in 2011.
It's because Jesus rose.
Because Jesus was not a created being.
One can not argue from Jesus» resurrection to the immortality of people in general for two reasons: first, because people in general are not Jesus or even much like him — and there is strong presumption that Jesus» nature had everything to do with his resurrection — and second, because Jesus was not immortal, according to the Christian message.
And what's ironic is that I'm so bothered because Jesus actually challenges me to not only care for the souls of all humanity, but to feed the hungry, aid the sick, regard the stranger, visit the prisoner, and love my neighbor in tangible ways.»
Because Jesus was effective as a messenger and successful as an example, he was killed.
I don't wish harm on anyone because Jesus said love others as I have loved you.
The Bible says that «God is not partial» as I previously mentioned, God did refer to the nation of Israel as being his «chosen people» in the Old Testament, but, that was Only because Jesus Christ was to appear through the line of David, and that is why God kept the «root of the tree.»
Other commentaries brought out how the Pharisees probably had a bit of conundrum, because Jesus didn't actually grind any herbs or use any medicine and so the argument could have been made that he had not violated the Sabbath.
Jesus is glorified because Jesus is glorious.
This act of obedience is never more than a «dead work of the law «7 but it must be done because Jesus commands it.
No bones in a grave because Jesus Christ has his body with him at this very moment in time.
as well as the murmuring of the crowd because Jesus had chosen to visit a «sinner.»
I exchange the Sign of Peace, not because I love my neighbor, but because Jesus tells me to.
But, in modern political conversation, when a Christian articulates that people ask, «Does that mean you won't care about certain things because Jesus is coming back soon?
The Church has the authority to do this because Jesus said to his apostles, «Whatever you bind on earth will be considered bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be considered loosed in heaven.»
As a result, we forgive each other because Jesus forgave us first.
The swearing of the oath and its fulfilment are mutually identical, the latter assured by the fact of the former, because Jesus was incapable of perjury.
The answer is simple: Because Jesus taught from the Tanakh and his high regard for Scripture is obvious throughout the Gospels.
But if you tell me I have to be born again to enter the kingdom I can tell you that you have to sell everything you have and give it to the poor, because Jesus said that to one guy too.»
They bark, howl and squeal because Jesus said so!
The Apostles after his resurection also did miracleous things because Jesus gave them powers for a period.
This is not because Jesus did not live, or the events recorded in the gospels did not happen, but because it is impossible to scientifically prove any historical event.
I have been told over and over that the conservatives don't believe in Jesus WHY because Jesus was a liberal.
This was accomplished because Jesus is God and took all sin upon Himself.
You're not seeing me asking if you give up all of your riches just because Jesus said that it was more difficult for one having many possessions to get into heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle.
When the chief priests of the rabbinic order chose Barbarus to be a free man, because Jesus vocalized his understanding of the doctrines, and set a known a criminal free to silence this healer, illustrates the extent to which The highest of the order relegated their powers.
Any religion based on Jesus Christ is gonna lick balls, because Jesus does in fact lick balls.
Atheism is stupid because Jesus Christ was the Son of God and atheists refuse to acknowledge that fact.
The main reason is probably because Jesus was picking men to rule in His kingdom.
I think your reading from the pantheism bible because Jesus isn't in everything.
The foot - washing ceremony has been traditionally limited to men, because Jesus» 12 disciples were all male.
Spread the Word because Jesus preached the Word.
Because Jesus was framed, bludgeoned and intently murdered on principal.
Actually Timmy Tebow knows better, what he meant to say was Jesus didn't die for your sins because JESUS was never alive, never existed and was a literary tool created by the sociopath known as Paul / Saul, himself historically known as a murderer.
Jesus «died for our sins» because Jesus followers had no other way of explaining how their «god» could be put to death.
Not because the Jesus Seminar is in total agreement or entirely correct about Jesus, but because there is something in this glimpse of Jesus that is compelling.
The reason, I was told, was because Jesus told us not to case our pearls before swine.
And so he can't draw the royal lineage through Joseph, because Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph.
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