Sentences with phrase «because abdominal muscles»

I love it because abdominal muscles focused exercises are combined with powerful cardio ones such as jump rope, running, etc..
That's because your abdominal muscles get stretched out during pregnancy, and it takes time — and regular exercise — to get your belly back in shape.
That's because your abdominal muscles are stretched out from pregnancy and it takes awhile to get them back in shape.
Ironically this can actually make your belly appear BIGGER if you have lots of belly fat, because your abdominal muscle will not be visible — it'll just make your fat bulge out more.

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It said that Maatta generally had to make changes to his game because of the injury inNovember (soft tissue and muscle damage in his abdominal — article soon after the injury) from the hit into the boards / door.
I tried doing the couch - to - 5k a couple times, but stopped about halfway through because of abdominal muscle pulls, don't know if I'm breathing wrong or what.
Part of the small intestine and / or other abdominal organs, covered by a thin transparent membrane, protrudes outside the abdomen at the umbilical cord because the abdominal wall muscles don't close properly.
It's because they don't have abdominal muscles.
With my most recent pregnancy, the concept of belly binding intrigued me not only because the idea of shrinking my postpartum belly faster sounded appealing, but because I remember just how weak my abdominal muscles felt after the birth of my last two children.
Because turtles have locked their ribs up into the iconic turtle shell, they can no longer use their ribs to breathe as in most other animals and instead have developed a unique abdominal muscle based system.
The abdominal muscles surrounding the stomach become stretched because the stomach is full and draws blood to it, which makes them appear even larger.
«Because the core is made up of more than just the abdominals, including the back muscles and hip complex, it is advantageous to incorporate exercises like these that target more than one core muscle at a time.»
Even basic arm balancing poses are great because they often engage every muscle, not just the arms or shoulders, but also the abdominals and legs.
Because one move does not work all abdominal muscles equally, you're going to need at least a few exercises in your abs arsenal to get a six pack.
Many people focus on training the abdominals for endurnace because they are postural muscles.
I don't know of having highly developed, or even overdeveloped, stomach muscles would necessarily cause a problem, but there is something there that we should discuss, which is if people have had abdominal trauma, meaning maybe a hernia surgery, or a C - section, or an ovarectomy, or any kind of abdominal trauma that may cause scarring or damage, or even if a woman has really bad uterine fibroids, for example, which can cause pelvic obstruction, anything in the abdominal pelvic area that creates scar tissue, whether it be surgical, or impact trauma, or what have you, has the potential, because the abdomen and pelvis rest up against your intestines, has the potential to impede the movement of stuff through the intestines.
You see the similarities because a healthy low back is dependent on a strong abdominal basket, requiring us to work our pelvic floor muscles, our stomach muscles and our hip muscles.
Because they have unique designs and functions that stimulate the abdominal muscles more effectively.
Because of its design, it allows a person to do exercises targeting the abdominal muscles, obliques, and back.
However, some people can't perform abdominal exercises and it is not because one is not use to them, or because one has weak abs muscles.
Because the abdominals recover quickly, training for these muscles should be performed 4 - 5 times per week.
No matter what type of abdominal exercise you do, you should feel the contraction in your abs muscles because that is when they work.
The pelvic floor tends to get a lot of attention in Pilates and other core stabilization programs because the pelvic floor works with the deep abdominals and the deep lower back muscles to maintain lower back stability.
The reason is that if you have never trained before and have no muscle on your body as a result is that your abs will not be seen because your abdominal wall is simply too thin, no matter how much fat you lose.
Because of the way your abdominal muscle anatomy is set up, by making small variations in the way you do your crunches, you can shift the focus of the exercise to different parts of your midsection.
Because it has a curved back pad, abdominal contraction will be more intense, but at the same time it stretches the muscles.
Because of the structure of this ab machine you can feel the full range of motion which is essential to train abdominal muscles efficiently.
I've always had a lot of energy, rarely get sick, and felt great about the way that I looked because of my ripped abdominal muscles.
If your lower back muscles are weak, it will be harder to get the most out of your abdominal workout because the exercises that challenge your abdominal muscles the most also place the most pressure on your lower back.
Because alignment of those body parts has a dramatic effect on how the abdominal muscles can do their work.
And finally, another reason to perfect your pelvic floor muscle function is because properly contracting and releasing that area connects to your deepest layer of abdominal muscles... which means truly flat strong lower abs!
It was however selected as a good exercise because the low thigh muscles activity enables it to work better on the abdominal muscles.
It happens because we put all our body weight on the lower back and do not engage the lower abdominal muscles all day long.
Using a weightlifting belt might be expected to affect gluteus maximus EMG amplitude only if abdominal muscle EMG amplitude were to be affected, as there is often an influence of abdominal muscle activity on gluteus maximus EMG amplitude, which is thought to be because of force couples created across the pelvis during hip extension (Neumann, 2010).
This is the most important layer resutured at the end of the surgery because it is the only layer strong enough to hold the abdominal muscles together to prevent a hernia.
The pot - bellied appearance also develops because the muscles of the abdominal wall become weaker.
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