Sentences with phrase «because accumulated power»

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«Peace» is, then, merely the preparatory phase of war, a phase that makes the ensuing struggle all the more deadly because of the greater power accumulated during it.
The power output of the rover's solar panels had been reduced by almost half because of a year's worth of accumulated dust.
Yoga has immense healing power because it helps in clearing out toxins that has accumulated through various chemical and radiation therapy while treating cancer.
It's not an easy game but it's easy to keep track of your powers, abilities, moves and inventory because you accumulate things at a relaxed pace which gives you time to live with them, so that you can experiment and understand what they do.
-- when we build the power plant we though that here it would be level 7 max, because the tectonic bloc where dissipating frequently, but recent analysies say that upt to 25 % of the displacement is accumulated and not dissipated, so level 9 quakes are possible hear (source Pour La Science, french SciAm)-- now we have a credible scenario... how did we ignore it?
Finance is popular largely because of the innumerable benefits that it confers on those who take it up: Finance jobs are well - compensated, provide ample room for advancement, and offer workers the chance to accumulate real power and influence.
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