Sentences with phrase «because after scanning»

It doesn't seem to be, because after scanning them in 3D, Kojima said it took about two hours to produce this in - game bento model.

Not exact matches

When scanning for pullbacks on weekly charts, the prior highs of a legitimate base typically provides strong support because a prior resistance level becomes the new support level after the resistance is broken.
Pogba has gone through further tests this past week after an initial scan and it's claimed that because his condition hasn't improved, United have now taken into consideration the possibility of surgery.
It's so incredible seeing her in these later scans; because Jack was «healthy» I never saw him after the anatomy scan until he was born.
A new study of brain scans of 45 Brazilian babies suggests a worrying possibility, according to the New York Times: «Because some of the damage was seen in brain areas that continue to develop after birth, it may be that babies born without obvious impairment will experience problems as they grow.»
I had some fantastic news this week, my doctors were finally able to schedule my first lot of follow - up scans (after several delayed chemo treatments, because my blood levels were to low & this made me feel like it was never going to happen), but I finally had my scans & I got my results this week.
So today I had my early dating scan a young mother collapsed died blood clot after giving birth because doctors refused send her weekend.
I have to admit I've never seen that in an indie — any more than I've seen obvious OCR errors like I have from trad published e-books because they can't be bothered to proof the e-book after scanning in the hard copy.
After a quick scan through the 343 reactions on this article, I would say that about half of the contributions «agree» with Beck's nonsense (for many contributions it is not that easy to say what side they are on, because the discussion quickly wanders off to wind power, China's energy policy, etc)
You can tell because the fingerprint scan doesn't work after a full reboot.
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