Sentences with phrase «because bad game design»

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He said it's better to pay five game designers to sit around for a year and think about and discuss, over lattes, the game they are going to design than to ramp up 200 designers and have them create a bad game because you can't stand not shipping something.
Sometimes they're right because a boss might be broken thanks to really bad game design.
The rest of the time is spent exploring (only you can't in any type of satisfying manner because after 10 seconds you've got the pointless button pressing combat again) some terribly badly designed maps (on roughly the same tech and inspirational level as Horace Goes Skiing - seriously that lost world of dinosaurs game on the Spectrum 128K had way, way better level design), following a story line that is so shallow it makes Jet Set Willy look like story telling genius, buying weapons and armour and levelling up which is all pointless because the combat is just so useless.
Game mechanic, level design - i liked it, but what i didn't like is that the game didn't allow me to start a new level (41 or 42) because i didn't get enough experience points on previous levels, and besides i did them not so bad, the first ones are even perfect completed but even this is not enough for this gGame mechanic, level design - i liked it, but what i didn't like is that the game didn't allow me to start a new level (41 or 42) because i didn't get enough experience points on previous levels, and besides i did them not so bad, the first ones are even perfect completed but even this is not enough for this ggame didn't allow me to start a new level (41 or 42) because i didn't get enough experience points on previous levels, and besides i did them not so bad, the first ones are even perfect completed but even this is not enough for this gamegame.
Some sections of the game are super frustrating because of their bad design but overall the game is really enjoyable:)
There were plenty of games I found epic as a kid because they lasted 100 hours, but looking back that was probably because you moved slowly, or battles in RPGs were too long or unresponsive or you spent half your time clicking through badly designed menus - iron it all out and you have a much smoother and more immersive game, I feel.
There's a difference between a game that's an intense experience because of technical limitations versus simply bad design.
We took a few different approaches this time around, particularly because the game design is so wildly different — Pugs Luv Beats was an ambient exploratory experience, whilst Bad Hotel is very much a challenge with loads of restarts and losing and winning and so on.
I don't understand why Suda51 gets a pass for bad game design because it's «intentional» or «trolling the audience».
This is the worst kind of Nintendo Hard: games that are difficult because of bad design choices.
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