Sentences with phrase «because biblical teaching»

Half - way houses, therefore, must be deemed faulty when they approve women ruling men in secular affairs (because Scripture nowhere forbids it and sometimes exemplifies it) but not in the church or home (because Scripture requires male leadership in both), or when they approve women ruling in today's church (because Paul's restriction on this seems to be culturally determined) but not in the family (because biblical teaching on this seems to be transcultural and timeless).
It is because the biblical teaching about the kingdom of God promises joy, contentment, and significance to those who live under the rule and reign of God that the invitation to enter into the kingdom by faith in Jesus Christ has such persuasive power.

Not exact matches

Because of a court case in Louisiana that expressly forbid Biblical Creationism being taught in school science classes, the wording changed and the authors removed references to catastrophism, a world - wide flood, a recent inception of the earth or life, the concept of kinds, or any concepts from Genesis.
The teachings on biblical stories and parables help me especially because I am a new follower of Christ Jesus.
Of course I may come off as «self - righteous,» because I take a firm stance on certain biblical teachings.
And to say that Biblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and aBiblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and aBiblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and aBiblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and abiblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and apostles.
The Catholic Church is and has been the Biblical teaching authority for ALL Christians for 2000 + years and will continue to be because Jesus said all the powers of hell (including propserity organizations operating under the pretext of Christianity) would NOT prevail against it.
This particular kind of Christianity may be «hated» because of its beliefs and biblical teaching.
Pastoring conservative churches for 20 + years has taught me that too many professed Christians don't know what they might believe because of self induced Biblical illiteracy.
One reason we hear about biblical illiteracy so much is because the people who champion it are the ones who have the spiritual gifts of teaching, preaching, and knowledge.
A common objection is that the Bible is unreliable because it has been altered from (a now unavailable) original which would have been identical in teaching to the Quran, and this is evidenced by variant readings in the biblical text.
I grew up in a denomination that taught they were superior to other denomination because of their understanding of «certain Biblical truths» that others «rejected».
I read this article by charisma magazine which i thought was well written which is pro Women preaching This debate is an on going one John Piper who i respect as a bible preacher believes that scripture is clear women shouldnt have authority over men or teach in the church some go as far as saying women shouldnt preach in sunday school if the classes are mixed.Personally i think times are changing and i say that because i have a women manager she has authority over me and other men so if we follow the biblical example i shouldnt allow myself to be in that situation which is just crazy thinking.
But it is essential to deal with it at some length, first, because some evangelicals have made this charge; second, because the media have spread the charge far and wide; and third, because some religious people discussing AIDS seem to want to ignore the biblical teaching that there is a moral order in the universe and that wrong choices have consequences.
Biblical teaching about priesthood fills out the picture, because in the Bible priests are always embedded in liturgical communities and attached to a liturgical center.
And if so, how do you go about correcting theological error in a community that is already so wounded and vulnerable because they have grown up battered by «biblical» teaching?
I met a person who was in the last church that Harold Camping belonged to, which was in the Christian Reformed Church at that time, and he told me that Camping had been a Sunday School teacher for the adults at the church, and that the pastor eventually cut him off because what he was teaching was not Biblical.
This type of family therapy is usually referred to as Christian family therapy because it often incorporates Christian theological teachings, prayer, and Biblical scriptures into the therapeutic process.
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