Sentences with phrase «because breast»

Because breast tissue has aromatase activity,30 - 33 testosterone may serve as a substrate for local estradiol formation in the breast.
Do you think it's because the breast milk they exclusively consume is «processed» by their mother's body too much?
This is important because some breast cancer stem cells may not be destroyed by radiation and chemotherapy.
Because breast milk is naturally low in zinc, it is important for mothers to supplement and consume a high zinc diet during pregnancy to reduce the risk of eczema in infancy.
This is because breast milk is designed to suit your newborn's needs, from nutrition to fluctuations in hormones.
Because breast cancer receives a lot of publicity, women may assume that it is the most deadly of the female cancers.
«Teasing it out has been difficult and I think that's because breast cancer is not one disease, it's multiple diseases,» says Dr. Smith.
Hormone disruption is especially relevant for breast cancer, because breast development in different life stages is guided by hormones.
This is because breast cancer is diagnosed at an earlier and localised stage in nations where populations have access to medical care, and progressive improvement in treatment strategies.
For a prophylactic mastectomy, there's actually less of an urgency, because breast cancer screening is so great and effective.
This type of breast cancer is called «inflammatory» because the breast often looks swollen and red, or «inflamed.»
Because the breast tissue studied wasn't from tumors, the research suggests that excess quinones might cause cancer rather than result from the disease.
«These women suffer hot flushes that are more severe and often earlier in life, so we think they warrant specific research because breast cancer survivors can't take Hormone Replacement Therapy,» Dr Ee explained.
Ma explained that because breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among women worldwide, most previous meta - analyses have focused on understanding the association between female night shift workers and breast cancer risk, but the conclusions have been inconsistent.
For instance, as early as the 1960s a number of studies have found that breast - feeding is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, and more recent work suggests that this may be because breast milk supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
Because breast milk contains antibodies, Block likens it to immunizations, which have been emphasized in the new health care law to control costs.
Their babies often did not get proper nutrition because the breast milk of women with less nutritious diets was likely to have high levels of cholesterol and fat.
It might not be painful for the mother but it is quite uncomfortable, and it makes latching difficult for the child because the breast does not conform to the size and shape of the baby's mouth.
Breast feeding is clearly an issue for public health consideration as it provides significant protection against infections in newborns and infants.12 Because breast feeding has been shown to protect against infections so profoundly in developing countries, it is estimated that an increase in breast feeding worldwide by 40 % would reduce deaths from respiratory infection by 50 % in children less than 18 months of age.3
Scientists still aren't sure why this is the case; it's possible that because breast milk is rich in long - chain saturated fatty acids, it can contribute significantly to brain development.
Breastfeeding Pillow - Personally, most women would do better without this until breastfeeding is going well because breast pillows are often too tall or too short.
I had to change her Pedatrition before I felt that it was okay that I could not produce enough to support her with enough Nutrience to THRIVE... so to the first woman who said quit making excuses... unless you are in our shoe a mother who wants to breast feed her child but truely can not produce milk you can kiss my... I will not let holier than though women like you or any one else make me say it was an excuse because you breast fed makes you a better MOTHER... I don't think so... quit judging what you do not understand...
Breastfed babies often need to eat more often than formula - fed infants because breast milk is much easier for the body to digest.
VICKI WOLFRUM: There are times when moms, either because they're afraid of the baby getting infected milk, it creeps them out, they just don't like the idea or because their breast is so painful, that to breastfeed the baby is more than they're willing to do.
Because breast milk can not be refrozen once it has thawed, pour no more than the equivalent of one feeding into each container.
But because breast milk is 90 % liquid protein, the whey and 10 %, the hard protein — the casein; baby poop lets in an exclusively breastfed baby should always be soft.
Because your breast milk is so important for your growing baby, you will want to ensure you are using the best breast milk storage bags to meet your specific needs.
Because the breast is so full and swollen, the nipple and areola may flatten out (sort of like a water balloon) making the tissue difficult for the baby to grasp.
And that's because breast milk is actually formulated to be perfect for hydration and so we really don't want to give the baby any water and just rely on breast milk during those hot days.
Well buckle up because your breast milk will change flavor according to what you eat.
Because breast milk is perfectly balanced, it's unusual for an exclusively breastfed baby to get constipated.
I've actually heard women say that the reason they don't breastfeed is because their breast would get too saggy?
lets hope this works for my 9 month old who has an upper lip tie because breast feeding is becoming unbearable in the last few weeks!
Breast - fed babies take in fewer calories than bottle - fed babies, not because breast milk is lacking, but because they have greater ability to self - regulate their intake, according to the Ask Dr. Sears website.
Breastfeeding: We all know that breast is best for babies because breast milk has the most perfect set of nutrients for your little one's developing body.
Because breast milk supply could decrease for some mothers while they are ill, mothers may need additional lactation support from a lactation provider to address milk supply concerns, reduce the possibility of developing a breast infection, and support the breastfeeding relationship during this time.
Wendy Colson: It's crucial because breast milk is medicine and these babies are sick whether it's just prematurity or whether it's a critically outpatient or a jaundice patient.
This is because breast milk and formula are chocked full of fatty acids, in order to get all of the fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other incredible nutrients they need to develop healthily.
All of the sudden, we'd have a baby drunk on whiskey, slathered in baby oil for 40 days, her head wrapped tightly with a towel soaked in olive oil, being sure not to bounce her or she would never fall asleep on her own again, and of course eating solid foods as quickly as possible because breast milk will «actually stunt her growth.»
The flavor of your breast milk changes because your breast milk, itself, changes during your pregnancy.
First, because breast milk is easier to digest than formula, babies get hungry quicker and wake more often during the night.
Breast feeding along with solids is good for the baby because breast milk contains enzymes which help in digesting the solids.
Expect her to be pooping a lot because your breast milk acts as a natural laxative.
I had this screaming baby and he was hungry and I couldn't get into latch because my breast were too tight and I didn't have a pump at that point, so just you know, called my mom in tears and she say, okay, I'll go take a hot shower, just try the massage out as much as I can.
I'm glad I kept on nursing my little girl though, because breast milk will protect her to some degree from my bad decisions.
My wife exclusively breastfeeds, however, our pediatrician recommended that since that's the case, we should also include a supplement because breast milk alone doesn't provide adequate vitamin D.
But because breast milk is more easily digested than formula, breast - fed babies often eat more frequently than bottle - fed babies.
This may be because breast milk can provide protection from some infections that can trigger sudden death in infants.
Because breast compression stimulates let - down, the technique is useful when a mother is assisting her baby that is having a difficult time removing milk at the breast, or when she is increasing her milk supply through pumping.
But because breast milk is more easily digested than formula, breastfed babies often eat more frequently than bottle - fed babies.
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