Sentences with phrase «because chromium»

The lack of the internal Flash plug - in isn't a problem, for instance, because Chromium can make use of whatever copy of Flash is already installed in Windows.
But because Chromium doesn't have Chrome's auto - updater, you need to upgrade Chromium manually.
Uhm — But then, from there, I mean, if — if you're talking about the Insulin sensitivity, you put them on things like Chromium uhm — because, you know — Because Chromium's important for the uh — for the receptors, Insulin receptors.
One theory suggests that because chromium helps cells be more sensitive to insulin, it also allows insulin to transport tryptophan — the precursor to serotonin — across the blood - brain barrier and into the central nervous system.

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California proposed the new goal because a recent federal study resolved a decade - long debate by concluding that chromium 6 can cause cancer when ingested.
Xu and Jarillo - Herrero worked with chromium triiodide because it's a crystal comprising stacked sheets that can be separated using the «Scotch tape method»: a way of making 2D materials by using adhesive tape to peel off ever thinner layers.
Because these diodes produce red rather than green light, the researchers use crystals made from a mixture of lithium, strontium and aluminium fluoride, doped with chromium, as an amplifier.
But if two chromium atoms are next to each other they can't both align their spins differently from all of their neighbors — because they themselves are neighbors.
EDF says the lids are cracking because their welds are made with Inconel 600, an alloy of iron, chromium and nickel that tends to corrode.
And, because there is a high concentration of chromium atoms in the material, this creates nanoscale domains of order with the overall «chaos» of the high entropy alloy.
But that ranges from nearly 24 years lost because of lead in industrial wastewater to just under three years lost from hexavalent chromium, the carcinogenic form of the element, from tanneries.
The mice exposed to such heavy metals likely evolved the genetic variant because the soil in their parks has accumulated so much chromium or lead over the years.
Because of its properties, some scientists have cataloged chromium as «the medical miracle».
Most Americans are deficient in chromium because they eat so many refined carbohydrates.
Detoxatrim also contains Chromium, which is believed be helpful in beating diabetes and obesity because of its role in glucose and fat metabolism.
You could take a separate chromium supplement, but chromium is actually best utilized as part of a multivitamin because uptake is enhanced when chromium is taken with vitamin C.
This is problematic because the average diet is low in chromium.
Some believe that chromium polynictotinate is superior to chromium picolinate because the nicotine in the former improves absorption and bioavailability of chromium.
In addition, studies have shown that diabetics have lower chromium levels than healthy individuals because they lose it via urine faster.
Another chromium supplement, chromium chloride, is generally not recommended because it is very poorly absorbed.
Because only a very little chromium is absorbed while most of it is excreted, acute toxicity is unlikely to result from chromium supplementation.
Start off by adding Chromium, Vitamin B3 & Vitamin B - 6 to your diet because a deficiency in those 3 Vitamins & Minerals can lead to insulin resistance.
In addition, chromium is associated with cardiovascular health and longevity because it supports the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.
I started on Chromium polynicotate because of Dr. Perricone.
We don't claim that Natural Calm Magnesium Supplement Insomnia Remedy is a definite cure for insomnia because sleep disorders can also be caused by deficiencies in Folic Acid (8), Thiamine (10), Iron (14) and Potassium (15) or excess Chromium (13).
Start them with a basic comprehensive multivitamin and mineral with enough B complex; basic amounts of vitamin C and E; beta - carotene; trace minerals including chromium, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc; and, if possible, adequate magnesium and calcium, which may need to be taken separately because of their bulk.
Please note that, because Focus Factor contains iron and other heavy metals (chromium, selenium, copper, molybdenum, manganese) there is the potential for heavy metal toxicity.
Because of its trend to improve glucose tolerance, cats most likely to benefit from chromium supplementation are those with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance from lack of exercise, obesity, and old age; cats with underlying low insulin sensitivity; or cats that are genetically at risk of diabetes (e.g., Burmese cats)(13,14).
Nancy Apatow, president of Petlift, agrees that 304 stainless steel is the way to go for the pet industry because it commonly has from 10 to 18 percent chromium in the mix, and the better grades won't rust.
She then expressed disappointment in the possibility that children could continue to be threatened with cancer «because our federal government can not summon the political will to control chromium emissions.»
While these two hip implant systems are not considered metal - on - metal hip devices (although they do have a metal - on - metal junction because their necks are made of cobalt and chromium and the stems are coated in titanium), they do pose similar complications.
Browsing in Chromium is virtually the same experience as using Chrome itself, in big part because many of the missing pieces are made up for in other ways.
Chrome and Chromium deal with multiprocessor architectures differently than other WebKit based browsers, and because of the big...
Those who prefer Google Chrome for Android will be pleased to hear that Smart Go Next is also coming to the client — and that's because it's baked into Chromium 62.
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