Sentences with phrase «because clearing the language»

This is because clearing the language deficit leaves less of their time for everything else (including math).

Not exact matches

For many common programming languages such as Java, having such a large access to memory would be untenable because it the language would never end up clearing out the unused bits of code, leaving a cluttered mess behind the developer.
Moreover, despite the claim of some contemporary KJV loyalists to love its superb literary qualities, it is no longer clear to us whether its language really is poetic or whether it sounds poetic to us simply because it is from the KJV.
Another reason might be that what was clear to Paul and his readers is not clear to us because we are removed so far from the original context by time, geography, language, and culture.
In the same essay, Davison puts forward the case for continuing to use theological language, even when it might be strange, because «it is the task of apologetics to make things clear and on other occasions it is the task of apologetics to cut through the vapid familiarity of our time and present something unfamiliar, glorious and true».
The language may not be stirring, but the thought is a clear development of John Paul II's observations in his great social encyclical, Centesimus Annus:» [P] rior to the logic of a fair exchange of goods and the forms of justice appropriate to it, there exists something which is due to man because he is man, by reason of his lofty dignity» (35).
Now let me be clear: I believe the post exhibits homophobia, not because of the author's conservative position on same - sex marriage, and not because the author intended to be hateful, but because the post employs degrading, fear - based language to dehumanize gay and lesbian people.
Once again, it must be made clear that talk of enrichment is not meant to suggest that God becomes any more «God» than he always has been; what is intended by such language is simply that, because God is supremely related to all occasions, these various occurrences provide material for his fuller expression in relationship with creation and at the same time bring about an enhancement of the divine joy as well as a participation through «suffering» (or sharing as participation) in all that takes place in the world.
But the pastor may have to set aside all specifically religious language for a time precisely because at some stage of communicating with the person these get in the way of clear thought and honest feeling.
This relationship is particularly clear in the Polish language because of the lexical link between the words stworca (creator) and tworca (craftsman).»
Moreover, we can trust our anthropomorphic language about God because our humanity, in the form of its perfection in the resurrected body of Jesus, is God's clearest thought about himself — or, if one prefers, God's most basic act.
It is clear that Fuchs is able to move from the one to the other because of his concept of faith as a «language event».
And because language and understanding are still developing, you need to both translate the meaning of what they communicate to you, and be extra clear in the messages that you are getting across.
The phrase «lynch the bitch» wouldn't usually be accepted as language befitting the House of Commons, but on this occasion the Speaker seems to have let it slide - perhaps because McVey made clear beforehand that McDonnell had most definitely been using unparliamentary language himself.
Seeing a loophole to be exploited between the loose language of the law and the clear intent, when it came time to shut down the government, furlough workers, and stop checks from being issued, they got a convenient legal ruling that said, yes, suspending their own pay is considered altering the pay of Congress (because the law didn't just say pay raises) during the same session, therefore, it is illegal for them not to collect their paychecks during a shutdown.
English will continue to be the # 1 language in the EU even if the U.K. leaves because it has a clear hegemony among the non-native speakers - it is the actual lingua franca of the contemporary Western world, and arguably mostly thanks to the influence of the U.S., and not U.K., in the recent 100 years.
The extent to which this legislation would actually impact scientific collaborations is not entirely clear, in part because the proposed legislation's language lacks specificity.
He also said the committee changed some of the language on strategies for turning around struggling schools because «it was not clear we have the power to simply abrogate [union] contracts» affecting those schools.
This includes reviews that are a part of a paid publicity package • Solicitations for helpful votes Inappropriate content: • Other people's material (this includes excessive quoting) • Phone numbers, postal mailing addresses, and URLs external to • Videos with watermarks • Comments on other reviews visible on the page (because page visibility is subject to change without notice) • Foreign language content (unless there is a clear connection to the product) Off - topic information: • Feedback on the seller, your shipment experience or the packaging (you can do that at and • Details about availability or alternative ordering and shipping information • Feedback about typos or inaccuracies in our catalog or product description (instead, use the feedback form at the bottom of the product page).
Clear language is the best way to present the abstract properly because the focus should be on the issues or your findings here, not on the people.
Your tutor wants to see fine writing that reflects mature thought, a mastery of the language, clear structure, and a topic that tells something new about you simply because you tell a good story.
There is little recent guidance on this issue and it isn't clear that this rule should apply to accounts established under the more modern version of the custodial account law, because UTMA contains language designed to prevent parents from being taxed on custodial account income when the account is used for purposes that fall within the parent's support obligation.
Because the language in SQ777 would allow puppy mill and cockfighting breeders to define themselves as «farmers,» there is little state and local governments could do to enact safeguards against such practices, even though Oklahomans have been clear they don't want such operations in our state.
Note: We've had to slightly clear up a few things in this article because of either extra information provided afterwards or minor language issues.
Because of their contemporary dress, valley girl - style gesticulations and 19th century language mixed with their alternatively rudimentary and campy props, it wasn't clear in what time or place the performance was set.
For the sort of one - off that I am considering, no documentation is required because it is written in a very clear programming language (Standard ML) and I know what each part is supposed to do.
It's also one of the most important skills because using clear, compelling language will get people to read your articles, click your links, open your emails, and otherwise engage with your marketing messages.
Because any attempt to limit a solicitor's retainer must be done in simple, clear language (preferably reduced to writing), it is important to distinguish between what is or is not a limited retainer.
Luckily for the plaintiff, the insurer failed to properly contract out, because the limitation period it sought to enforce was not written in clear language.
In legislation in Ontario, if language is not plain, it is often because the instructions were not clear or not enough time was available to think things through.
That's because both sides listened, came to understand and trust each other better, and ultimately were able to craft language that isn't perfect for either side but will help ensure that people like Demetrius can clear their names.
Such an interpretation would result in sentences inconsistent with the Code's own statement of principles, and would presume that the legislature intended to abolish the quantitative rationale for enhanced credit — that offenders should not be punished more severely because they were not released on bail — without clear language.
I simply don't see the connection with his public office, and here, the case is even clearer than with the bribery count because of the different language and historical approach to the crime.
Language differences can actually help simplify your vision because they force you to keep things straightforward and crystal clear at all times, but my approach is the same even when there is no language barrier.
If you don't have a second language under your belt, it is strongly recommended for police officers in particular because of the importance of clear and trustworthy communication in your field.
Signature Realty, Inc. v. Tallman (303 A.D. 2d 925)-- if there is any doubt or uncertainty as to the meaning of the disputed language in a brokerage agreement, all ambiguity must be resolved against the broker who prepared it; brokerage agreement was, as a matter of law, ambiguous with respect to the issue of whether broker would earn commissions when tenant exercised an option to renew the lease and therefore broker is not entitled to commissions on rental payments during any renewal term of the lease; broker not entitled to restitution in quasi-contract because there exists a valid and enforceable written contract governing the particular subject matter in dispute; dissenting opinion finds that the brokerage agreement is clear with respect to commissions earned and payable and that tenant was obligated to pay a commission to broker at the time the rental payment was due and owing to landlord, including during renewal terms of the lease.
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