Sentences with phrase «because declawing»

Because declawing involves at least ten separate amputations, it is virtually certain that all declawed cats experience phantom pain in one or more toes.
According to AVMA, none of these cats should be declawed, because declawing causes pain and suffering.
Because declawing has not been proven an effective method for improving other behavioral issues, including aggression towards people or other cats, it should never be used as a behavioral remedy or as a preventative measure.
It is a big deal, because declawing a cat is just like cutting your fingers off at the first knuckle.
Letting your cat outside after he or she is declawed could be dangerous, because declawing a cat takes away the ability to defend themselves.
Doctors who specifically work with HIV + clients strongly recommend against declawing, because declawed cats will often resort to biting as a defense.

Not exact matches

Even though Google reportedly were not involved in the conception of the film, and aren't in line to directly profit from ticket sales, because the film obviously got the full cooperation of Google in the making of it, whatever satirical material could have been mined from poking fun at the giant corporation's branding and image has been declawed to the point of the enterprise doubling as a recruitment film.
However, «declawing» is a misleading term because it implies only the removal of claws while the procedure actually involves the amputation of the cat's toes.
I was denied adopting a cat because I had declawed one prior to being informed of how awful that is for the cat (At the time, I just thought it was what you did if you had an indoor cat — easily fixed with short conversation).
Many people opt to declaw their cats because the animals are inside cats — they would never, ever let their beloved kitty outside to fend for himself.
She is an indoor cat, and she never went outside because she had no claws (Her previous owner declawed her - I got her from the SPCA).
Declawing surgery in and of itself is mutilation because it amputates your kitty's first knuckle bones.
Procedures such as ear cropping, tail docking, or debarking in dogs, or declawing in cats are unacceptable because of the suffering and disfigurement they cause an animal are not offset by any benefits to the animal.
Declawed cats should always be kept indoors because they have trouble defending themselves.
If you're considering declawing because your cat isn't using the current scratching post, take a good, hard look at it to make sure it meets her needs.
They also feel it is better to allow declawing than to have people abandoning their cats because of destructive scratching.
If you're considering declawing because your adult cat is displaying aggressive behavior with her claws, it may mean you're not accurately reading her body language.
Some cats develop an aversion to their litter box because of the pain associated with scratching in the litter after a declawing procedure.
Ultimately, the reason that Dr. Schelling has worked so hard to research, develop, manufacture, and promote Purrfect Post products is because she does not believe that declawing cats is humane.
Cats may also urinate inappropriately following declaw surgery because they experience pain from their paws when they get in the litter box and paw around.
Because scratching is as innate to cats as purring, most experts recommend other alternatives to the trauma and dangers of declawing.
I myself have already had a cat declawed because, like everyone else, I did not know at the time the other options that make possible for me today to sit on my mint - condition leather couch while petting my cats, which all still have their claws.
I have tried soft paws because I am against declawing and also tried training.
I know a lot of people choose to declaw their cats because they use their claws to scratch things.
Declawing cats is a surgical procedure and most veterinarian wont do the surgery because the cat owner is worried about their furniture and things.
Because of complications, a cat who has been given a tendonectomy may require declawing later.
Declawed cats are dumped because of spraying or biting issues.
And declawed cats should never be let outside because they've lost one of their major defense mechanisms.
«Opponents of declawing contend that it causes behavioral problems, whereas others, including the American Veterinary Medical Association, state that because destructive scratching is a risk factor for relinquishment and euthanasia, declawing is a reasonable alternative.
Her first owner had her declawed because the cat was «messing up her furniture.»
And some websites and individuals do sensationalize, but true enough most peer reviewed veterinary studies indicate declaw doesn't lead to poor behavior, and therefore doesn't lead to relinquishment because of poor behavior.
I have just adopted an 11 year - old declawed (mutilated) cat from a friend who never did want her but took her in long ago because her first owner was getting ready to take her to the shelter.
She has four cats, all declawed and none have had any side effects or behavioral problems because of the declaw.
This myth is very detrimental to cats, because many believe that declawing a cat is just like trimming their nails.
Many cats are unnecessarily declawed because they scratch household furniture.
69 % of respondents were against declawing on humane grounds, because it reduced the cats ability to defend itself or because cats can be trained not destroy household furnishings.
In fact, many declawed cats that are here at Pawmetto Lifeline were surrendered because they refuse to use the litter box.
Declawed cats can also often be emotionally unpredictable because they are confused by the loss of their claws or they over-compensate because they no longer have that tool.
We have seen countless declawed cats who have been surrendered to us or one of the local municipal shelters because their behavior became unmanageable to the owners only AFTER they were declawed.
Declawing is a euphemism for the devastatingly painful surgery of paw tip amputation (amputation of the first joints) and that often paw amputation results in lifelong behavioral problems such as biting, hiding and urinating and defecating out - of - box because use of the paws to cover litter becomes forever associated with excruciating pain.
Additionally, declawing cats can make them more likely to bite — presumably because they feel more vulnerable when they no longer have their claws to defend themselves.
Because they can not defend themselves adequately against attacks by other animals, declawed cats who are allowed outdoors may be at increased risk of injury or death.
Because of post operative discomfort or pain, and potential future behavioral or physical effects, CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery.»
I used to dread recovering declawed cats because they were obviously in so much pain when they woke up.
Many of the cats surrendered to shelters are surrendered because of behavioral problems which developed after the cats were declawed.
They also made a point of saying that because the procedure would no longer be done at Clays Mill did not mean they were condemning pet owners with declawed cats, that they too have owned declawed cats.
The same owners who have their cats declawed because of being impatient about training their cats to use a scratching post instead of the furniture are similarly impatient about the consequences of declawing.
Because scratching is such a vital part of a cat's well - being (which is why even declawed cats will «scratch» surfaces), it should not be punished.
Legislation to make declawing illegal, while well - intentioned, can be problematic, because, in rare cases, the procedure may be justifiable as a last resort to prevent euthanasia.
Because there are so many humane alternatives to declawing, there is really no valid reason to consider declawing as a solution for scratching.
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