Sentences with phrase «because different schools»

That's partly because different schools are teaching different content.
«It allows parents to seek out the best learning environment for their child, regardless of the type of school — because different schools are the right fit for different students.

Not exact matches

Ours is showing you good people for you to meet regardless of whether they're down the block or across the city, and because of the accountability and transparency that's in Hinge — we show first name, last name, where you work, where you went to school, all these different aspects — it's much more geared towards quality interactions.
Yes, because the program of study at the new school is completely different than that of the closed school, for which the loans were intended.
TO choose between him or Mitt Romney a man who is evil I have no choice but to vote for President Obama, To cut a child's hair off and commit the crime he did in school is a lot different than a little boy pushing a little girl because of embarassment.
Many public school teachers that are Christians have been fired because of their beliefs, especially around Christmas and Easter time, when they merely mention the reasons behind the seasons and don't advocate Santa Claus and the Easter bunny with its colored eggs (funny how the different colors of eggs represent the rainbow's colors).
Because persons have different locations within a school's internal arrangements of power and status, there will be a variety of interests and a variety of perceptions regarding whose interests are being served.
We have just seen that, far from unifying them, the fact that theological schools are theological makes them irreducibly different from one another because of different theological judgments about the nature of the Christian thing, what it is to understand God, and what sort of community a theological school is.
Because the set of practices constituting each of them is defined by different ends, a theological school and a congregation are in principle distinct institutions of practice.
Just merely reading history doesn't settle anything because there are differnt versions of that same history and different schools of thought that develop from time to time.
Because of illness I did not go away to boarding school until I was 12, and my life was very different from the standard accounts of many Americans who grew up in the Far East, such as John Hersey.
If I selfishly love my frozen yogurt, microbreweries, and Pinterest, or dislike tattoos, noise, slow decision - making, or fill in the blank, more than my brothers and sisters who are different; if I prefer this church, or neighborhood because of the schools, the safety or because the worship resonates with me; if I am committed to my ways of doing life; if I let me self - comfort, self - enjoyment, self - security, or self - convenience guide my decision making; I will never experience the gifts that accompany thriving relationships with people who are different from me.
I often hear tales of clergy believing one thing, but preaching something entirely different because their congregation have very firmly held views on what they're willing to hear... and that's often what they were taught in Sunday school as children — they're 80 now.
I thought college would be different — less confusing — because I elected to go to a private school over a state school.
«It is even harder for us as girls, because we wear hijab to school and we stand out as different.
I have no problem with religion being taught in schools, in fact, I think it's important everyone have an understanding of different world religions because it will help people understand other cultures as well as see what leads some people to do the things they do.
Precisely because it is a theological school, it will be helpful to ask three different sorts of questions about it, and then to ask how the answers to the three are themselves interrelated in the structures that pattern the school's common life: What construal or construals of the Christian thing are assumed in the way the subjects of study are addressed?
Because the content of her lunchbox is always very different from most of the children in the class, the beginning of each new school is quite an adjustment, food wise.
«Scuse me Cam but Just because you were a late registration to three different schools dosent mean you have class.
If Sutcliffe seems unusually devoted to this extended family, it may be because his childhood was punctuated by frequent moves; he attended seven different Kansas City - area schools in a 10 - year span.
And because everyone arrives with different sport experience (recreational leagues, school teams, travel clubs) and advances at their own pace, we strategically group players to ensure they get the most from camp.
That's because of a rule that prohibits prospective athletes from signing more than one national letter of intent per year, even if it's in a different sport and the previous school properly released the athlete from the agreement.
Two high schoolers (at two different schools, because why keep things simple?)
I have had conversations with fellow moms and felt that my kids are not only in a different classroom, but that they are not even at the same school, because I have only a peripheral interest in their homework.
Some Waldorf teachers have gone on to argue how Waldorf homeschooling shouldn't really exist, because Steiner was laying out indications for a school setting and how this model is not possible for home for one child, let alone multiple children of different grades being taught at the same time.
This is because there are schools in different stages of development and sometimes developing Waldorf schools get included in the total and sometimes not.
Self control is learned in a gradual process, and if your first grader hasn't learned not to take candy from strangers, which isn't much different from not taking cupcakes from others when the parents have prohibited it, then you should be home - schooling them because they should NEVER be out of your sight.
And I'll start with - Joel Klein, I'll start with you, because you also led a large, diverse school system with lots of kids, with lots of different challenges and backgrounds and opportunities.
It's so interesting the different perspectives here, because, to me, the show was not about school - bashing.
It's different for me because Frog is at school five days a week so I guess I have more time.
My daughter isn't in school yet, but I have put the stop on quite a few plans at different times to just stay home, because it seemed like she needed to be on the home base and nurse all morning long.
Because each of Illinois «958 local school districts has the ability to set its own property tax rate, and because each has a different base of local property value on which to collect taxes, there is a wide variance in the tax rates and dollars that support local elementary and high sBecause each of Illinois «958 local school districts has the ability to set its own property tax rate, and because each has a different base of local property value on which to collect taxes, there is a wide variance in the tax rates and dollars that support local elementary and high sbecause each has a different base of local property value on which to collect taxes, there is a wide variance in the tax rates and dollars that support local elementary and high schools.
You may have a boy who has been diagnosed with ADHD and a daughter who is having trouble in school, but you never considered that your daughter might also have ADHD because her issues are so different.
School teachers have to spend hours preparing work because they have to teach an entire class, at different ability levels, and keep them all interested for fixed times.
Breakfast is great because it's different for everyone, depending on the [school's] needs.
France has a different meal schedule than in America because the daily routine of school, work and midday business closings dictate different meal times.
Because our program is different from many other therapeutic boarding schools in Hawaii, we encourage parents to really do their research and see whether we are the right choice for their teenage sons.
Our program is different than many other schools because we do Read more..
We do this because we believe it is part of our job as parents to expose her to different foods and provide her with the proper nutrition to do her job of going to school, learning and doing the best she can.
«It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.»
I'm sorry, are we supposed to be furious because different Lib - Dems think different things about school meal funding?
Each school district's tax cap is different, largely because the law exempts increases in several categories of spending.
To date, no party has committed itself to introducing statutory requirements for secondary school class sizes, at least partly because of the different class teaching arrangements in secondary schools.
Current IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year, Naomi Mitchison, said: «I chose engineering because having done Maths and Physics at school it seemed like an interesting way to put those subjects to good use, while doing something a bit unusual and different.
«It will probably be difficult, extremely challenging, for a principal or for a school to have any sort of programming because they're catering to all different types of children,» he said.
«I feel like a lot of women, mostly moms, because it's school, feel like they can come and talk to me about different concerns that they have, and I don't know if that's always happened before,» said Seema Rivera, a first - term Guilderland school board member.
The state's education commissioner said parents who are thinking of opting their children out of standardized tests again this school year should stick with the exams because they will be different than last year's tests.
«Because the CUNY schools are in all five boroughs, it will ensure that jobs are going to all different areas of the city,» said Torres - Springer.
New York State's education commissioner said parents who are thinking of opting their children out of standardized tests again this school year should stick with the exams, because they will be different than last year's tests, but the state's teacher's union and a parents group said the changes don't go far enough.
Consultants are a flash point at almost every school board meeting because there are so many for so many different purposes.
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