Sentences with phrase «because dwarf galaxies»

This discovery is momentous because dwarf galaxies like the LMC tend to have a lower abundance of the heavy elements that make up complex organic molecules — most importantly, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.
Because dwarf galaxies contain so few stars, this suggests that whatever is responsible for FRB 121102 has a better chance of forming in tiny galaxies than large, spiral ones.
Because dwarf galaxies do not host other gamma ray sources, they make ideal laboratories to search for signs of dark matter annihilation.

Not exact matches

Newberg adds that physicists hunting for particles of dark matter wafting through the Milky Way might detect fragments of Sagittarius, because many astronomers suspect that dwarf galaxies are especially rich in dark matter.
The standard cosmological model has told us that, because of dark matter, there should be many more dwarf galaxies out there, surrounding our own Milky Way, than we have found.
«This mass range gets interesting, because these «ultra-faint» dwarf galaxies are so faint that we do not yet have a complete observational census of how many exist around the Milky Way.
FRBs are probably not directly related to long gamma ray bursts (another type of explosive event that preferentially occurs in dwarf galaxies), because there are just too few gamma ray bursts and too many FRBs.
«Because red dwarfs themselves are so common,» Johnson says, «the whole galaxy must be just swarming with little habitable planets around faint red dwarfs
The stars of dwarf galaxy Segue 1 (circled in green) are a boon to stellar archaeologists because they're all extremely old second - generation stars.
Residing in the dwarf galaxy IC 10, 1.8 million light - years away in the constellation Cassiopeia, the new black hole puzzles researchers because it is thought that the kind of star that would give birth to it would not have retained enough mass to produce such a large object.
NGC 6822, about 1.6 million light - years away, is classified as an irregular dwarf galaxy because of its odd shape and relatively small size compared with other galaxies, such as our own, the Milky Way, and its other neighbors, the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies.
Because they lie much farther away and contain much less total dark matter than the center of the Milky Way, dwarf galaxies produce a much weaker signal and require many years of observations to establish a secure detection.
The dwarf galaxy also is of interest because it provides clues to how the early simple universe became re-ionized by early star formation, moving it from the so - called cosmic Dark Ages of neutral gases to the development of the complexly structured universe now in existence, where the gas between galaxies is ionized.
He suggests that the missing dwarf galaxies could be out there but are invisible because they are made solely of dark matter.
These flare stars are actually common because red dwarfs make up more than half of all starss in our galaxy.
The discovery is a notable one because scientists are questioning how many similar dwarf galaxies have gone unnoticed thus far.
Because the low surface brightness dwarf galaxies are extremely diffuse, stargazers residing in one of these galaxies would see a night sky very different from that seen from Earth.
Yet this theory is less popular, said Metzger, because AGNs usually exist in bigger galaxies, not dwarfs.
«Dwarf galaxies like the LMC probably retained this same youthful makeup because of their relatively low masses, which severely throttles back the pace of star formation.»
Because of the extreme intrinsic luminosity of M54 in comparison to the other globular clusters associated with SagDEG, it has been speculated early that M54 may be the nucleus of this dwarf galaxy, or the remnant of its nucleus (Bassino and Muzzio, 1995).
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