Sentences with phrase «because estrogen»

If a female is allowed to go in heat before spaying, those health issues will most likely surface in their life later because estrogen is stored in their system due to going in heat.
(Because estrogen alone can increase the risk of endometrial cancer, or cancer of the lining of the womb, women who have not had a hysterectomy take progestin in addition to estrogen.)
This is because estrogen is very low.
Because estrogen promotes the growth of some breast cancers, reducing the amount of this hormone in the body by removing the ovaries may slow the growth of those breast cancers.
This is thought to occur because estrogen and progesterone levels drop suddenly before and during menstruation, this causes spasms in the blood vessels at the base of the neck and can be responsible for severe headaches.
Because estrogen helps with fat metabolism, the decreased levels of estrogen in combination with increased fat mass can lead to insulin resistance.
Because estrogen is the hormone that keeps the vaginal tissues moist, thick and elastic, a significant decrease * in this hormone can cause dryness and less elasticity.
Because DHEA is the main ingredient your body uses to make testosterone, and because testosterone works in tandem with estrogen, and because estrogen works in tandem with progesterone... it's truly the whole system you need to address.
Dave Asprey: They use it cattle to make them fatter because estrogen in excess makes you fat.
This is important to note because estrogen is directly involved in the development of both Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Because estrogen is overproduced in both hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis alike, this makes you even more susceptible to its dangers.
SHBG is not a useful test, however, if a woman is taking oral estrogen replacement therapy, because this estrogen will artificially elevate SHBG due to high estrogen levels in the liver.
This means that ERb's will get filled up by coumestans, but ERa - heavy tissue might suffer a decrease in estrogen - like activity because estrogen production in general gets down - regulated by the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries, etc..
If it's too low, as happens in menopause, our mood can fall because estrogen is Nature's Prozac: it keeps your serotonin in the normal range.
One of the most common side effects of estrogen blockers is fatigue (because estrogen heightens attention and sharpens focus), and that makes for notably worse workouts.
Maybe her GABA levels are now good (because her progesterone levels have improved due to be on a regular zinc supplement or because she has been doing regular yoga sessions) and maybe she needs more serotonin support (because her estrogen levels are off because of recent exposure to xenoestrogens in plastics).
Because estrogen and progesterone receptor sites are very similar at the cellular level, estrogen receptor sites can «wake up» when occupied by progesterone molecules, enhancing the action of estrogen for a short period of time.
There's a general theme: patients taking Estroblock notice relatively little benefit for a month, probably because estrogen detoxification is a lengthy process, but after two months, there's a big reduction in every form of acne.
This is because estrogen levels fall at the end of each menstrual cycle, and are low at the beginning.
Estroblock is intended to block «toxic estrogens» which is funny because estrogen is estrogen.
The only reason girls grow breasts during puberty is because the estrogen increase in their body is far greater than the increase in testosterone.
In a woman's body, estrogen is what offsets male hormones, especially testosterone and it is also «most potent anti-acne molecules in the female body» This «occurs because estrogen increases levels of sex - hormone - binding - globulin (SHBG), which in turn binds testosterone» [] A week to menstruation, levels of estrogen usually drop compared to progesterone and this can cause breakouts for some ladies.
This is problematic not only because estrogen has a balancing effect against testosterone and is great for your skin, but also because DHEA - S acts similarly to testosterone with respect to the skin and stimulates oil production.
The female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are hit particularly hard by these starvation signals, which is unfortunate, because estrogen is one of the most powerful molecules for healthy skin.
Also, because estrogen is so high during pregnancy, you should avoid holding stretch positions for long periods of time as well as working out so hard that your body temperature rises too high.
Unfortunately, this isn't caught through blood testing because estrogen tends to accumulate in the tissue, not in the blood.
Because estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum - based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer.
Night Sweats and Hot Flashes — Because estrogen levels are all out of whack during menopause, it's not uncommon for women to experience night sweats, and hot flashes.
This is because estrogen, the hormone of menstrual cycles and pregnancies, is also the master of metabolic homeostasis.
Because estrogen suppresses LDL levels, women who reach menopause may notice a surge of bad cholesterol, says Denise Janosik, MD, a cardiologist and professor of internal medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
Because estrogen may be linked to bone density, a woman who isn't having a regular period may not be benefiting from the hormone's protective effects on bone health, Dr. Adimoolam explains.
The results are worrisome, the team notes, because estrogen - like pollutants could disrupt normal mating activities if they induced males to smell like females in the wild.
«Just think about how women are more prone to suffer from osteoporosis when they reach menopause because their estrogen levels drop,» said Ferron, director of the IRCM's Integrative and Molecular Physiology Research Unit.
• Previous research by Zak and his colleagues suggests that because estrogen increases the number of oxytocin receptors, in countries where people consume larger amounts of plant - based estrogens (found in foods such as nuts, soy products, and legumes), average trust levels are higher.
Because this estrogen - driven pathway would be much weaker in males, the work may both explain the heart disease gender gap and suggest that women who use COX - 2 inhibitors may be at higher risk for atherosclerosis than men, says FitzGerald.
Expecting moms might have more heartburn because estrogen causes the esophageal sphincter to relax.
Estrogen - based birth control isn't recommended for nursing moms because estrogen may affect breast milk.
It's usually suggested that you wait four to six weeks after delivery to start using any birth control methods that contain estrogen (like some birth control pills, the ring, and the patch) because estrogen can increase the risk of blood clots during the early postpartum period.
Pregnancy (while normally a normal process) actually poses much greater risk to the average woman's health than any birth control pill because estrogen and progesterone levels are MUCH higher during pregnancy than when any woman is on BC.
These methods are not recommended for nursing moms until their milk is well - established because estrogen may reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk.
Your breasts grow during pregnancy because estrogen and progesterone are adding fatty tissue to your boobs and increasing the blood flow to get ready to produce milk, notes What to Expect.
My husband who is a Ph.D. chemical engineer says that the estrogenic compounds in plastics leach out through liquid contact because the estrogens are soluble in water.
Because estrogens have mostly been studied in gonadectomized females, effects of chronic exposure to environmental estrogens in the general population are underestimated.
Most of these drugs were developed to help combat breast cancer because estrogens can be carcinogenic in female breast tissue, and the science here is clear:
Doctors who believe prostate cancer depends on exposure to male reproductive hormones recommend soy because its estrogens perturb natural hormone concentrations and ratios.

Not exact matches

If they kill gays, they should also kill people with blue eyes and other genetic traits... and highly fertile women, because their excess of estrogen tends to produce gay men
Also should not consume GFM because I take a blood thinner and estrogen.
Eating adequate fiber is also crucial because it regulates blood sugar which helps balance your hormones and eliminate excess estrogens and toxins.
Not a fan of tofu because of the estrogen but pistachios are awesome.
Most men should avoid it because it contains isoflavones and phytoestrogens that share similarities with estrogen.
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