Sentences with phrase «because everything on the display»

Delivering great color with high Absolute Color Accuracy is incredibly difficult because everything on the display has to be done just right.
Producing high Absolute Color Accuracy is incredibly difficult because everything on the display has to be done just right.
Producing high Absolute Color Accuracy is incredibly difficult because everything on the display has to be done just right.

Not exact matches

Last night was a disgusting display and Ill tell you why I think this, Since the Swansea game last week its become highly apparent that for teams who are looking to get a point OR beat us the tactic is simple, park the bus and then get us on the break, Last night our team SHOULD have been steamrollering to try and achieve 2nd spot, but the fight has gone because they knew a point would suffice, the season ai nt over until the last game and whilst 2nd spot means nothing with regards to trophies it means everything with regards to pride and bragging rights for the fans.
That unique mindset grounds everything: because we're focused on the basic challenges of day - to - day existence, our brains don't question that this is all taking place on an alien planet; the stunning scarlet landscapes (shot with unfussy style by Ridley Scott) are second to the mathematical athletics on display; the prospect of space travel is nothing compared to the mind - bending number of disco tunes in the possession of Chastain's guilt - ridden leader — if there's one thing Blade Runner's missing, it's Abba.
And to be honest, the best way to get the most enjoyment out of it is to wind the mannetino all the way to the right and turn everything off, because only then can you revel in the pure balance the 812 displays on the throttle.
Apple has made displays their most prominent marketing feature because it determines the quality of the visual experience for everything on a smartphone or tablet — including...
On the flip side, cutting corners, costs and quality for the display is a serious mistake because it results in sub-standard image and picture quality for everything that runs on the tablet — we have one example herOn the flip side, cutting corners, costs and quality for the display is a serious mistake because it results in sub-standard image and picture quality for everything that runs on the tablet — we have one example heron the tablet — we have one example here.
Cutting corners, costs and quality for the display is a serious mistake because it results in sub-standard image and picture quality for everything that runs on the Tablet.
While these Tablets have very different price points, features, and screen sizes, it is still useful to compare the quality and performance of their displays because the display enhances or degrades the appearance of everything that runs on the Tablet.
In this very hot ultra-competitive category an outstanding display is the single best way for manufacturers to make their Tablets stand out from the competition because the display enhances or degrades the appearance of everything that runs on the Tablet.
Apple has made displays their most prominent marketing feature because they determine the quality of the visual experience for everything on a Tablet or Smartphone — including Apps, web content, photos, videos, and its camera.
There's a military adage that no plan survives first contact and Phantom Pain displays this every time you spend 15 minutes scouting the perimeter, planning a perfect ingress / egress from a heavily fortified compound, then creep in, start popping headshots on unsuspecting guards and have the whole thing go to shit so you switch to shock and awe as you dash to and from your objective, ducking in and out of buildings, laying down cover fire, and make a safe zone to extract your target before calling in a helicopter strike to reduce everything in the area to a smoking crater before walking out of the ashes and flying off to your next objective all because stupid Quiet didn't notice one target on her scouting run.
Besides showing off all my pretty (mostly inherited or collected at garage sales) dishes, it's so much easier for guests to help in the kitchen now because everything is on display and easy to locate.
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