Sentences with phrase «because excess body»

Because excess body fat is associated with the development of life - threatening chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer (2,3), viable and sustainable solutions for sustainable weight loss and prevention of weight gain are urgently needed.
In fact, if you're over 15 % body fat, you're likely suffering from elevated estrogen levels because excess body fat increases your estrogen levels, which decreases your testosterone levels.

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Humans can't drink large amounts of salt water because ironically in order to keep the delicate balance of salt and water in our bodies, the body will try to excrete the excess salt — through urine, and the result is dehydration.
Most of the time, your body is producing excess cholesterol because of inflammation.
Just because good carbs are good for the body does not mean that people should ingest them in excess.
The cancer experts at AICR noted that because carrying excess body fat is linked to increased risk for seven different cancers, breastfeeding affords protection to both mother and child.
In fact, breastfeeding makes it easier to lose the excess weight because your body uses the stored energy in fat to make milk.
Because breastfeeding helped him poop and more more, it also allowed his body get rid of the excess bilirubin in his system.
And, keep in mind that you do not want to use fennel is excess because too much fennel is believed to dry up the body and decrease the breast milk supply.
This occurs because a woman's body will produce excess hormones when implantation takes effect.
Because babies» kidneys aren't yet mature, giving them too much water causes their bodies to release sodium along with excess water, Anders said.
Pumping to take out the excess milk will only increase demand because it is telling the body the baby needs more milk.
In some people, sodium increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, creating an added burden to your heart.
Because water follows salt, when levels of this hormone increase your body responds by getting rid of excess water and your blood pressure decreases.
Low - power wireless devices are important to the CSNE's development of brain - computer interfaces because of the need to protect brain and body tissues from excess heat.
This is because if you put more or less material than needed in your body, it will take some and leave the excess, which means you're wasting food, or if you put in less than it needs, it will utilize it perfectly and get the rest from your fat stores.
Female bodies are designed to store a large part of the excess fat in this area because this mechanism helped our ancestors survive and nourish their offspring during difficult times when food was scarce.
As a result, come fatigue, sleepiness, migraines, and weight gain because the body stores excess calories as body fat.
Higher quantities of carbohydrates after the workout have less chance of being stored as excess fat, simply because depleted glycogen has to be stored first while fat storage is a secondary objective of your body.
Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (unlike C and B vitamins, which are not stored in tissues long - term) it will remain in the body for long periods of time if given in excess.
Now, because the rest of the time you'll have avoided carbohydrates, your blood sugar will remain low, so that means that once the nutrients from the carbs have been transported into the muscles, that's it, there won't be any left, so the body won't be able to store any excess as body fat for a later date, which is ordinarily what it would do if we'd consumed carbs throughout the day.
These medicines are not recommended for a phlegm - producing cough because coughing is the body's way of expelling excess mucus.
Because many health issues — from estrogen - based cancers to infertility — stem from excess estrogen in our bodies, clary oil is especially great for balancing hormones in women, (goodbye, PMS cramps!).
I realized that the last 40 excess pounds that my body was holding onto was because it was a storehouse for accumulated toxins.
Because some excess testosterone undergoes conversion into estrogen, crucial for maintaining bone density, it is vital to have enough testosterone in the body to support these functions.
F. Eating excess refined carbohydrates and sugar can lead to nutrient deficiencies because excess consumption of these can pull nutrients out of the bones and the rest of the body.
In the body, when you have an adrenal system that's out of balance because of stress as we talked about earlier, whether it is because a person is involved in excess exercise, very stressful schoolwork, a stressful career advancement, or even relationship difficulty, the adrenal glands will kick into overdrive, resulting in an increased level of estrogen circulating in the body.
Hi Dr Fung, You finish the article by saying that the glucose can be burned off by «fasting;» doesn't exercise also burn off excess glucose, and wouldn't high intensity exercise be the most effective because the harder one exercises the greater the proportion of glucose, as opposed to fat, the body burns because glucose is the body's quick access form of energy?
When you are carrying excess body fat you can eat less for longer because your body has plenty of fat to burn as a fuel to «fill in» your calorie deficit.
You won't have to inject insulin like it's going out of style because your body will be working more efficiently to burn up the excess glucose circulating in your blood stream.
I gained a lot of excess body fat, but I don't regret it because it took place at an important stage in my lifting career.
Done repeatedly, I've put all the excessive spoonfuls of honey onto my midline because my brain had gone numb to the excess (technical term is leptin resistance, which is the inability for your body to send the «you're done» signal to the brain).
This is because your body will require large amounts of complex fats to burn in - order - to reap benefits from excess ketones.
Exercise is an important part of healthy weight loss because it helps to burn excess calories and produce muscles that cause your body to use more calories.
However, because glucose storage in the body is very limited, when added glucose isn't needed to replenish normalized glucose levels, the body stores the the excess supply in the body as fat.
If the intake of iron surpasses the required amount for the cell oxygenation, excess iron can create a buildup in your body that may cause serious health problems because iron may speed oxidation and the formation of free radicals that damage your cells.
With leptin resistance, your food intake may be in excess because your body is literally signalling you to continue eating
Decrease Salt Consumption: In some people, sodium increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, placing an added burden on the heart.
B5 can be taken in high amounts because it is a water soluble vitamin meaning any excess that the body does not use will be safely excreted through the urine.
Because dietary protein in the body is converted to greater quantities of glucose than ketones, you do not want to consume excess protein after a few weeks into the diet or your body will have more glucose than you are intending, thus not allowing your body to produce energy through ketosis.
«Many naturopathic doctors use dry brushing to help with bloating because massaging the lymph nodes helps the body shed excess water and toxins.»
One thing is clear, my body is not functioning properly, whether it's because a high spikes in insulin, IGF - 1, or estrogen / testosterone balance, it all points back to the liver and metabolizing the androgens and my skins ability to handle excess sebum production / clogged pores.
Sodium Bicarbonate can rapidly Alkalize your body far more effectively than diet, but it can't be continued long term because of the excess sodium.
If a balance between vitamin D and vitamin A is needed because the vitamin D - VDR complexes and vitamin A-RXR complexes have to be in proper proportion, then the body may respond to an excess of vitamin A and a deficit of vitamin D by upregulating VDR expression and downregulating RXR expression.
Because if you don't, your body won't open up your adipose cells and let that excess energy pour out.
So it helps to boost immunity, balance pH levels, balance healthy gut flora and gut bacteria levels, lower excess cholesterol, stimulate your liver, your colon to remove excess waste and toxicity and it also a very important job that it has is to increase absorption of nutrients and nutrition and food within the intestines because your intestinal walls are what absorb that nutrition and what actually utilize that within your body.
Whether that's because you eat lots of food, drink sugary drinks or are just really inactive, your body stores excess energy as fat or «adipose tissue» because of energy balance.
This is because the adaptation process can be someone stress - inducing to the body and excess stress may actually prevent you from being able to get into ketosis.
This is because, when consumed in excess, amino acids will be converted into glucose which the body burns for energy instead of dietary fats (5).
My recipes are wheat and mostly grain free because starchy carbohydrates — even ones that are not technically classified as sugars — are still converted to glucose in the body, promoting the need for excess insulin production.
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