Sentences with phrase «because hate»

I've also never been to a festival before because I hate camping, especially all the dirt there is.
They seem to be popping up on the feet of every fashionable fashion blogger and street style maven out there (which to be completely honest, is my one reason to not buy these sandals because I hate partaking in fads that seem to be everywhere or on everyone — but then again...
Not that much though because I hate being cold and love open toed shoes and shorts even more.
I don't go to the gym because I hate my body, I go because I love how I look, and I want to continue to make improvements: get stronger, have more stamina, look better.
If you loathe dieting because you hate the idea of avoiding certain foods, then reducing * your portion size may be a better option for you.
I like that the portions are individually wrapped, though I probably won't use the steamer bags because I hate putting plastic in the microwave.
In fact, a favorite motto of mine is: «Train because you love your body, not because you hate your body.»
When I hear the word «spring», I always think of spring cleaning (which is really weird because I HATE cleaning)!
When I try to eat a LC diet I tend to limit my food intake naturally because I hate meat unless it's processed and I get very hungry all the time to the point where I cry because the hunger won't stop no matter how much or little I eat.
Katie's workouts help me so much, because I hate sitting in an office all day and dreading the gym after work.
So many people fail to start because they hate «exercise» and think it is too time consuming.
Here is what I am currently eating (I do not do as low - fat as Ray Peat does, I still do whole - fat dairy because I hate skim milk):
So that's a huge relief for me because I hate hospitals.
I say modified because I will still eat yogurt, almond and soy milk as well as a little feta cheese and none of these are allowed on a true Paleo menu (I say menu because I hate the word diet).
I was really hoping I could just cure myself because I HATE going to the doctor and HATE medicine, but I'm throwing in the towel and getting some antibiotics later today.
I'm doing «eat stop eat» mainly because I hate food restrictions..
The reason for this was because I hate counting calories and 16/8 is so easy, no breakfast and no late night nibbles, simple!
I really need to find a workout that I love because I hate working out so much that I rarely do it.
It has always been a goal of mine to increase the size of my arms because I hate the gap between my arm and shirt sleeve.
If your answer is «because I hate the gym», then there is your first problem.
It's impossible to be happy while hating your physical appearance, because hate and happiness can't coexist.
If you're tempted by fancy waters because you hate plain H2O, try this trick from Jessica Ganzer, a registered dietitian in Arlington, Va..
Mammals sleep because they hate themselves.
There is a strong chance that peers will block the plans because they hate them so much.
He reportedly called on Northerners not to vote for Nana Akufo - Addo and the NPP, because they hate people from the north, adding «they will use you and dump you.»
Just continue, may be you want NPP to sort you out because they hate JM,» adding, «John Mahama will win the primaries, win election 2020 and be sworn in 2021.
Because you hate your relations, even when they are competent enough to hold positions, you will not give it to them?»
(Note to politicians: Do not tell people what they are allowed to ask you, especially when making the point that terrorists want to kill us because they hate our freedom.)
Lavine, who is running for Nassau County executive, said the bill is necessary because hate crimes have spiked since the 2016 presidential campaign and the election of Republican Donald Trump.
A Ghanaian who only gave her name has Martha, spoke to team and made it known to us that, she will be voting against NPP because they hate northerners.
For rural affairs, I would definitely have someone from Norfolk because I hate the way politicians parachute some Kensington - inner - city - London - babe, who happens to own a pair of Hunters, into Downham Market or somewhere like that.
As a media outlet, we know it is our duty to inform the masses with accurate information and not misinform them because we hate a person or a particular group of people.
«We're doing it because we hate the Tories» is the simple explanation.
Soooooo where do you think septic goes??? Look into how a septic system works... I used disposables all of my almost 3 year olds life and I just had my second child and diapers for two children is extreamly costly so I switched to cloth diapers and I LOVE them not because Im eco friendly or because I hate disposables I still use them with my almost 3 yearold because she is going through potty training but just for the fact alone that it saves so much money and its not as hard to do as people think expecially with all the different types alot of the time you do nt have to even touch soiled diapers to launder them they have ones that the liners will come out in the wash and you do nt have to dunk them in the toilets if you have sprayers..
The remedy: Working parents don't leave the house for a full - time job because they hate their kids.
I'm a first time momma to be and honestly all those prizes sound amazing That belly bandit would be nice because I hate feeling my belly jiggle lol
Still another shared, «I got some orange juice with calcium because I hate milk, so I've been drinking that a lot lately, and every time I do, she starts kicking like crazy!
bethers21, I prefer the 4 S's just because I hate to listen to my child cry:) But if that didn't work, I would do CIO.
I got it for my 2 month old because I hate disposable diapers and this lets him be cute with out the hassle of blowouts and not having to wash out Ebf # 2 lol love it!
That was another huge selling point because I hate it when the stroller is taking up a lot of space in the foyer.
This is something that affects children more because they hate to feel like they have disappointed someone.
I am currently pregnant with our 3rd child and am seriously thiking of the cloth pads, just because i hate having to wear pads that are like stuff twin sized mattress.
Because they hate your happiness.
I have kept them because I think that maybe somewhere there is someone who could use them, and because I hate to waste anything, but I am planning to breastfeed and I'm not even considering formula feeding as an option.
I like when strollers have a bassinet option because I hate to see those tiny babies all cramped up in a car seat for hours.
If we know that tummy time is important for helping babies achieve early motor milestones, but our babies don't want to play on their tummies because they hate it, how do we get around that?
Because I hate packing.
I want to try these because I hate having to deal with a cord attached to my phone with earbuds.
Exercise because you LOVE and cherish your body, not because you hate it and / or want to change the look of it.
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