Sentences with phrase «because journalists like»

Scientific journals prize flashy, original papers (in part because journalists like me write about them).

Not exact matches

In much the same way that journalists like Chris Wallace have said they don't believe debate moderators should call out lies, because that would be equivalent to expressing an opinion, the Times and other newspapers have always believed that journalists should be rigorously balanced at all times.
Denton continued in the memo: «And yes, it's disturbing to live in a world in which a billionaire can bully journalists because he didn't like the coverage.»
And yes, it's a disturbing to live in a world in which a billionaire can bully journalists because he didn't like the coverage.
Without one, you'll find that either you spend the whole day answering questions about the story so that a journalist has enough details to write something interesting, or it just won't get picked up because it's too much like hard work for an already busy reporter.
The way you consider them, is like saying a certain team won the Superbowl because a journalist later described the gamei n a report and the game «obeyed the rules of this journalist
«There are whole areas where there is fighting that is forgotten because there is so much of it, whole areas which depend on the likes of James Foley and Steven Sotloff [the US journalists murdered after being kidnapped by Isis in Syria] to show some light on what is happening.»
I answered Zoll's questions by e-mail over a month ago, and just for the record (and because two can be journalists in a case like this), I reproduce those questions and answers in full here.
If you actually worked as a journalist for a reputable paper, you'd be fired in no time, because stuff like that is not allowed there.
When on the pitch, we knew he will make a difference... The defense feels secure, the attack as well feels free, and he actuallt start those attack... Xakha doesn't he just pass and run to get a pass, not going forward or making that pass that ma kes a difference or a goal... Useless, but great stats, like our 70 % possession and losing games, he is the leader of that no sense possession, passing, he does most of our passes, then runs to get it back to pass it, gets it back because he just passes and player is stock has to get it back to him... He will be a great journalist pulling stats..
I Like this young lady journalist said... Nobody questioned Wenger and nobody will, because they are all (all those motherf * ckers from the board and even those dumb ass * s shareholders) in it... They are making a mockery of the fans and there is no «care» towards them.
The one reason why the likes of Mourinho thrive is because of our journalists whose philosophy is to thrive on controversy, negativity, shallowness, sensationalism and lack of analysis.
Chuck Mindenhall is actually great and is a solid journalist imo, there's just not enough content from him, and seems like Luke tends to steamroll everyone too much on MMABeat to really hear his thoughts on there, he's kind of forced to piggyback on other's thoughts because of that.
Perhaps it is because the author is a journalist, not someone like me, whose business it is to offer practical advice to sports parents on how not to get, as I put it in Home Team Advantage, «sucked into the crazy vortex of competitive youth sports.»
(Press officers are sometimes reluctant to hand over the microphone at events like this because they want to stop journalists asking follow - up questions.)
We need to make sure that we are in control over the things that affects us.Anytime there is flood and people loose their life, most of the blame goes to sitting presidents.I am not saying that the central government does not have responsibility to ensure that enabling environment is created.They have a great work to do but as citizens what is our quota?When you move around Accra, sometimes i becomes angry within myself because i am in doubt as to whether our sanitation laws exit.People because of the tax they claim they pay waits for zoom lion workers to come and clean the choked gutters before our houses and shops either than that, it will remain like that.Is it modernity or civilization that has turned us to forget our traditional values or duties of ensuring that our environments is clean?Everybody in our Ghanaian setting knows the responsibility of men and women in making sure that our environments are clean not waiting for flood to occur and we start blaming sitting presidents.To the media, though your responsibility is to keep governments on it toes, you equally have a mandate in educating the public of what we are expected to do as citizens in other to ensure that our dear nation is a better ecosystem for all of us to live.The attention of the media should be shifted from making politicians popular to making us aware as citizens of our responsibilities.I sometimes get confused to hear journalists calling opponents to comment on issues concerning the sitting governments and the only thing that comes to my mind is what do the journalist want to hear from the political opponents?Nothing.They will end up criticizing without giving an alternative.The media should rather resort in questioning people directly to where the problems are coming from.Let us build our institutions.When it comes to energy issues.Citifm will call Hon.KT Hammond who was a deputy minister living who he worked under (His boss at that time) and I always become confused because what can we expect from him?nothing.
Musser: I think the scientific community and science journalist [s] bear a little bit of [the] responsibility for that perception among the public because we always talk about the LHC as recreating conditions not seen since the big bang, and you would therefore think if there hasn't been an energy level like that seen since the big bang, then all the phenomenon of the big bang might be unleashed upon us; these black holes, possibly being one, because people do talk about black holes having been created in the early universe.
We are not professional journalists and we all have full time careers, we run rugby united because we, like you, love the game!
The film's opening shows an inebriated Baker and her fellow press mates, partying hard to the tune of House of Pain's «Jump Around», because yes, even conflict journalists like to get a little wasted in the Middle East, while a vicious war surrounds them.
I briefly mentioned this story on Friday in the Weekly Wanderings post and now I want to elaborate on it a little because this lawsuit has huge implications for journalists, bloggers, and anyone who likes to leave anonymous comments.
It is sort of like EC claiming that the statement in Dear Author about Tina buying a house in the Los Angeles area was deframatory when a similar statement by another journalist was not, simply because the previous journalist wrote an article that the principals of EC considered favorable.
Not because you are someone who has no one to go on holidays with J — you are almost like a glamourous journalist!
@static5245 you don't need to download the patch for the PS4, when you buy the console you can plug all your stuff in and turn it on put a game in and start playing, you don't need the update whatsoever to play games... so no... clearly there was never DRM... I think guys like Adam Sessler are upset over something completely different and it has to do with them being able to record video for reviewing games, there seems to be an issue with that right now, either that, or only a select group of gaming journalists are being aloud into this Sony Preview event, naturally people are gonna be pissed because it gives every other journalist an edge over them making it harder for them to attain readers intern messing with their lively hood, but thats about it, and GT seems to be nothing but excited about the PS, teasing stuff for the VGA's it seems.
Its direct and to the point these journalists are just crying foul because they have to wait like everyone else.
No amount of previews where you journalists talk about how incredible and fun the games are because they have like seven Move controllers provided (which would cost us $ 280) for Joust or four DualShock 4 controllers (which would costs us $ 240) can do anything to convince me.
The problem here in the US is that journalists are afraid to counter deniers like McIntyre with the scorn that they deserve because most media outlets are owned by right wing corporations or depend on auto and gas advertising - or both.
I am sure that people paid as environmentalist journalists don't necessarily like to hear such things, because of their pockets, but it is true that the climate science should be getting roughly 10 times less attention in the media than what it is getting now if the rules about the complexity and space in the media were consistently followed.
McIntyre excels (like some journalists) because there's a large public demand for global warming denial, and there are those with basic rhetorical skills to meet such a demand.
However, like all top journalists, she will prove to be untouchable because she never makes an assertion without it being supported by the facts.
And I would also say to Gavin's response (re # 26) this: if you're going to respond to people like George Will, then be prepared to talk about politics because Will is political journalist and not a scientist.
It is really just thuggery by members of Congress who feel threatened, who don't feel comfortable with transparency, who simply don't like the notion of accountability, and use their authority to harass journalists and documentarians, simply because they can.
I say this as someone who was a working journalist for a while — it always struck me how wrong it was to be in the Society of Professional Journalists, because professionals are people who can accept or refuse jobs as they like, for whom peer review is the main control and for whom it has legal weight, etc..
Monica Bay: I completely agree with you, and the other thing that I keep thinking about is, this may be a turning point for the entire profession, because they are the ones who are stepping up like immediately and the dynamics between the president, that and journalists as well, because all of a sudden we're in a position where it's the lawyers that are standing up to help.
Like so many issues that burst into public consciousness, going to court without counsel is becoming an experience that many if not most Canadians can relate to either personally, or because (as every journalist who interviews me, every neighbor I meet in the grocery store, tells me) they know someone else who has been forced to represent themself in court.
@Gavin ward: The point about Twitter wasn't that any Twitter feed was for the benefit of journalists, but that this particular one was, because (like mine) it simply calls attention to the substantive post; better done, on a blog for professionals, using RSS.
Prognostications like that are a problem because financial journalists such as Michael Grynbaum of The New York Times, Les Christie of CNN, and Rex Nutting of CBS MarketWatch, as well as securities investors and analysts, call his index «the best gauge» of real estate values.
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