Sentences with phrase «because leaving a good impression»

Not exact matches

In hockey, as in music, hits succeed because of the impression they leave, which is why the impression on Gary Dornhoefer's chest is the best place to start the discussion.
And this question is one of the best speed dating questions because it will a) leave a nice impression in case he is a gamer (trust me, this makes them so happy), and b) help you find out in no time if the guy you're talking to is a gamer (and let's just reminder ourselves how cool it can be to date such a guy).
Nonetheless, The Disaster Artist remains a loving tribute to Wiseau's creation, because sneakily hidden in the perfectionism of its recreations is the earnest belief that sometimes bad movies can leave as lasting an impression as the good ones, if not more so.
Because Fault in Our Stars deals with heavier issues, it should leave a stronger impression on people than Boone's first outing as director; if handled well, the film could be a moving tear - jerker - if not, this one could easily feel cloying and / or manipulative.
This was certainly the impression left by critic Michael Wilmington's report on the National Society of Film Critics» voting, in which he bemoans his group's failure to elect a Best Production Design winner because, in his words, «[s] ome of my colleagues argue back that it's late, they're not sure how to judge it, and besides, why bother?».
Though she isn't in the film long, McAdams leaves such an indelible impression through her performance that it gives Southpaw the needed emotional resonance to give all of the rest of the scenes that play out a good deal of weight, as we root for Billy, not because we see him as sympathetic, but because she believed he was a good man underneath his thuggish tendencies.
If the campaign had some maps where you fight 5 skeletons at once for example (each weaker, but imposing because of their number) or a giant dragon enemy of some sort... it would have left a better lasting impression.
Preparing a good resume is a nasty task, because your resume leaves the first impression on the employer, especially if you are a Graphical User Interface (GUI) designer.
The layout of resume plays an important part in your application because such can leave either a good or a bad impression for you.
The closing is also vital, because there you can leave the reader with a positive impression of your qualifications and your willingness to go above and beyond to pursue the position.Remember the middle as well.
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