Sentences with phrase «because negative people»

Be cautious of one bad review online, because negative people can give a bad wrap to someone without good cause, but if there are several bad reviews, then move on.

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Complainers and negative people are bad news because they wallow in their problems and fail to focus on solutions.
The biggest single negative factor was too little sleep because young people stayed up late on social media.
That's because people often equate feedback, especially the negative kind, with confrontation.
In a review co-authored in 2011 by Yale psychologist June Gruber, researchers found that the pursuit of happiness can actually lead to negative outcomes — not because surrounding yourself with positive people, mastering a skill, smiling, getting therapy or practicing self - governance aren't conducive to happiness, in and of themselves, but because «when you're doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness.»
«People play the lottery because they want to become wealthy,» says McAlister, «but we know there's a negative rate of return on that.»
Negative feedback is a gift and huge opportunity because it means people still care enough to let you know, while a silent withdrawal is the worst thing that can happen.
Because of this, people who fall into a gender, racial, or ethnic group that is likely to experience negative bias have found that downplaying that association can help them sidestep discrimination, behavior known as «covering.»
Because people are inclined to insure against negative consequences, you can strike an emotional chord by detailing what could happen if a customer does not follow through with your latest recommendation.
When people aren't using basic collaboration tools like whiteboards because they're designed poorly, the negative impact on your business is obvious.
«I'll ask [potential hires] about something that hasn't gone so well in their life and then ask them what they've learned from it because the next thing I look for in people is curiosity,» he says, «I'm interested in people who take those negative experiences in their lives and are really curious about what happened and can talk intelligently about what they learned and what they might do differently.»
Many people have theories why Niantic made these changes — some think the game's three - step tracker had a negative impact on the «Pokémon GO» servers, so they shut down the feature until they could fix the problem — but most people are frustrated not just because this crucial feature was removed, but because Niantic hasn't given any kind of official explanation, and has done nothing to calm worried fans.
Fox explained that she thought her tattoo of Monroe brought negative energy into her life because «she was a negative person, she was disturbed, bipolar.»
Here's the kicker — almost nobody knows about it because most people focus on the negative.
The actual real estate market is much worse even than the present price statistics show, because many people are frozen in with negative equity.
I've discussed with quite a few people about the positives and negatives of organized religion & government and I've discovered that some people aren't going to see anything but their viewpoint because they refuse to....
... Because they've got this thing where they want the masses — people who've never heard my albums — to somehow read a headline that reads negative, and think that I'm a bad person or something.
Some people are writing to me personally because they are still afraid of being targeted, blackballed, or suffer negative consequences or backlash.
Though I do think that many alcoholics don't have direct control over their situation because of a chemical dependancy that is produced due to an individuals genetics, personality, and levels of dependency (which is not a negative thing per say, it's just that certain people do have genetic predispositions to addiction).
If we allow Blake's apocalyptic vision to stand witness to a radical Christian faith, there are at least seven points from within this perspective at which we can discern the uniqueness of Christianity: (1) a realization of the centrality of the fall and of the totality of fallenness throughout the cosmos; (2) the fall in this sense can not be known as a negative or finally illusory reality, for it is a process or movement that is absolutely real while yet being paradoxically identical with the process of redemption; and this because (3) faith, in its Christian expression, must finally know the cosmos as a kenotic and historical process of the Godhead's becoming incarnate in the concrete contingency of time and space; (4) insofar as this kenotic process becomes consummated in death, Christianity must celebrate death as the path to regeneration; (5) so likewise the ultimate salvation that will be effected by the triumph of the Kingdom of God can take place only through a final cosmic reversal; (6) nevertheless, the future Eschaton that is promised by Christianity is not a repetition of the primordial beginning, but is a new and final paradise in which God will have become all in all; and (7) faith, in this apocalyptic sense, knows that God's Kingdom is already dawning, that it is present in the words and person of Jesus, and that only Jesus is the «Universal Humanity,» the final coming together of God and man.
HG Wells How is the atheist position any more negative than the assertion that good people may still be tortured for eternity just because they didn't worship a particular god?
Judge NOT... As a Christian, I read the Quran after 9/11 because I couldn't believe the news that a Book of God could incite people in such a negative way.
I don't want to be sad so that after my life is over, people will jump to the conclusion that it was because of all my trials, my poor finances, my negative community experiences, my confrontations with other leaders, and my apparent lack of visible success.
It's great because people are kissing your a — nonstop, with no negative feedback.
As for the Atheists, I see why you'd probably get annoyed, but instead of making a negative billboard, make something positive like what atheists represent - because making a billboard like this is only going to get negative responses and people are going to continue to stereotype atheists as mean, ignorant people.
The only reason for someone to have to assert its desirability is because people (deliberately) confuse it with negative criticism — because they are in what Eckhart Tolle calls the «pain - body» i.e. the ego in which they think that there identity is created by all who they hate!
Now ask yourself why you assumed people are angry when you read that text because it will explain your negative outlook on life.
And because gossip alters people's internal perspective, spotting the negative things you've been told about someone is far more likely to happen, regardless of whether they actually exist.
People are turning away from Christianity because of negative disgusting people likPeople are turning away from Christianity because of negative disgusting people likpeople like you.
I started to self - harm my face because I had this deep - rooted belief I was not a good person, because I'd constantly received negative criticism.
I think that Atheists are greatly under - represented in polls because people don't want to self - identify as Atheists because there are negative societal pressures.
Thus, the creed was already alive to the objection so readily raised today to talk of God as father — namely, that many people do not have a positive conception of the word «father» because of negative experiences with their own fathers.
Because when it comes to negative habits, we all treat other people the way we treat ourselves.
It's always funny too because the anti-Christian posts consistently miss the point and are usually negative comments about people who aren't true disciples of Jesus in the first place.
People who post negative comments must be pretty bored / nasty because I would never dream of it!
I learnt from her not to be broken, be always cheerful with a positive attitude, always search for the light in your life, and be grateful for everything you receive from life — bad and good, positive or negative because from everything you can learn, and everything helps you to be a better person.
First, an absolute negative — I loathe it when people use those Spanish silvery boquerones instead of the traditional brown salted anchovies; they're utterly wrong because having something that tastes sharp and acidic in a Caesar salad is anathema to the dish, which should be creamy and crunchy.
Questions will be asked of Arsene again and if's funny because it's the first time that people actually demand something of him and his negative response is a sign for me where things are heading.
I'm pointing out that all this «sample size» and «it's early» and «stop being negative» talk is ignoring very real problems with this team because people don't want to believe that maybe, just maybe, the expectations were too high at the start of the season.
Because I didn't know if there was something wrong with you or if you were inviting what seemed like a pretty negative response to offering to fuck people up given how you looked.
It was odd because I hadn't really heard this in the past, but the more I ask around I found that people are actually avoiding the bench press a little more because of the negative effects they, or someone they know has experienced.
I know it's a negative comment but interested to see who people think are the weakest links in the team, For me I would say Wilshere & Arteta, For obvious reasons Mikel given he has very little if any physical presence to dominate the centre of the park and Jack purely because it seems our style just does not suite the lad..
You do not have to make a claim for people to believe you are not negative because what you say is enough to make that call.
It is not down to Arsenal just to buy a player... the selling club has to a) want to sell b) agree a price and c) ensure they have someone else to replace who they are selling Additionally because of FFP and Home - Grown rules it does nt make sense to buy all your players and then suddenly you could get 2 - 3 major injuries and have to buy someone else but then cant because you have no monies or might have to sell someone to be able to do so So many people saying negative things and that we should just go and buy and yet at the same time why spend so much on someone when we could have got somebody else!
I'm not defending his sulking but trust me if Gerrard, Suarez, Messi and Ronaldo were here they'll all be left frustrated.They will have to encourage the Arsenal players more than hundred times in one match.The big question remains if our players ever listen?I've seen many matches where Sanchez has urged and encourage our players to show more fight.He's done this a lot through his actions and words too.I'm remember when he came here and was tracking back, showing fight to win the ball and all that it made many of our players copy the same thing.We even confessed that Sanchez is having a positive impact in our team due to his efforts.Now becausehe wants to leavexpeople are speaking only about his negative side.I remember many people here saying they wouldn't bother and be angry if Sanchez wants to leave because our players show no fight.Didn't we say this here?Peopleare not giving him the credit he deserves.
Just because some people are negative they shouldn't support Arsenal?
The reason why arsenal have this negative history is because some people never saw a better arsenal.
«People don't quite understand what we do and provide us a negative stigma because they believe we are doing something not technical,» adds Fabrizio.
«When you look back after it settles down a bit, I think people will forget all the negative side of it because he has won so much for Arsenal Football Club.»
This makes me sad for all of the negative commenters, because your life must be so dull and empty you have to bully people on the internet.
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