Sentences with phrase «because nicotine»

Smokers can often tolerate more caffeine because nicotine is thought to stimulate the enzymes that break caffeine down.
Smokers are especially threatened because nicotine slows down your metabolic fat, so the organism has difficulties to get rid of the oxidized fat.
Some believe that chromium polynictotinate is superior to chromium picolinate because the nicotine in the former improves absorption and bioavailability of chromium.
(Indeed, e-cigs are considered «tobacco products» by government agencies because their nicotine comes from tobacco plants.)
Because nicotine is detectable in the dental plaque of contemporary smokers, Tushingham and her collaborators wanted to find out if it also preserved in plaque taken from people who lived long ago.
And because nicotine can linger on surfaces for weeks or months, this form of exposure might be even more persistent than firsthand or secondhand smoke, with the TSNAs being inhaled, ingested and dermally absorbed into the body.

Not exact matches

«Because almost 90 % of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18 and nearly 2,500 youth smoke their first cigarette every day in the U.S., lowering nicotine levels could decrease the likelihood that future generations become addicted to cigarettes and allow more currently addicted smokers to quit,» the agency wrote in a release.
«Because almost 90 % of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18 and nearly 2,500 youth smoke their first cigarette every day in the U.S., lowering nicotine levels could decrease the likelihood that future generations become addicted to cigarettes and allow more currently addicted smokers to quit,» the agency wrote.
I say unfortunately because my drug of choice, nicotine, will kill you.
Although spraying with dilute nicotine sulfate or diazanon solutions will kill them, it is not the best solution to the problem because the chemicals can burn the leaves and stems of the seedling, thus inhibiting growth.
In fact, cigarettes will contaminate your baby's environment even if you only smoke outside (because of the nicotine and other toxins that seep from your skin and your clothes).
Vaping is so effective because e-liquids come in various flavors and nicotine strengths, so you are able to reduce the nicotine strength and quit smoking gradually.
After they're breathing on their own (or even if they did from the start), these babies may have continuing breathing problems — because of delayed lung development or other adverse effects of nicotine.
This is because carbon monoxide, nicotine and other toxic chemicals from cigarettes cross the placenta and go directly into the baby's blood stream, so in reality, your baby smokes with you.
If you can't quit, breastfeeding still is best because the benefits of breast milk still outweigh the risks from nicotine.
This is primarily because of the presence of nicotine, and we all know that this substance is very bad for any human being; much more for a baby whose body is still developing quickly.
You can definitely have a baby while smoking — the major issue is that the baby will get less oxygen because of carbon monoxide and nicotine.
After they are breathing on their own, or even if they did from the start, these babies may have continuing breathing problems, because of delayed lung development or other adverse effects of nicotine.
«This is a demeaning slap in the face to them because this law says even if you are trying to transition off of regular cigarettes and lower the nicotine level gradually, which a lot of people do, you can't do that, so I do have some issues,» Tyner said.
«Nicotine is more harmful to the teenage brain because it is still developing,» says Campbell - Heider.
«We think this is because they're getting less nicotine from the e-cigs than they were getting from cigarettes.»
«In the case of kids, e-cigarettes are harmful all by themselves because of the effects of nicotine on children's brains,» says Brian King of the organisation's Office on Smoking and Health.
But because e-cig liquid also contains nicotine and emits carcinogens, is that perception really true?
«Because of the direct link between nicotine itself and inflammation, this study has important implications including that alternative forms of nicotine inhalation, such as vaping that lacks other chemicals from cigarette smoke, may nonetheless still have detrimental immunological effects.»
Worryingly, the risks of smoking are higher in women because they metabolise nicotine faster, especially those taking oral contraceptives.
«We are especially concerned because the survey shows that some of the teens using these devices are first - time nicotine users,» said Nora D. Volkow, M.D., director of NIDA.
Because the genes help produce nicotine's buzz, a team led by Robert Weiss, a geneticist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, wanted to determine if variations in their sequences influence whether people develop a stronger addiction to cigarettes.
«It could be that as your brain is maturing, you become less susceptible to the addictive effects of nicotine because the genetic component that is influencing the way nicotine interacts with these receptors may have less effect,» says Chris Amos, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, who wasn't involved in the study.
All kinds of nicotine use are unsafe for teenagers because it affects brain development, according to the 2014 Surgeon General's report.
Evaluation of pH levels, which were found to vary significantly among unwashed, washed and herbal products, is important, the authors note, because higher pH levels allow nicotine to be absorbed more easily and quickly into the bloodstream.
This is largely because while they don't produce harmful tar, they contain nicotine, which comes from tobacco and is addictive.
In a 2009 report to the FDA, Gardiner and a co-author indicated that this could be because menthol may increase nicotine absorption and has stimulating effects on the central nervous system.
I stopped because I was tired of messing with fruit all day long and ALSO because I had to deal with quitting nicotine.
This is because in the presence of nicotine, choline can only protect parts of the fetal brain from damage while actually worsening the damage done by nicotine in other parts.
Adolescent users should avoid nicotine because it hampers growth of the prefrontal cortex in those under 25 and use of the drug early on increases risk of cognitive impairment later in life.
Because there is an imbalance between the number of men and women in Russia (about 7 - 8 % women more than men, so a lot of Russian beauties don't want to be single and prefer foreign men), women from Russia prefer foreign men who don't have bad habits such as nicotine, drugs or alcohol addiction.
Gary Oldman got nicotine poisoning on the set of his upcoming movie «Darkest Hour» because he had to have a cigar all the time to portray British...
The once dominant views that nicotine is not addictive, or that sodium intake is universally detrimental to one's health, or that cholesterol buildup is the primary cause of heart disease have all been rebuffed, not for lack of powerful interests working on their behalf, but because a mountain of empirical evidence discredits them.
But other times, cancer can occur orally, because animals lick nicotine off an owner's hands or clothing!
Diagnosis of nicotine poisoning can be difficult if you do not know that your dog has ingested nicotine because the symptoms can mimic so many other diseases and disorders.
Remember, Hearltand has long gotten tobacco funding, i.e., from an idnustry that only exists because it remains able to get children addicted to nicotine while their brains are forming.
What if your life insurance nicotine test is skewed because of a family member or coworker?
If a nicotine test results in a positive, it's because that person is a recent tobacco user.
Quitting cold turkey right before a paramedical exam won't help at all because signs of nicotine stay in your blood for over a week and in your urine for almost a month — and the testing company is taking samples of at least one of those things, remember?
In the next few weeks the agency will announce whether it classifies them as tobacco products (because they attract new nicotine users), or smoking cessation products (because they wean a person from tobacco use).
A tobacco chewer can not take a urine test because the test result will be positive for nicotine.
This can be a problem for tobacco chewers, because there is no way to determine whether the nicotine has come from smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco.
Don't drink coffee or smoke beforehand Skip your morning cup of coffee and cigarette because the caffeine and nicotine may elevate your blood pressure readings which could put you in a higher price group.
However, because there is nicotine in these products, some life insurance companies will still classify you as a smoker even if you don't actually smoke anything.
Quote generators want to know if you smoke, but because of the addictive quality of the nicotine within cigarettes, you'll be asked if you have smoked within the past few years.
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