Sentences with phrase «because of hawking»

Some black - hole researchers got into the field because of Hawking himself.

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The first group of so - called debt hawks sees another Great Recession coming and wants national governments to focus on austerity programs aimed at deficit reduction because rising sovereign debts are behind our current economic woes.
That's something that candidates typically shy away from because they are afraid of losing the war hawk redneck vote.
I'd much rather spend my life believing, living my life as if there IS a heaven as a reward, having the comfort of thinking that God will be there when I draw my last breath, and being comforted with the thought as I watch the world go to hell in a hand - basket... and not be aware after death that I was wrong because, as Hawking says..
My scientific colleagues in Oxford and London are puzzled by Hawking's bold declarations about God, mainly because they are such speculative interpretations of what is already a very speculative theory.
Saying god exists does not make that so... of course the opposite is true as well... all the pundits here (and Hawking) who like to call things by descriptive names like «fairy tales» do so because they are desperate to be right in this matter... because no one can be proven right or wrong in this I choose to respect the faith that some have in Science as well as thos who have faith in God's existence.
God Allah has given the form of his being in the Quran at Sura 24:35 puzzle of which I challenge Mr.Stephen Hawking or NASA to decode it and if they did they would not declare it because Quran is a challenge to science and I am sure if this guy is intelligent enough through understanding the miracals of the Quran would be able to decode many miracles that could be found.
[17] Hawking, 46, notes that at the Big Bang moment «the density of the universe and the curvature of space - time would have been infinite,» yet «because mathematics can not really handle infinite numbers,... the general theory of relativity... itself breaks down.»
[14] S. Hawking, A Brief History of Time (Toronto: Bantam, 1988), 5, cites Newton's letter for a universe infinitely extended; the universe would not crunch together because infinity has no centre.
God is the creator, well hawking is saying that humman being are juste like some kind of computer and that there is no heaven because computers «dies».
Steven Hawking likens the brain to a computer, which in the strictest sense of the word is true, because like a computer it runs on electrical impulses and makes calculations 24/7.
Steven Hawking likens the brain to computer, which in the strictest sense of the word is true, because like a computer it runs on electrical impulses.
Read Absence of Black Holes means Stephen Hawking has finally accepted that there are serious problems with both Newton's perspective of Gravity & Einstein's General Theory of Relativity because both require Black Holes at the center of the galaxies.
I think by you praying for Mr. Hawking is more for your benefit than his — because he could care less about Jesus, or the interpretations that Man / people / humans made of flesh have made about him.
Rizal Mercado, Hawking has lived longer with this disease than should be physically possible, and in fact perhaps the reason why he went so far in the world of science rather than other interests was BECAUSE he had the disease.
God Allah has given the form of his being in the Quran at Sura 24:35 puzzle of which I challenge Mr.Stephen Hawking or NASA to decode it and if they did they would not declare it because Quran is a challenge to science and I am sure if this guy is intelligent enough through understanding the miracals of the Quran would be able to decode many miracles that could be found just as those found here:
The event horizon dwelt on by Hawking is - essentially - nothing... but then that is not an obstacle to belief for a lot of physicists because when something does come from nothing they admit that they have reached the limit of their understanding.
Since Mr Hawking is adamant that life happened because of gravity, then I would ask him to assemble the greatest scientist, himself included, and reproduce that occurrence within a laboratory setting.
Newton is one of the famous hawker centres — so named because in the past the cooks would «hawk» their food to customers.
Because coconut water, aloe water, maple water and cactus water are so passe, there were several companies at Fancy Foods hawking water made from the sap of birch trees.
In releasing his 2015 tax payments, Faso — who built a reputation in the state Assembly as a fiscal hawk because he cut spending and balanced budgets — wants residents to know that he understands the burden of property taxes and is committed to reform.
But that may be for naught, argued Robert Josman, who said he believed the rat problem stemmed from the city not putting out rat poison because of the recent stream of red - tailed hawk deaths attributed to the chemicals.
Because Stephen Hawking, after such an unexceptional beginning, is now one of the intellectual giants of our modern world — and among its most heroic figures.
That is because a black hole keeps producing pairs of entangled particles, which make up so - called Hawking radiation.
Hawking's work was a tremendous conceptual advance because it linked three previously disparate areas of physics: general relativity, quantum theory and thermodynamics.
Because of this effect, dubbed Hawking radiation, a black hole slowly evaporates, so that anything that enters is eventually released over billions or even trillions of years.
Birds may be avoiding habitats near noisy highways because they can't hear fellow birds» alarms that warn them of attacking hawks or owls.
The Private Side of Stephen Hawking — Despite being the most famous physicist in the world — and one of our Discover 50 award winners — Hawking rarely appears before the camera, in part because he is almost totally immobilized by ALS.
They intensified their follow - up observations of the system mainly because of a remarkable triple transit that they observed with the HAWK - I instrument on the VLT.
Stephen Hawking's declaration that philosophy is redundant, for instance, or that God is a superfluous notion, rankle because of the media attention they receive.
But, sadly, Stephen Hawking for Beginners by McEvoy and Oscar Zarate (Icon Books, pp 176, # 7.99 pbk) suffers because it seems to have been put together in a rush — perhaps to hit the bookshops alongside the paperback of Hawking's own A Brief History of Time.
At the launch of the Breakthrough initiative last year, Hawking said:» I am here today because I believe the Breakthrough initiatives are incredibly important.
Indeed, Christa Beckmann's work at Fogg Dam has shown that some of the local hawks benefit from toad invasion, because they can scavenge dead toads off the roads.
This soldier died a hero, a fact that's been inconvenient to Dar Adal (F. Murray Abraham) and his cabal of war hawks, because it's given President - elect Elizabeth Keane (Elizabeth Marvel) a righteous, audience - pleasing «gold - star mother» narrative in the media.
She manages to convince a higher up at QVC (Bradley Cooper, because of course Bradley Cooper is in this) to give her a shot at hawking the product on the air.
Pro-school choice lawmakers adopted these charter - like requirements because some of us accountability hawks and advocacy groups like Howard Fuller's Black Alliance for Educational Options and, yes, Betsy DeVos's American Federation for Children pushed for them.,
No hawking of my wares because, simply, I don't have any But when I publish my first novel in November (fingers crossed) I'll be able to poke some mega bloggers on GR with whom I've connected and talked and maybe get them to review.
The other men in the barbershop look important and full of swagger because of their hair, and the barber knows what he's doing and doles out shape - ups and a faux hawk with skill.
There are a few, but they tend to be those hawking around a few printed copies and limiting themselves because of it.
Indeed, the real problem with actively managed mutual funds is not their investment strategy: it's that they're hawked by commissioned salespeople who are in an inherent conflict of interest because of this fee structure.
We really do need to distinguish between ferals and stray cats, because I think one could argue that ferals are as much a part of our wildlife as raccoon or hawks.
Often confused for an eagle because of its size, the Ferruginous Hawk is the largest North American buteo, the genus of hawks that includes Red - tailed Hawks, Red - shouldered Hawks, and Broad - winged Hawks.
Partly because it was a new example of the sort of crossover gaming that Hollywood wannabes tried to hawk onto unsuspecting... Read more
This echoes the common comparisons «climate hawks» make between clean energy and marriage equality in the United States, the latter of which was actually successful precisely because it did not require a rapid, global transformation of all global infrastructure, investment patterns, and consumption.
2) Question: The guy in the cell next to me says he is doing prison time because he spray - painted the wings of hawks to trick bird - watchers into believing they had discovered a new species of bird.
I thought I might «sing» at you instead of hawking wares, sing songs on the theme of hard economic times, because for all of our great wealth, indeed luxury, there are still... [more]
In particular, the C.R.C. plays down its FR ties, and plays up its «women» ties, e.g. hawking joint custody supporter, Karen DeCrow (childless second wife) and FRster Warren Farrell because that permits repeated mention of these individuals now dubious ties to «N.O.W.» to cast the impression that the C.R.C. is a group comprising mothers and sanctioned by feminists!
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