Sentences with phrase «because of a cancer diagnosis»

I want to try Armour, but my endocrinologists refuse because of the cancer diagnosis.
The missing toes were amputated because of a cancer diagnosis in a toe on each of his front feet.

Not exact matches

Because it makes up more than 13 % of all new cancers and nearly 27 % of all cancer deaths in the U.S. Just 17.7 % of diagnosed patients are still alive five years out from their diagnosis.
Because of this, all firefighters should be treated equally and receive equal benefits in the event of a cancer diagnosis.
This is the diagnosis of cancers that never would have become clinically evident during a woman's lifetime, either because the cancer never grew or because the patient died first of another cause.
«The increased death rate is cause for concern, because the prognosis for this tumour is bleak, with less than five percent of pancreatic cancer patients surviving for five years after diagnosis.
Because ovarian cancer is relatively rare, occurring in approximately one out of every 2,500 women, a test with only 99 percent specificity would result in false - positive diagnoses for 25 women, leading to unnecessary and risky surgeries and procedures.
The researchers selected 69 as the lower age limit because Medicare coverage of the general population begins at age 65, and the exposure of interest was regular mammography screening in the four years immediately preceding breast cancer diagnosis.
Unfortunately, approximately 85 percent of cancer patients are ineligible for surgery at the time of diagnosis, either because the tumor is entwined in critical vasculature or the disease has progressed too far.
This is the result of increases in cancer diagnoses driven by the aging and growth of the population, as well as the fact that people are living longer with cancer because of earlier cancer detection and more effective treatments.
This may be because, at the referral center studied, there is a dedicated program that provides support and counselling, focusing mostly on breast cancer patients within the first year of cancer diagnosis.
«This would be because the stool is liquid on the right, the lumen is wider and therefore takes a longer period of time for the mass to obstruct or cause symptomatology that leads to the diagnosis of colon cancer,» Venook noted.
Early diagnosis of bladder cancer is important because detected later has worse prognosis.Diagnosis...
TUESDAY, Feb. 2, 2010 ( The first few months after a prostate cancer diagnosis may be an especially perilous time for men, but not because of the cancer, new research suggests.
A diagnosis of cervical dysplasia (CD) can be scary because of the association between CD and cervical cancer.
Because of my father's diagnosis, I studied to become a Certified Professional Cancer Coach.
Because D'Apolito had books and books of Gilda Radner's memories of college; why she started out on comedy; her thoughts on dating while also being a famous person on SNL; meeting Gene Wilder; and, sadly, her diagnosis with ovarian cancer that would end her life.
«Detection of early - stage cancers is the real holy grail in bowel cancer diagnosis because surgery can cure up to 90 % of patients who present with early - stage disease,» Trevor Lockett, a bowel cancer researcher with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia, told Bloomberg News.
Because of Tigre's early diagnosis, she is cancer - free today.
With certain types of cancers, such as lymphoma, the first line of therapy is chemotherapy because the disease has a high chance of being present systemically at the time of diagnosis.
My second cat lived until she was 15 1/2 and was euthanized because of cancer in the abdominal region (we weren't sure exactly of what because she wasn't in good enough shape for even a biopsy and she went downhill quickly after the diagnosis).
Because the diagnosis of asthma in cats is a rule - out process, your vet might also run tests to be sure that heart failure, chest cancer, or even a foreign object lodged in the pets windpipe are not the cause of its breathing difficulties.
The study also combined the incidence of dogs diagnosed with at least one of the cancers (LSA, HSA, MCT) for one data point, after controlling for multiple diagnoses, because for dog owners avoidance of any of the cancers would be important.
My cat Lizzie lived an additional 2 years after her cancer diagnosis because of her miracle doctors and the financial support we received from Trupanion.
Because these clinical signs are similar to those associated with other serious liver disorders — such as liver cancer, feline infectious peritonitis and hepatic lipidosis — a variety of elaborate diagnostic tests may be needed in order to reach a definitive diagnosis of cholangeohepatitis.
Confirming the Mesothelioma Diagnosis Often mesothelioma is difficult to detect because its symptoms resemble those of other diseases such as lung cancer.
The diagnosis of asbestos - related cancer continues to rise in men and women and this area of the country has a particularly high occurrence of the disease because of the nature of businesses using asbestos back in the 1950s and 1960s.
They think that just because they have a health insurance or disability plan, they will be sufficiently covered in the case of a sudden or serious health problem such as a heart attack, stroke, or cancer diagnosis.
Black women should be the focus of breast cancer screening outreach and follow - up because they experience greater delays in diagnosis and in treatment than white women, regardless of insurance status.
Unknowingly you may be sitting on a health landmine because diagnosis of cancer in later stages is completely ineffectual and heart disease may translate into instant death.
In an extremely sad case, and yet another shining example of why collaborative law is such a promising tool for resolving family law conflicts, Alaina Giordano has lost custody of her two children because of a terminal breast cancer diagnosis.
If a mental health professional makes the WRONG diagnosis as a consequence of the personal discomfort of this mental health professional with the correct diagnosis, it would be analogous to a medical doctor making an incorrect diagnosis of cancer as instead representing high blood pressure because the physician was personally uncomfortable with the seriousness of the cancer diagnosis.
Four additional couples did not return for the second admission because of scheduling or medical problems (eg, a cancer diagnosis) and thus could not be included in these analyses.
For the Holy Spirit Who reminds us of all that Jesus said and taught... good thing He does because I continue to learn MANY lessons through cancer diagnoses
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