Sentences with phrase «because of brainwashing»

What's more, while Barnes» memory is returning during the movie, he recognizes he's still a liability because of his brainwashing.
The significance of this basis is generally missed because of the brainwashing we receive from the national state institutions, and because of the slowness of the development (until the last few decades when the pace of development accelerated rapidly).

Not exact matches

I don't know if it's because I've been brainwashed, but now I'm convinced that they have the capability and will to do a lot of damage to the Korean Society.
The only reason the majority of people believe in a god is because they were brainwashed by their parents into believing such fairy tales.
And because others have also been brainwashed into beleiving another version of said imaginary story... We must HATE and KILL them...
The fact that we tend to leave # 4 off the list is yet more evidence of Churchian brainwashing: we avoid it because we don't have a clue how to do it without becoming like the abusers that we should already be in the process of eliminating.
Just because a lot of people are brainwashed at a young age to believe there are gods, but are told when they run out of teeth to trade that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist, doesn't mean gods are more likely to exist.
I don't want the next generation of doctors and scientists to not know how basic immunology really works because they have been brainwashed into beliefs over scientific experimentation and theory.
Yet we continue in the enjoyment of our everyday lives, brainwashed and happy because we don't care if we are enslaved by taxes and bills as long as we have our pretty homes, our many possessions and our nice cars.
You would think they are born g a y, don't get me wrong some are yes, but others are put and brainwashed into this lifestyle and because of their youth and innocence they don't know better.
He came to power — significantly — because tens of millions of religion - brainwashed Americans voted for the religious and psychologically dysfunctional man.
The similarity ends with the way of phrasing it however, because I «believe» in evidence, not in something like «faith» (or «brainwashing» I would say) for which there is no evidence, and in fact there is MUCH EVIDENCE to conclude «faith» is a form of mental illness.
Go therefore and preach the truth to all nations, reiterating as you go among the lost, bred, born and brainwashed souls of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism as Rational Thinking makes its triumphant return all because of you!!!!
And Christianity is considered «poor science» among the so called scientists that have been brainwashed into their line of thinking, but it it these scientists that are poor scientists, because there is no proof of their evolution, yet they talk like it has been done.
Not because I am brainwashed or because of having been raised of this faith.
Because young people have access to alot of information via the internet these days and can not be brainwashed as they were in the past.
Go therefore and preach the truth to all nations, reiterating as you go amongst the lost, bred, born and brainwashed souls of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism as Rational Thinking makes its triumphant return all because of you!!!!
AH the evil has been your religion, it has a proven history of intolerance and discrimination, our children will be better people because they won't be brainwashed like you.
Go therefore and preach the truth to all nations, reiterating as you go amongst the lost, bred, born and brainwashed souls of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism as Reality makes its triumphant return all because of you!!!!
Just because the Irealites won the War and either killed all opposers or brainwashed everyone into believing that the genocide of the Amalekites was morally good, it is still morally evil.
People are firm believers, because most of you were brainwashed as children.
Media brainwashing has corrupted a whole generation of young people against the church, because of the media's left stance vs the church being more conservative — they'll see the truth, but hopefully not too late..
Is that why you believe this fairy tale, because you are afraid of the hell that they have brainwashed you with?
Despite the fact that everyone, at some level, knows this, the point needs to be argued because we are all also partly brainwashed by a theory that suggests that global capitalism strongly supports the overall well being of humanity.
If you can find a clip of a camp like this where atheists are brainwashing their kids in like manner, I'll re-label myself an agnostic just to dissociate myself, because then you might have a case for atheist «cult - hood», although it would not demonstrate the existence of any gods.
Christians are just hostile towards it because, for whatever reason, they've been brainwashed into believing their religion is the right one in spite of «knowing» all the rest are hooie, and don't like their fable being lumped into the same catagory.
This country sucks because of it's brainwashed, party supporting citizens.
Another 30 % of the american population list themselves as christians just because they like being in the social club and don't want their loving christian friends and family alienating them even though they have realized over the years that all this garbage they were brainwashed with as children is really quite laughable.
Way to brainwash the public into believing Atheist is bad because you will be unhappy because 5 people claiming to be Atheist say so out of 5 million just in the USA.
I think the only reason why a majority of people believe the religious nonsense if because they have been brainwashed since birth to believe this crap.
If you'd been born in India, you'd be trying to make an argument for the Hindu pantheon instead because you'd have been brainwashed from birth to believe in THAT mythology instead of the Christian mythology.
You'll find every way to worm out of an answer because any answer will just show you for what you are, an ignorant person unwilling to educate yourself and accept that while a god could potentially exist, it wouldn't be from a man made religion, you have been brainwashed your whole life, and would be terrified to accept this.
But I also don't believe that I've ever fallen into the trap of group psychology (even in the liberal sense — people really need to read up on their Freud and Lacan these days, because the term is so often misused), nor have I ever felt brainwashed.
Socialism is not the only way to address the concerns she expresses it, but you can't see that because you've been brainwashed to think anything short of social Darwinism is socialism.
Everyone I've ever met who saw the movie was traumatized by it and I guess the imagery was really graphic and deliberately overblown to get the maximum brainwashing impact on the schizoid brains of the viewers, because that's how they described it to me and I've seen after - effects especially in children.
The question of why existence instead of nothingness is fine, but there's no automatic answers just because most people have been brainwashed into the religion / god of their culture.
These are the people who understand evolution but also jump through hoops of rationalization because their childhood brainwashing is so deeply engrained.
Why should I respect Wegner because of what he did in the past?Yes agree but now is now so please someone explain to me why I need to defend him when he treats us like brainwashed idiots.
The new manager also has a huge job on his hands, because he'll be inheriting a mess of a club, and a squad of players who have been brainwashed into thinking that their performances have been more than acceptable.
Sure Arsenal aren't poor, it was proven with the money spent this summer, can we really say we didn't spend enough because # 40m is a lot of money but the media, pundits and fans alike have been brainwashed into comparing money spent against teams like City, which is incomparable.
and yes after 50 we are ambivalent to the brainwashing that happiness comes in the form of a male or a soulmate... to the superficial men who claim they settled because a woman has more curves than they prefer...... I assure you it is s h e who settled and you do nt deserve a mother Goddess... what you need is a blow up doll or an escort service to fulfill your fantasy woman ideals.
You were probably available because your real parents were: a) brainwashed, b) bullied, c) poor and offered no real assistance, d) drugged (single women have had their babies stolen by social workers while they were still medicated from childbirth), e) stolen some other way, f) some combination of the above, or g) all of the above.
It was because of that ludicrous documentary that I was forced to watch in college that I was actually brainwashed into thinking home births were superior.
Green, yellow, orange, pink, any other color will do... but I tend to reach for red, perhaps it's because I've brainwashed myself with the amount of coke zero cans I surround myself with.
The reason the U.S. is bankrupt today is in part because of the collusion between Washington and Hollywood in war glorification going all the way back to WW2 which brainwashed the public into giving the government it's power go to war, kill millions, and print hundreds of trillions of dollars to do it.
It reminds me of how a Native American friend says he grew up identifying with the cowboys and hating Indians because of how he'd been brainwashed by Westerns.
was a direct quote from paid internet poster of Nintendo during the Wii campaign designed to brainwash the fool into thinking that you must forget about nice looking graphics because Nintendo did not have that to offer.
Many shun curriculum because content choices are often culture - war battles writ small and because government - mandated curriculum smacks of totalitarian regimes and brainwashing of kids.
The life insurance industry has brainwashed everyone into believing that VUL (and annuities) will always beat everything else because of all of the wonderful tax advantages.
Again, if you think that's nuts because of all of the taxes you'd pay on dividends and capital gains, then losing the tax deductions on contributions - then you've just been brainwashed by the usual ancient financial services industry hype, and haven't done your math homework yet.
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