Sentences with phrase «because of drunk driving»

Too many teenagers are continuously injured or killed because of drunk driving.
When you are arrested because of drunk driving, there are two ways your insurer will deal with you.
As an auto accident attorney, David Christensen has seen far too many people suffer because of a drunk driving accident.
If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or wrongful death because of a drunk driving accident, our Tampa Bay Pedestrian Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton will fight for your rights and aggressively pursue the damages you deserve.
«Too many lives are still being cut far too short because of drunk driving.
In 2014, 9,967 people were killed because of drunk driving, and more than 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Not exact matches

In reality, though, it's hard to know just what the real effect of Uber on drunk driving has been because, for all the company's claims on the matter, the available data remains a bit scant.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
This is the equivalent of saying drinking and driving is not bad because some people manage to make it to their house without killing anyone in the process.
A friend of mine got in a car accident because of sleep dep — it was minor luckily, no one hurt, but I have heard that driving while sleep deprived is pretty close to driving drunk.
This is akin to suggesting that because some parents drive drunk with their infants in their cars, unstrapped into car seats, and because some of these babies die in car accidents that nobody can drive with babies in their cars because obviously car transportation for infants is fatal.
Because they can't ethically subject youth to alcohol to study its effects, researchers use the developing brains of rats to understand the effects of «intermittent alcohol exposure» — the equivalent of drinking to a blood - alcohol level of.08 (the legal limit for driving while impaired) three or four nights a week.
The reason they choose this mode of transportation is because they do not want to be caught drinking and driving.
In the 1980s, Uncle Sam gave states incentives to raise it to 21 because of a concern about drunk driving.
Day 1: We start from Arequipa at 08:00 in our private transport, we pick you up at your hotel after 2 hours driving we visit the Vicuñas National Reservation of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, we stop some minutes at Patahuasi to appreciate the handicrafts of alpaca and to drink a «mate de coca» to avoid altitude sickness, because, the highest point on this road is 4,900 meters (more than 14,000 feet) at that altitude we can appreciate the view of all the volcanoes in line like Ubinas (smoking volcano) El Misti volcano, Chachani, Ampato (were they found Juanita mummy) Sabancaya (active volcano), Hualca Hualca and Mismi (at this mountain is located the source of the Amazon river) and also the magic «Apachetas» piles of stones or rocks set by locals and also by tourists like an offering to the «Apus» (spirits living inside the mountains and volcanoes).
Plan for a lot of time unless you are staying locally in Santiago because once you hike back to your car and drink that water you hopefully left there you may find yourself tired to drive back to San Jose or East Cape.
Smoking, drinking, obesity, bad driving, drugs, kids over using mobile phones, injuries from snowballs and conkers (a strange but fun, very British Autumn tradition) are condemned because they cost the NHS money, and of course, we all pay for everyone else's stupidity.
Jeez, if the government feels it needs to protect everyone from a snowstorm, how soon before we just shut down the roads at night because that's when most of drunk driving occurs?
If you are in need of a lawyer because you received a ticket for drunk driving, breath test refusal, or Drug DUI, we have the skill to properly defend you.
Motor vehicle accidents like car accidents and truck accidents are another major form of personal injury, so if you were injured in an accident because of a negligent driver, such as a drunk driving accident, then we can help you file a personal injury claim.
They (presumably) became aware of the matter because the doctor called the police, since she believe that you would drive drunk.
There always seems to be a couple people who get injured or die because of someone elses drunk driving problems.
When a collision is due to an error of judgment by a vehicle driver rather than the rider, it is usually because the driver was inattentive, did not see the motorcyclist, was distracted, drunk, affected by drugs, driving too fast or did not allow sufficient room between themselves and the rider.
Maine does not recognize the doctrine of negligence per se; someone is not automatically negligent because he or she drinks or drives.
Most of the time, the blame on drunk driving accidents are naturally put into the one who consumed alcohol because a drunk driver has less focus and concentration on the road and has a greater tendency to not notice other vehicles and are less wary of the traffic signs.
We take drunk driving accidents very seriously on behalf of our clients because not only did the drunk driver act in a way that caused serious harm to you, but the drunk driver also engaged in criminal activity that was in violation of the law.
It's even possible that if another vehicle hit you because of dangerous road conditions, the other driver could be partially to blame if he or she was negligent by driving distracted or drunk, thereby failing to properly react to the dangerous road conditions.
It is estimated that the average drunk driver has already driven drunk 80 times before their first DUI arrest, and we are here to seek justice on your behalf when you have suffered harm because of a drunk driver.
Moore argued that her conviction violated the spirit of the public intoxication statute, and the policy behind it, because she caused no harm or annoyance and «adhered to the popular public service motto «Don't drink and drive.»»
In developed nations like Canada and the United States, traffic fatalities have been declining since the 1960s because of seat belts and seat belt laws, air bags, better public education and enforcement regarding drinking and driving, and better vehicle design.
Because of all of these factors, punishments for a drunk driving accident in Indiana are very harsh.
If you have been in a car accident because of someone who was drinking and driving, you could be entitled to compensation.
Many times, these types of hit and run accidents involve drunk drivers who flee the scene of the accident so that they are not arrested for drunk driving or because they do not realize that they have been involved in an accident because they are so inebriated.
Because of the nature of drunk driving (the driver chose to drink and then put others at risk by driving), the state allows double or treble damages in drunk driving accident lawsuits.
These accidents are distressing to attorneys and to those in the community because there is never a need for a drunk driving crash to occur, meaning that the victims of these accidents should never have been hurt in the first place.
The jury acquitted the client because there was no bad driving pattern, no indications of impairment and «you don't have to be drunk to be a jerk.»
Because of this, our Macon drunk driving accident attorneys work tirelessly to hold drunk drivers accountable for their actions.
Tragically, for some, the new year will never come because of a fatal drunk driving crash.
If you have been severely injured or a family member has been killed because of a senseless drunk driving accident, you are not alone.
Mr. Rodriguez understands that many drunk driving cases are legally flawed because there was a lack of «reasonable suspicion» to pull the vehicle over in the first place or / and there was a lack of «probable cause» to continue the investigation.
Just because you were arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving, committing a drug crime or other criminal act, it doesn't mean that you have to just let the state or county have its way with you.
Presence of Alcohol — It is never a good idea to drink and drive because alcohol increases the odds of a crash taking place.
Michael Engel is one of Toronto's preeminent DUI lawyers because he brings a high level of expertise, knowledge, and almost 40 years of experience in criminal, and more specifically, drinking and driving cases.
Because of his negotiation skills, courtroom abilities and leading reputation, Mr. Filkow is highly regarded defence counsel in drinking and driving, drug, theft, sexual assault and assault cases across British Columbia.
In an opinion piece for the Winnipeg Free Press, columnist Gwynne Dyer summarized the core of the pro-driverless argument when she stated that «the widespread use of self - driving vehicles almost certainly will bring down the death rates sharply everywhere, because even if computers can be as stupid as human drivers, they can not be as impatient or angry or drunk
If you are at fault, get a ticket for a serious violation (i.e. drunk driving) or are involved in a costly property damage claim (i.e. crash into a tree), your rates may increase at the time of policy renewal because you will be categorized into a higher risk group of people.
If you are at fault, get a ticket for a serious violation (i.e. drunk driving), or are involved in an accident that racks up expensive property damage (i.e. crashing into a tree), your rates may increase at the time of renewing your policy because you will be categorized into another higher risk group of people who have recently been in an accident.
The program is designed for family and friends of victims who have lost their lives because of impaired, drunk, or drugged driving to purchase and place a memorial sign near the site of the crash.
Getting a defensive driving course is their penalty because of over speeding, reckless driving, and driving under the influence of either medicine or alcoholic drinks.
Because of their efforts, we all know that Drinking and Driving is not a smart thing to do, and its incredibly expensive if you get caught.
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