Sentences with phrase «because of false positive»

The cost of testing (and often re-testing because of false positive test results) could possibly hinder the success of a spay and neuter program.
The risk of incurring an unnecessary biopsy because of a false positive exam increased in this study, from 1 in 100 women with mammography to 4 in 100 women with mammography plus MBI.
They suggest most women in their 40s should not have routine mammograms because the tests may cause more harm than good because of false positive results (follow - up testing proves negative for cancer).
Because of these false positives, a sequence of tests - as originally outlined by Alonso et al. (2004)- is employed, beginning with detailed revisions of the detection light - curves, and continuing for surviving candidates with follow - up observations, to either reject them from the list of planetary candidates or to verify their planetary nature.
Both are good ideas in abstract, and would be desirable if they worked with reliable consistency, but both annoy me more than they help because of the false positives when they do something I don't want them to.
«What could happen is the whole enterprise at Target could come grinding to a halt because of false positives or software on the system that FireEye thinks is malicious and is not,» Schumacher told the E-Commerce Times.

Not exact matches

There are a lot of false positives, and parents are getting out of bed terrified because they get an alert.»
But because issues ranging from delays in reporting to false positives can sometimes occur, Wilkerson suggests asking the baby's pediatrician to confirm it came back and if there were any areas of concern.
Because only about 16 in every 100,000 people end their own lives, a test with such a level of accuracy will give many false positive and false negative results if used on the general population.
For criminal investigators, if the database contains 10 close calls that resemble the print from the crime scene, that's a significant complication, because by definition at least 9 of those 10 are false positives.
Because ovarian cancer is relatively rare, occurring in approximately one out of every 2,500 women, a test with only 99 percent specificity would result in false - positive diagnoses for 25 women, leading to unnecessary and risky surgeries and procedures.
First, it provides a strong argument against the opinion that subgroup analyses of randomised trials should be strongly discouraged because they can lead to false positive findings due to the multiple comparison problem.
Vexing to doctors, the great majority of positive results are false, not because the tandem mass spec or the other assays have made errors but because certain babies are «borderline normal.»
Whereas technically the potential threats detected by the system in the past were not false positives — they did accurately pick up tiny, background amounts of DNA from organisms naturally present in the environment — in effect, they were false alarms because they signaled the potential occurrence of a terrorist attack when none had occurred.
In addition to the huge hit to your wallet, there's also the potential harm of false positives, and just because a test has traditionally been done for a condition doesn't mean it's the best way to treat it.
The high - amplitude region of depths over 5 % is not covered by candidates in the follow - up program, because the eclipse depth as such identifies these cases as false positives in planet finding, excluding them automatically from follow - up observations.
Because Huang's technique has been shown, via an analysis of the very large dataset, to be both more sensitive — able to detect abnormality — as well as more specific (fewer false positives), it could be used to improve cervical cancer screening in developed countries like the U.S.
It is clear, however, that evidence of an excess of amino acid substitutions (at least from site - by - site tests) is no longer a sufficiently convincing demonstration of selection, not only because a high ratio could result from selection on synonymous mutations rather than positive selection on proteins [5], but also because there is potentially a high false discovery rate of selected sites [6].
Because we tested a large number of associations, false - positive relations are a possibility.
In my experience those interactions are much more superficial and shallow, simply because you have only a few minutes together and because you're face - to - face physical attraction becomes even more of an anchor, That causes a lot of false positives (easily rationalized away until the third of fourth date when you realize that you can't actually tolerate the person).
Because the number of potential factors is practically unlimited, and stock price changes are largely random, hundreds of false positives are inevitable.
The only reason why this is mentioned here is because although almost all dogs that test positive for EPI do indeed have EPI — there have been extremely rare cases of a false read.
Because the magnitude of the counter acting effects depends on the degree of non-linearity, the rms of the residuals to a linear fit, the length of the trend and the temporal auto - correlation of the «weather noise», it is difficult to generalize whether the method will generally result in too many false positives or negatives.
I think that's mainly because of my penchant for avoiding false negatives (r / t scientists» need to avoid false positives to protect their reputations).
Obviously false because, firstly, with five established temperature records, claiming a negative trend with two of them show a positive trend is begging the question as to which record is superior.
100 % false positive is quite interesting to note because most studies citing shortcomings of fingerprint authentication point to true negatives where the genuine customers are rejected by the reader if their fingers are sweaty, have a cut, or for other trivial reasons.
3 studies that assessed screening showed limited ability to predict future maltreatment because of high false positive results.
Many of the scales demonstrated weak psychometrics in at least one of the following ways: (a) lack of psychometric data [i.e., reliability and / or validity; e.g., HFQ, MASC, PBS, Social Adjustment Scale - Self - Report (SAS - SR) and all perceived self - esteem and self - concept scales], (b) items that fall on more than one subscale (e.g., CBCL - 1991 version), (c) low alpha coefficients (e.g., below.60) for some subscales, which calls into question the utility of using these subscales in research and clinical work (e.g., HFQ, MMPI - A, CBCL - 1991 version, BASC, PSPCSAYC), (d) high correlations between subscales (e.g., PANAS - C), (e) lack of clarity regarding clinically - relevant cut - off scores, yielding high false positive and false negative rates (e.g., CES - D, CDI) and an inability to distinguish between minor (i.e., subclinical) and major (i.e., clinical) «cases» of a disorder (e.g., depression; CDI, BDI), (f) lack of correspondence between items and DSM criteria (e.g., CBCL - 1991 version, CDI, BDI, CES - D, (g) a factor structure that lacks clarity across studies (e.g., PSPCSAYC, CASI; although the factor structure is often difficult to assess in studies of pediatric populations, given the small sample sizes), (h) low inter-rater reliability for interview and observational methods (e.g., CGAS), (i) low correlations between respondents such as child, parent, teacher [e.g., BASC, PSPCSAYC, CSI, FSSC - R, SCARED, Connors Ratings Scales - Revised (CRS - R)-RSB-, (j) the inclusion of somatic or physical symptom items on mental health subscales (e.g., CBCL), which is a problem when conducting studies of children with pediatric physical conditions because physical symptoms may be a feature of the condition rather than an indicator of a mental health problem, (k) high correlations with measures of social desirability, which is particularly problematic for the self - related rating scales and for child - report scales more generally, and (l) content validity problems (e.g., the RCMAS is a measure of anxiety, but contains items that tap mood, attention, peer interactions, and impulsivity).
The accuracy of retrospectively self - reported childhood trauma might be limited by errors in recall because of possible inaccessibility of traumatic life events [63 — 65] or intentionally false positive or negative responding.
After so long of negatives it was finally positive, the second line was faint, so we were hesitant to celebrate because what if it was a false -LSB-...]
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