Sentences with phrase «because of margin calls»

CEO Art Coppola and Developers Diversified chairman and CEO Scott Wolstein both had to sell stock because of margin calls.
Forced to liquidate their stocks because of margin calls, overextended investors flooded the exchange with sell orders.
I trade es and now down $ 50,000 in last 1.5 years because of the margin calls.

Not exact matches

That is where there is a margin call for payment because the value of shares is less than what person owes on them because of a loan with a margin between...
It's thought to involve companies that escaped anti-dumping duties of 3 per cent to 26 per cent imposed on most Italian importers in February because their so called margin of dumping was negligible.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, one of the most prominent Trump surrogates, is already calling for a recount if the presidential election is close — because only a big margin would assure the Clintons couldn't «defraud» their way into the White House.
It's because order and predictability are the keys to the Cuomo narrative, and the only plausible explanation behind what seems to be statistical contradiction: Cuomo enjoys a 71 - percent job - approval rating, but 58 percent of voters in the same survey expressed sympathy for the Occupy demonstrators and, by a 66 - 26 margin, support continuation of what's commonly called the millionaires tax.
That would maintain trade unionist involvement with an equal weighting (rather than half the weighting as in the recent electoral college) and avoid what Sunder Katwala calls a «legitimacy question» (the possibility that different candidates would win different sections of an electoral college) because Ed would simply have won by a much larger margin.
But over the last few months, I experienced extremely awful things - I had to call three of my friends in the middle of the night to protect me because I couldn't stop myself from shaking and couldn't think of how to handle the situation without someone's help... Then, right after that, a big house where my friend is living just had a room open up and within two days I decided to take that room; all the moving happened a narrow margin of time.
Don't be deceived by the seemingly strong list of bonus material featured on the Blu - ray release of «Margin Callbecause with the exception of the audio commentary track by director J.C. Chandor and producer Neal Dodson (which is actually quite informative), they're not worth your time.
«Royalties» — we don't call them that, because we let you set your OWN profit margin — the only money we receive from sales of your book is the printing cost (and some handling & freight fees).
In e-books, you also can't prevent widows - and - orphans — as a single line of text from the beginning or end of a paragraph is called in traditional print publishing — because the appearance of widows - and - orphans will change for the same e-book depending on the size of the font, margins, and spacing chosen by the readers, as well as on each different device — smartphone or iPad Pro, for example — that the same reader is using.
If the equity in a customer's account drops to, or under, the level because of adverse price movement, the broker must issue a margin call to restore the customer's equity.
I invest in both, but I prefer stock investing because I have more tools to reduce the potential of losses, I don't have to tie up as much money for long periods of time to make a profit, I can achieve rising cash flow through dividend growth stocks and covered call writing (a low risk option strategy), I can use leverage through margin or options to accelerate my returns, and I don't have to deal with tenants, insurance and building inspectors, and tradesmen.
[Ron] Beller [of failed hedge fund manager Peloton] wrote to his investors: «Because of their own well - publicised issues, credit providers have been severely tightening terms without regard to the creditworthiness or track record of individual firms, which has... made it impossible to meet margin calls
Forthcoming margin calls like those of 2008 are bullish, because leveraged investors will be forced to liquidate into a declining market.
So on the margin, it's not worthwhile to reduce emissions as much as the textbook calls for, because the environmental benefit now has to compete with the direct economic damage of the carbon tax, as well as the indirect economic damage coming from the tax interaction effect.
On a phone call they can now speak with a client, scope out a litigation engagement, assign resources and deliver a budget they are confident will be one the client is prepared and willing to pay for (because of its value) while the firm maintains a reasonable margin of profit.
Because — next to gold — Bitcoin is likely to be one of the most liquid assets to pay down margin calls and other imminent liabilities.
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