Sentences with phrase «because of my skin color»

Doesn't this prove that blacks are incredibly hypocritical and only vote for Obama because of skin color?
Being a black american, I still have to worry about being attacked because of my skin color.
And I don't want to worship in a church where I am not welcome because of my skin color anyway.
«When African - Americans were denied a seat at a lunch counter because of their skin color there was a genuine disparity of equality.
Possibly but you fail to connect that with the notion that they chose a dark skinned person to play Satan strictly because of skin color.
Consider your race, was there a time when your family line faced prejudice or racism because of their skin color or nationality?
The children of Cain proved this by killing for the sake of oaths they made, not because of skin color.
Or do you think that black people are automatically racially profiled no matter simply because of their skin color?
The embellishment held, as articulated by another Register columnist, Chuck Offenburger, that Trice was «a great black player of another era — an era when blacks were often beaten to death, as Trice essentially was, because of his skin color
But many thought Dinkins, who had also served as city clerk and Manhattan Borough President, wouldn't get elected because of his skin color, said de Blasio.
If one votes for a candidate because of their skin color - that you want to vote for a black over a white - that vote cast is racist.
And while he does not believe a candidate should be speaker because of their skin color, he said that of the candidates of color, one has the strongest qualifications.
I have been told as much by my graduate advisor and other well meaning people who tell me that I have to be better than everyone else because of my skin color.
My mother always wore camel colored coats which I adore but can not go near because of my skin color sadly.
Because of my skin color gold ish lipsticks look very good on me but metallic gold looks amazing.
Society already condemns us for being fat, they even pile on more hate because of skin color.
Some kid who felt unworthy because of their skin color or sexuality or a myriad of other things can see an example to be inspired by.
You have to understand, my parents grew up not even being allowed to enter a museum because of their skin color.
Conventional microtargeting, he argues, «of course has to be flawed because you're making this presumption that all women think the same simply because they are women, or all African Americans likewise because of their skin color or whichever demographic you want to choose, which is archaic, really.»

Not exact matches

«No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion...» 8zkoAm
Growing up, I was told I couldn't accomplish my dreams because I was a woman and, more so, because of the color of my skin.
Instead, he used the words of someone who spent decades in jail because of the color of his skin to remind us all that racism need not be part of our nature, and that anyone who has learned to hate can learn to love instead.
«Blacks suffered unspeakable horrors and injustices prior to the Civil Rights» movements simply because of the color of their skin»
truthdefenderp, I too must worry about being attacked because of my white skin color.
I didn't vote for Obama, not for the color of the skin, but because of the content of his character.
Once we devalue a human life because of a different belief or skin color we have lost our ability to be human.
Its a sad day when our young black men do nt have the freedom to walk through certain neighborhoods without being harrased are mudered, no one has the right to just take a life just because of the color of your skin we as a people has to stand up to injustices such as this no one wants to hear the truth there is still a racial devide in America and our justice system create laws so that this kind of injustice can continue to happen rather u want to admit it are not our young black men are the prey.
Hence there are Church members today who continue to summon and teach at every level of Church education the racial discourse that black people are descendants of Cain, that they merited lesser earthly privilege because they were «fence - sitters» in the War in Heaven, and that, science and climatic factors aside, there is a link between skin color and righteousness» Mormon scripture specifically referencing race includes (from the Book of Mormon): 1 Nephi 11:8 1 Nephi 11:13 1 Nephi 12:23 1 Nephi 13:15 2 Nephi 5:21 2 Nephi 30:6 (1830 edition) Jacob 3:8 Alma 3:6 3 Nephi 2:15 Mormon 5:15
Actually there is no official doctrine what exact shade of color His skin is because it doesn't matter.
Your question regarding the most racist schools must be rhetorical because clearly the most racist schools are those that are the «historically» African American schools which still discriminate on the basis of skin color.
The effects of prejudice and racism are all around — constant fighting in Israel and Palestine, wars in the Middle East because of religion and killings in big cities and small towns all over the world because of the color of someone's skin or sexual orientation.
There have been many statments made recently implying that the black community is almost obligated to vote for Obama...??? If he is being voted for because of the color of his skin, we are moving backwards.
What I said was people in this country were ready to vote for someone of a different color not because of his credibility (after all, he had pretty much nothing for a record before running for office) which you seem to care so much about, but because of the color of his skin.
They are all racists, because it comes down to the color of Barack Obama's skin.
The prospect of white evangelical Christians committing to address racial reconciliation may require intentional identification with those who are the oppressed and disenfranchised because of the color of their skin.
Tthe effects of prejudice and racism are all around — constant fighting in Israel and Palestine, wars in the Middle East because of religion and killings in big cities and small towns all over the world because of the color of someone's skin or sexual orientation.
Jesus did not condemn because of someones color of skin and he certainly did not promote the use of weapons or guns like AK47.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
This is ridiculous, and is tantamount to not allowing someone to hold office because of their gender or skin color.
Hence there are Church members today who continue to summon and teach at every level of Church education the racial discourse that black people are descendants of Cain, that they merited lesser earthly privilege because they were «fence - sitters» in the War in Heaven, and that, science and climatic factors aside, there is a link between skin color and righteousness»
Yes, of course, because all those «others» chose to have different color skin than you.
The Bible does not have the quote, «Jesus, a white child, was born of the virgin...» Skin color is not mentioned, because it never mattered.
This would even infringe against my right to enter a business establishment because of the color of my skin — and skin color, as we all know, is something that I did not earn or merit.
torching the mosque, retorching the mosque, not letting some people get same treatment because of the color of their skin, not letting some people basic civil right because of their style of living..
Conversely, when those same whites become socially concerned, they are more attracted to the black cause partly because the drama of skin color can elicit more sympathy.
And as many parents of Black children will tell you, their greatest fear is that it will be their sons or daughters next, so much so that they often give their kids «The Talk,» warning them that they will be treated differently by police because of the color of their skin.
There is absolutely no moral equvalence between people who were discrimminated against purely for the color of their skin and h.o.m.o.s.exuals who are demanding special rights because they are unable to control their immoral behavior.
In the present racial clash man seeks to be free from the penalties imposed upon him because of the color of his skin.
Because it gets stored in fat just beneath the skin, eating excessive amounts of carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins or cantaloupe can impart a lovely sallow yellow color to your skin.
His spots end with these lines: «There are still courses in the United States that I am not allowed to play because of the color of my skin.
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