Sentences with phrase «because of the wealth»

The simple model under - predicts consumer spending in the 1990s, probably because of wealth effects spun off by the housing bubble, and over predicts in this recovery, but tracks consumer spending — 70 percent of the US economy — pretty well.
They argue it is a greater good because of the wealth effect that comes from that.
There is, however, the beginning of a renaissance in Kuwait and Bahrein because of the wealth brought by oil royalties.
He does say it is hard for a rich man to get into heaven, not because of his wealth, but the love for his wealth overcomes his love for God.
Bruges was a monastic city but not (before modern tourism) a pilgrimage city, politically significant for a time because of its wealth and artistic culture, but never an imperial capital or a major ecclesiastical center.
Of course it's not the same, not just because of the rule changes minimizing the contact but also because of the wealth and lifestyles they live.
«We felt it would be best to bring the children to the family recreation center because of the wealth of opportunities there,» Mulcahy said.
The JGH site is a valuable tool for aspiring minority scientists and their advocates because of its wealth of information and resources.
Nauru, one of the South Pacific's most influential island nations — because of the wealth generated by mining phosphate — will break off diplomatic relations with France if the tests go ahead.
Initially, we conducted this landscaping analysis for MAbs because of the wealth of modeling tools designed for that therapeutic class as well as its broad representation of biologic medicinal products in general.
My health has improved so much because of the wealth of information you provide here and in your books (I have purchased several already as well as an assessment).
In his book The Antioxidants, Richard A. Passwater, PhD, says that humans have one of the longest natural lifespans in the animal kingdom, most likely because of the wealth of antioxidants in our omnivorous diet — including from eating whole foods like pomegranates.
Certified is always a preferred choice for ladies not because of their wealth, but their information is real.
However, Sam Yagan describes dating sites as ideal advertising platforms because of the wealth of demographic data made available by users.
They may be the Alpha and Betas, forcing a class difference because of wealth or prestige.
On one hand, the Internet is a boon because of the wealth of resources and information available for teachers to use in building more relevant and engaging curriculum.
Rogue sales shot up because of the wealth of tech in a $ 23K (starting price) vehicle and because of the luxe interior on higher end models.
Discussion groups will love this novel because of the wealth of topics; love, loss, environment, parentage, greed, anger and so on, that make up the ingredients to the character of the person we become (Christine P).
Romeo and Juliet Essays Romeo and Juliet essays are hard to write because of the wealth of criticism available online.
If you have high payments on your mortgage and other debts each month it's called being «house rich and cash poor», because all of your wealth is tied up in your house, and you have no cash at the end of the month.
And part three is that people feel wealthier because those risky assets rise in value and they'll spend more because of the wealth effect. is trusted to deliver by the retail travel trade because of its wealth of experience, privileged relationships and on the ground expertise.
«We partnered with Accel Partners because of their wealth of experience in the gaming space.
Our international jury of experts reviewed and discussed the submissions at length, and the final decisions were difficult to make because of the wealth of great material that was submitted by the many, many worthy photographers who are producing strong work all over the world.
At the same time, they will have better chances to adapt because of this wealth.
By scaling up loss from past disasters, normalization adjusts for the fact that a hazard event of equal strength will typically cause more damage nowadays than in past years because of wealth accumulation over time.
Because of his wealth, power and celebrity, he felt he could grab the genitals of any woman he wanted to because he was a «star.»
As described throughout this issue of LAWPROMagazine, law firms (as well as government and in - house lawyers) are tempting targets because of the wealth of confidential information they have about their clients, such as strategic business data, proposed mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and information obtained through e-discovery in the course of litigation.
Taking a safe driving course is a great option for all drivers, whether or not they have been in a car accident, because of the wealth of knowledge that can be learned in them.
Because of the wealth of data already collected and the opportunity for genetically informative analyses over time, CaStANET provides a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the psychological development of young people.
Because of their wealth they're often skeptical of people's intentions, so they tend to go to friends, neighbors and business partners they trust to find out where to live, what to buy and who to buy from.
An important driver in consumer spending is homeownership, both for items that go in the home, and because of the wealth effect that owning a home generally confers on the owner.

Not exact matches

For every paid membership, we give a free one to a low - income family, teacher, student, or veteran, because we really want everyone to have access, regardless of wealth.
Because advances in AI allow the ability to rapidly automate many tasks that used to require humans, with fewer errors, there is a tremendous amount of wealth to be made in this industry.
Because endometriosis is so difficult to pin down, it makes it so that there isn't exactly a wealth of dialogue about the condition, which creates confusion.
Gaining perspective is the most fundamental aspect of progression; and because I'm a huge nerd at heart, I believe reading full - fledged books (with sound arguments and universal wisdom) is one of the best ways to combat the wealth of digital misinformation we're faced with today.
Wealth management became sexy because of its dependability while trading and banking became curse words as the subpoenas and lawsuits piled up.
The kicker is this: Dalio says the divide will only get worse in the next 5 to 10 years, both because of a demographic squeeze that puts stress on pension, healthcare, and debt promises; and because of the effects of technological change on employment and wealth.
They have so much wealth because they realize the real value of money.
«Meanwhile, the masses are convinced that master's degrees and doctorates are the way to wealth, mostly because they are trapped in the linear line of thought that holds them back from higher levels of consciousness... The wealthy aren't interested in the means, only the end.»
Nirvana talked about this after their first album went platinum and they were still focused on what their daily per diem on the road was because none of them had wealth.
Because the sooner you start saving, the less you need to save each month, the more wealth you'll accumulate, and the sooner you can quit saving and start enjoying a life of leisure.
There is a wealth of knowledge around success and achievement in sports psychology that I draw from because it allows you to test results quickly.
This is something companies should fret about because customers today have a greater wealth of choices than at any time in history.
This can amount to a lot of money in the U.K., which has a reputation of being a more sympathetic place to play out high - stakes divorces, because judges generally order a 50 - 50 split of assets, giving equal weight to the work of a wealth creator and a partner.
So again, the book struck me as being fairly vague about the very concept of «inequality» because it does not provide a very insightful perspective into the meaning of «wealth» and how it really relates to our living standards.
It's all the more puzzling because Dodig comes from the wealth management side of the bank, which makes up a small fraction of CIBC's operations.
«Buying the yen because of a trade war in which Japan was going to be hit pretty badly, and Japan hasn't been exempted from the steel tariffs by the way, that seems to me pretty peculiar,» Giles Keating, managing director at wealth manager Werthstein Institute, told CNBC.
And while trade isn't a zero - sum game — Americans aren't necessarily worse off because they have access to cheap foreign products — importing more than you export leads to a gradual erosion of wealth.
Glen Macdonald, president of the Wealth & Giving Forum, said there could even be a backlash against the bucket challenge because the serious message of a disease is getting lost in all the stunts and videos.
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