Sentences with phrase «because of their long history»

South Africa is incredible because of the long history of humanity there.
Despite the day's developments, there was deep skepticism in Washington that anything would change because of the long history of inaction by state and federal politicians after similar mass shootings.
The first was the Massachusetts Investors Growth Stock Fund, chosen because of its long history.
Because of this long history, we know for a fact that stocks and bonds have low or negative correlations with gold, particularly during periods of economic recession.
Because of its long history, ISI has many contacts» both faculty and student» on campuses around the country, and a reader of this Guide will see that a great deal of information has come from actual interviews conducted with those who teach and learn on the respective campuses.
Because of my long history with the church, we decided my weekly e-newsletter was the place to report this.
The many different species of plants and animals each have their own particular natures because of a long history of interactions and cause - and - effect sequences which have made each species what it is.
Sometimes, a baby can develop eye problems because of a long history of eye problems in the family.
It could also be that Jobbik found it important to help Poland in particular, or at least the Polish nationalist, because of the long history of friendship between the two nations.
Frank Selvaggi said: «During our search, Ross was identified as the strongest candidate for the position because of his long history of service to the organization, vast knowledge of state government and strong connection the statewide LGBT community.
«Because of the long history [and] the lack of influence any donation made by Plesser has had over the past two decades, I was advised that it was okay to accept,» explained Zimet.
Because of the long history of human evolution on the continent, the African genome is rich in genetic diversity.
The mouse is a key mammalian system in which to produce a genomics resource because of the long history and depth of understanding of mouse genetics and the availability of the mouse genome sequence.
Because of our long history in the SCI Model System (SCIMS), we are well positioned to research the factors that contribute to the disparities in outcomes among subgroups of the SCI community,» he explained.
This conversation can at times become frustrating because of the long history of yoga and its many lineages, there are many opportunities for a counter-argument.
Because of long history of this site, functions on Positive Singles are complete.
It came to life in 1990, and because of its long history, it boasts a wealth of experience in facilitating connections for many singles.
The film is a bit of a full - circle experience for the actor, not just because of his long history with the genre, but because Jeff Corey, the actor who played the villainous Tom Chaney in Henry Hathaway's original film, was Bridges's acting teacher once upon a time.
The need to do something different is pronounced because of the long history of unsuccessful «school turnaround» approaches and the failure of the Obama administration's School Improvement Grant program.
Because of its long history and mystique, people's perceptions of gold and the value they attribute to it also affect its price.
Microsoft has not shown a lot of competence in the areas that Yahoo! has focused on, and because of their long history of growth, I'm not sure they get how to run a company that is transisting into maturity.
The first was the Massachusetts Investors Growth Stock Fund, chosen because of its long history.
The Animal Medical & Emergency Hospital received a national award as a «Hospital of Excellence» because of its long history of meeting the highest certification requirements of the only national body that certifies veterinary hospitals.
Because of its long history as a British colony, English is the official language of Belize.
In Latin America, graffiti is a treasured art form because of its long history with political messaging.
I'm a fan of Woocommerce because of its long history, thousands of happy users, and large community of support.
Ali Ağaoğlu, a billionaire developer in Turkey, caused a stir last year when he admitted that his family's company — and most other developers — routinely used inappropriate materials during a building boom in Istanbul in recent decades, creating enormous vulnerability because of the long history of powerful earthquakes in the sprawling city.
The Dutch have been relatively good at preparing for climate change largely because of their long history of consensus - based water management and their shared belief in social planning.

Not exact matches

That's because it is partially a museum — one that is dedicated to the long and storied history of French cinema.
Silicon Valley has a long history of building glamorous new technologies that fail on the first try because they don't have product / market fit.
Although companies iterate on each other's products all the time, this move stands out in part because Facebook has a long history of trying to clone Snapchat features.
This kind of innovation has come about because there is a long history of speech recognition technology slowly learning how we talk and what we really want.
Because each series - including the data for the US market - begins in the early 1970's, it doesn't capture the longer trading histories that some of these markets have.
These asset classes were chosen as samples of the broader inflation - resistant asset universe because they have long histories of reliable data.
A company with a long dividend growth history is an insurance policy of sorts because a company can not really grow dividend payouts for two decades if there is sweeping fraud taking place (where would a fraudulent company come up with the money to make the dividend payments?).
Using the S&P 500 would be a good choice, not only because it has broad large - cap representation of the market, but also because it has a long history.
Even though Australia's average inflation performance over the past five years has been superior to those of the traditional low - inflation countries, international markets still require compensation for inflation uncertainty, because of Australia's longer - term history.
«The data clearly shows that the best policy to protect the mortgage market is to protect the jobs of Canadians, because history shows us that as long as they have jobs, they will meet their obligations,» says Taylor.
Many people tout the virtues of stock investing, especially because history shows that the stock market has provided one of the greatest sources of long - term wealth, with compounded returns averaging 10 percent per year over the past 100 years.
As the 5 Drunk Rednecks blog pointed out, Walsh has a long history of being a shock jock, to the point of being fired multiple times because of his taking things too far.
They should be given weight and consideration because of your involvement and long history with the emergent movement.
It seems to me that Christian organizations have a long history of not supporting those who are seen as having fallen from grace or those deemed unacceptable and unChristian (ie: parents of LGBT kids should kick them out of their homes because of course you can't support their «alternative lifestyle»).
When the leaders of a republic no longer understand its principle it is because of a history of corruption and betrayal that has affected the entire society.
Secularized intellectuals have long been complacent in their apostasy because they were sure they weren't missing anything important in consigning God to the ashcan of history.
It was Harnack who, in 190l, addressed this very issue by asserting that Christian theology had no need of the history or comparative study of religions because, through its own long and varied history.
Monotheism, like the sense of history, is something we too readily take for granted today, just because we ourselves are the product of a culture which has been based on it for so long.
The relationship to Judaism is more important than that to other religious communities because of its central role in the self - definition of Christianity and the long history of Christian persecution of Jews.
Following the lead of Archbishop Lefebvre, the clergy of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)-- the ordained members of the Lefebvrist movement — have long claimed that what the Council taught on religious freedom is false because it contradicted settled Catholic teaching — a claim that has more to do with the agitations of post-1789 French politics than with a serious account of the history of Catholic church - state doctrine.
This is the more strange because the more deeply a concern is loaded with history, the past, things accomplished long ago, the more a church understands herself as a «pilgrim people of God» — that is, called, continuous, on the way, starting with a constitutive deed and living out her life in a hope which is both a given and an awaited consummation — the more clearly the church understands that, the more embarrassing her problem with a flat and impoverished language.
We did it regardless of me touching the rock or not and doesn't take away from the coolness factor, BUT getting to touch history is a pretty rare occurence, it's sort of like getting goosebumps walking around in Jerusalem because you know that the city has been around for an incredibly long time and that certain paths have had people walking around on it for thousands of years.
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