Sentences with phrase «because of this paradox»

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Any outside observer would see a fine young man exerting his power of discernment and struggling with the paradoxes and contradictions that many of us see, but unfortunately his family sees a heretic, which is a shame because that is what the ruling clergy said of Jesus of Nazareth, according to the Bible.
So we see the paradox of cyberspace, which enhances the illusion of images as reality because we can move and change the images and thus are deluded into thinking we are effective in the real world (Phelan 1984, 1988).
Precisely because my mother died so full of years and full of sanity, giving of herself though her body was entirely, irrevocably spent, she posed the paradox of death in its purest philosophical form.
Because men have difficulty in dealing with paradox and ambiguity, they can not accept the evil in themselves, and so they project it onto others: human enemies (which explains the prevalence of war) or an omnipotent God (which allows them to avoid their own responsibility).
So we have a paradox: because of our aversion to the idea of big government, our president can deny the idea that there is an American Empire at the very moment when we are asserting absolute military domination of the globe.
«Science is an interesting paradox, because it is, fundamentally, thought to be devoid of outside influence.
I think I decided to pursue it as a full book because I came to realize that the somewhat specific culture of «hipster Christianity» was actually indicative of much broader tensions and paradoxes in contemporary Christianity dealing with identity, image, and the question of cool.
Because they are unambiguous and devoid of irony and paradox, they allow us to suppose that we are righteous.
It was rather because the choosing of such a bishop — by the - Republican - Party - at - prayer - church of George Bush and Sandra Day O'Connor — conveyed the kind of lovely, unexpected contradiction that christians love to call «paradox
The productive paradox of the classic is that every classic in both art and religion achieves its genuine public - ness because of, not in spite of, an intensified particularity.
that is, «The world is thus [italics mine] faced by the paradox that, at least in its highest actualities, it craves for novelty and yet is haunted by terror at the loss of the past, with its familiarities and its loved ones,» refers, because of the use of the word thus, to a previous argument that provides the grounds on which Whitehead bases his assertion that the world requires both novelty and order.
The B - series side of time taken alone will land us in Zeno's paradoxes because the B - series leads to isomorphism with the mathematical continuum and so to infinite divisibility.
Neither should we choose any of the numerous works in which Whitehead establishes mathematics as derivative from the abstract theory of classes or intuitive set theory, because in these works he acknowledges the paradoxes in set theory that drove him to affirm for a time Russell's logistic thesis that mathematics is the «science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premises of all reasoning» (MAT 291).
The paradox is only apparent because it depends on an ambiguity in the concept of freedom.
This conception of the universe is surely framed in terms of high abstractions, and the paradox only arises because we have mistaken our abstraction for concrete realities (80 - 81).
Christians: «God mentions in his Word, the Bible, that we don't have to understand how this physical universe was made because that's irrelevant and you will only fall into the paradoxes of the mind.
He resorted to paradox to describe the functions of this unity because his position drove him to a logical impasse.
Instead, it is only possible to accept the paradox that the remote, future God is at the same time, precisely because He is the remote and future God, also God of the present.
This paradox is understandable because the same apparent contradiction characterizes the life of man; for man has departed from God, but God has come to man.
It asks what is the origin of reality, whilst the world of language contains a paradox, because it is both part of the world yet also its whole, because it is conscious.
Either there is an absolute duty toward God, and if so it is the paradox here described, that the individual as the individual is higher than the universal and as the individual stands in an absolute relation to the absolute / or else faith never existed, because it has always existed, or, to put it differently, Abraham is lost, or one must explain the passage in the fourteenth chapter of Luke as did that tasteful exegete, and explain in the same way the corresponding passages and similar ones.
The dialectical consequences in the story of Abraham are expressed here in the form of problemata in order to see what a tremendous paradox faith is, for this story presents the paradox which gives Isaac back to Abraham, which no thought can master, because faith begins precisely there where thinking leaves off.
It is now my intention to draw out from the story of Abraham the dialectical consequences inherent in it, expressing them in the form of problemata, in order to see what a tremendous paradox faith is, a paradox which is capable of transforming a murder into a holy act well pleasing to God, a paradox which gives Isaac back to Abraham, which no thought can master, because faith begins precisely there where thinking leaves off.
Sermons composed of easy generalizations about either the nature of human problems or their solutions are popular precisely because they ignore the ambiguities, paradoxes, and complexities of existence.
I am first defining the poetic function in a negative manner, following Roman Jakobson, as the inverse of the referential function understood in a narrow descriptive sense, then in a positive way as what in my volume on metaphor I call the metaphorical reference.7 And in this regard, the most extreme paradox is that when language most enters into fiction — e.g., when a poet forges the plot of a tragedy — it most speaks truth because it redescribes reality so well known that it is taken for granted in terms of the new features of this plot.
He is fully aware of the paradox of the Gospel: although, nay rather because, the cross and resurrection are phenomena of past history, they are nevertheless present realities (Pfarrerblatt, 3A.
This conception of the universe is surely framed in terms of high abstractions, and the paradox only arises because we have mistaken our abstractions for concrete realities.1
The paradoxes and ambiguities which baffle us will be ultimately resolved because, in a sense, they are resolved now in the very being of God.
Here in a single decision is exemplified the paradox confronting American courts because they are in a religiously plural society — a paradox that hands to them the erstwhile religious task of articulating a moral architecture.
Here as elsewhere Bradley is prepared to tolerate the paradoxes involved in the theory of substrative feeling because it is, in his view, «the one road to the solution of ultimate problems» (ETR 160).
She has no need of worldly admiration, any more than Abraham has need of tears, for she was not a heroine, and he was not a hero, but both of them became greater than such, not at all because they were exempted from distress and torment and paradox, but they became great through these.
They remind us of a paradox, in which baseball teams should a) always think about the future and b) worry about nothing but the short - term because that future might not exist.
On the contrary, foreign investors are encouraged to participate in the system of thievery because it is exceptionally profitable and because foreign governments will step in to assure the African countries do not default on debt repayments (this paradox is what economists call «asymmetric risk»).
But I'm aware of the paradox: I can be independent BECAUSE of the support of other people and institutions, whether they're clients, communities, governments or family and friends.
Event horizons, and the paradoxes that go with them, do not exist because the laws of physics guarantee that imploding stars self - destruct before they can become black holes.
We are spared such paradoxes because the rules of quantum physics seem confined to subatomic objects — in the human - scale world, a cat is either alive or dead.
Excited, because it could help resolve paradoxes swirling around those most befuddling of cosmic objects, black holes, and perhaps provide a route to a unified theory of physics.
Adhering to Einstein's «tea leaf paradox,» the red blood cells collected at the center of the container's bottom because of friction that minimized centrifugal force.
This is the source of the famous twin paradox: Following a round - trip journey on a spaceship traveling at some exceptionally high velocity, a traveler would return to Earth to find that her twin sibling is now older than she is, because time has passed more slowly on the moving ship than on Earth.
Rachel Courtland reports that a paradox exists in the theory of eternal inflation, which gives rise to the multiverse, because...
These findings present a paradox, however, because latent virus can be of wild - type nucleotide sequence [33], and yet transcription is suppressed.
«Using Williams syndrome as the basis for a new approach to social neuroscience is exciting and promising, in part because its genetic basis is clearly understood, and it is associated with a very specific pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses and some puzzling paradoxes
In spite of these paradoxes, or perhaps because of them, many yogis have chosen to decorate their bodies with intellectual and emotional reminders of the practice.
Because of the iron paradox and malabsorption, effectively regulating your iron level often requires working closely with your doctor, who will check your iron levels with a series of simple blood tests, including:
One of the reasons why my business is named Stylish Paradox, is because my style really is a paradox.
He discusses the paradox of the dating world today, where right now we have the most romantic possibilities that any generation has ever had, but because of that, people have a more difficult time choosing.
With Brooke, he mines a New World paradox: because she'll never change, she'll always be a paragon of fresh possibilities.
Beria, for example, tries to gain favor with Molotov by releasing his wife from prison on treason charges, leading to a paradox: She deserved to be in prison, because Stalin ordered it, but to call her a traitor is to go against the decision of the party, which Stalin claimed to hold higher than himself.
Singapore is able to draw strength from paradoxes because its education fraternity is united in its purpose to shape the future of the nation.
As I wrote earlier this year, «Because NAEP takes a representative sample, it's also vulnerable to something called Simpson's Paradox, a mathematical paradox in which the composition of a group can create a misleading overall trend.
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