Sentences with phrase «because public perceptions»

You are also getting good numbers because public perception often inflates lines, giving brave contrarian bettors an extra half point or full point for free.
Celebrate because public perception of breastfeeding makes a huge impact on a new mom's personal decisions about breastfeeding.
Because public perception of cloth diapering still revolves primarily around flat diapers, vinyl diaper covers and pins, it may help to have one diaper from the system of your choice on hand that you can use to demonstrate the ease of use.
«Perhaps because the public perception of dingoes as «sheep - killers» is so firmly entrenched, it has been commonly assumed that dingoes killed off the thylacines and devils on mainland Australia,» says researcher Dr Thomas Prowse, Research Associate in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Environment Institute.

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Economists have long accepted the notion that inflation can stay high or low simply because of public perceptions.
And if Odinga's people don't, they're going to feel that he's cheated again because that's the perception that Odinga is put out into the public domain.
This was the only time Zuckerberg seemed flapped, because he knows the stakes of the public perception of Facebook's political leanings.
Ackman wanted to avoid a proxy contest because it would have forced public disclosure and create the perception that the company and Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management were «at war,» the filing said.
I say this, and I do so in capital letters with exclamation points, because of a survey released Thursday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life regarding voter perceptions of the religious beliefs of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Because both people in society and people in our churches live in the public realm, and because existence in the public realm validates authority and relevance, the absence of church presence in the public realm of the media diminishes people's perception of the relevance of faith to their everyday existencBecause both people in society and people in our churches live in the public realm, and because existence in the public realm validates authority and relevance, the absence of church presence in the public realm of the media diminishes people's perception of the relevance of faith to their everyday existencbecause existence in the public realm validates authority and relevance, the absence of church presence in the public realm of the media diminishes people's perception of the relevance of faith to their everyday existence - ie.
James realizes that the faithful must be confronted by it, that the perception of Catholic Church in the public forum is irrevocably changed because of it, and that he himself needs to make reparations on the part of sinful humanity.
A growth in candor or a decay of shame may account for the latest industrial apologetic: advertising serves the public and its clients because it adds value to a product by altering purchasers» perception of its value!
A case involving se - xual acts will always color the public's perception, who may feel inclined to believe that you are guilty, not on the actual evidence, but just because of the «abnormal» or sensational nature of those acts.
Cooley also validated my notion that the Knicks odds of winning the championship ticked up solely because of public perception.
In other words, this line has moved largely based on public perception — not because of sharp money.
«We may shade just a hint for the first few games if it's a green coach simply because of public perception.
You'll get an extra 1 - 2 points just because of the public and media's negative perceptions and biases.
This could be because there are no obvious common themes to latch on to when it comes to the public perception of his style of play, or maybe it's because Zidane himself appears much more reserved and le...
«In the history of the world, there has never been a popular Public Relations person because of perception that the Information Minister is there to lie to the public on behalf of goverPublic Relations person because of perception that the Information Minister is there to lie to the public on behalf of goverpublic on behalf of government.
I've argued before that corporations are better targets for email campaigns than are members of Congress, both because companies are very sensitive to the public perception of their brands and because they receive so many fewer emails than elected officials (we've managed to swamp Congress).
He said, «We will not mention the companies involved because we are also very careful of the integrity and public perception of some of these companies, being that some of them are in the Stock Market.
But perhaps because of this, proponents of change should be wary of relying too heavily on public perceptions and avoid promising too much.
Misinformation is especially toxic to risk perception because it can reinforce generalized confirmation biases and erode public trust in scientific data.
The organization made an «internal, self regulatory decision» to scrap the project because of «public perception» and the «apparent negative societal impacts involved,» it noted in a statement.
«These clocks were significant, not only because they were masterpieces of mechanical ingenuity, but also because they altered the public's perception of time.»
Musser: I think the scientific community and science journalist [s] bear a little bit of [the] responsibility for that perception among the public because we always talk about the LHC as recreating conditions not seen since the big bang, and you would therefore think if there hasn't been an energy level like that seen since the big bang, then all the phenomenon of the big bang might be unleashed upon us; these black holes, possibly being one, because people do talk about black holes having been created in the early universe.
But the companies apparently never commercialized the variety, Meyer says — whether because of unfriendly public perceptions, regulatory hurdles, or simple economics.
If so, it's likely because of the huge, paradigm busting influence of the Weston A. Price Foundation around the globe over the past 16 years on the public's perception of what a healthy diet really looks like and how to source the foods of our ancestors locally within our communities.
So it is that the term, «sugar free» is being exploited to death by soft drink manufacturers because of the mistaken public perception that choosing artificially sweetened drinks would be a healthier choice.
Public perception of chronic illnesses is still very negative, especially invisible chronic illnesses because we «look fine» on the outside.
He does this because he was disgusted that she held any sort of public perception of being related to him.
Put it all aside because the fact is that full - time virtual charter schools, which are funded by public dollars, are on the defensive in the battle of public perception, which will, at some point, have public policy consequences.
However, in most cases because of high teacher turnover and poor public perception, acquiring strong teachers can be difficult.
Regardless, such figures are often used because they give the public easy - to - understand illustrations, that lead to commonsensical perceptions that teachers are not only widely varying in terms of their effectiveness, but also that new and improved evaluation systems are helping to better differentiate and identify teachers in terms of their variation in (in) effectiveness.
However it now wanted to draw all the evidence together because it was aware of a public perception of falling standards.
It's not enough to be your own entire publishing team, but you also have to fight against public perception, and the possibility that you're the sought - after needle in the haystack but nobody can find you because there are too many low - quality books dragging your image down.
basically, the public's perception of an announced layoff is completely off, because layoffs actually indicate change in the company, rather than something bad that is happening.
I won't spew hate because closed brains ruled but public perception rather than fact really can't be swayed anyway.
«This type of event does a wonderful job of showing the public how great shelter dogs are, and helps to overcome the perception that animals are in shelters because there is «something wrong» with them,» says Lourdes Bravo of the ASPCA Adoption Center.
Because of public perception (and attitudes in current veterinary practice), there is a tendency for complementary and alternative medicine to be seen as irrelevant to the more conventional small animal veterinary practice, is particularly important.
Because of this, the American Pit Bull Foundation is working to help change public perception, give people the tools they need to be responsible pet guardians and advocate against discriminatory breed - specific legislation.
Because of public perception (and attitudes in current veterinary practice), there is a tendency for complementary and natural medicine to be seen as irrelevant to the more conventional small animal veterinary practice, is particularly important.
Colorfield Paintings» triumph partially succeeded because of the perception in the public mind of a new and separate generation from the Abstract Expressionists.
Even though the cold in the U.S. has not been unprecedented, the public perception is «extreme» because the cold in the central / eastern / southeastern U.S., drought in California, and the heat / heavy precipitation in Alaska has been so prolonged.
It's easy for people to get confused about immense inertia of public opinion on climate change because advocacy pollsters are constantly «messaging» an «upsurge,» «shift,» «swing» etc. in public perceptions of climate change.
They were interested in the consensus gap, because the public have a perception that the percentage of scientists who think Man has been responsible for any warming is much lower (57 %).
Because there is a gap in the public perception of the mainstream position and the reality.
I see great difficulty in practice in deploying geo engineering schemes only when things get out of hand, because the perception of what is «out of hand» is clearly different among scientists as compared to the general public and most politicians....
The interview is well worth a watch not only because Oliver challenges some of Snowden's disclosures and the risks he took, but because he tests Snowden's perceptions about difference any of it has made in the register of public awareness.
It is this potential that is problematic because, even if manipulation is not actually occurring, the lack of objective guarantees or protections against such abuse can breed suspicions or perceptions of want of impartiality, thereby eroding the integrity of, and public confidence in, the administration of justice.
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