Sentences with phrase «because road salt»

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Roadways and impervious surfaces such as parking lots and sidewalks are reliable proxies for road salt application because as developed areas, they are susceptible to high levels of salting and runoff.
«We assume this linked to road salt, because most of the species in these recurring groups are highly tolerant of salt; they're actually maritime species that have moved in from the coast.
Alternatives and additives to the most common form of road salt, sodium chloride, are marketed as environmentally friendly replacements because they allow highway crews to maintain ice - free roads while applying less salt.
I think just kind of looking at some takeaways, the main recommendations is that, kind of the new science is that there is new science showing adverse health effects of low sodium intake, especially among individuals with diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, as well as people who are healthy and trying to limit their salt intake because of fear that too much might cause potential problems heart disease wise down the road.
An off - road course for winter activities is also in the works — good thinking because the track is neither plowed nor salted during Michigan's frigid months.
I'd welcome the Ram 2500 Power Wagon into my stable because every off - road enthusiast worth his or her salt should own a good 3⁄4 - ton 4x4 truck.
Because of the salt on the roads after snow storms, we only walk our dogs if they are wearing booties (but we're trying paw wax this year).
«It's this odd situation where people are expecting to be able to drive 110 km / h [65 mph] on all - season radials, which are not suitable for the road conditions, because they assume enough salt has been laid down to make them safe,» says Kevin Mercer, the founder of Toronto - based watershed group Riversides who has studied road salt use in Ontario.
Because weather forecasters had mostly failed to predict heavy snowfall for today, many road crew personnel were off for an extended holiday weekend, meaning there were few snow plows and salt trucks on the road when the snow began to pile up.
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