Sentences with phrase «because sagittal»

Not exact matches

Because the skull bore the distinctive sagittal crest of gorillas but otherwise had chimp - like dimensions, some primatologists suggested it represented a new subspecies of gorilla, while others believed it to be a chimp - gorilla hybrid.
Modern humans do not have sagittal crests because we do not have to chew tough foods like apes do or our ancestors did.
These muscles tend to be weak in runners, because running takes place primarily in the sagittal plane.
Perhaps most important among these is the use of two - dimensiononal (2D) data collection methods for motion analysis, which can lead to misrepresentation of the real sagittal plane movements (Ho et al. 2014), although it remains a popular method for assisting coaches because it is easily available and very low cost (Garhammer & Newton, 2013).
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