Sentences with phrase «because starving children»

Says the guy commenting on an issue he thinks others should not be commenting on, «because starving children

Not exact matches

But that's nothing compared to the millions of children in Africa and Asia I starve to death each year, flies crawling on their faces, because they are too weak to swat them away.
Yeah, Jesus would have been SO down with 1 % of the population holding 90 % of the wealth while children starve and die of curable illnesses because their parents can't afford health insurance.
Compare the teachings of Jesus with, say, the teachings of Buddhism, which would say that the starving children in this latest cartoon are that way because of their «misconduct» in a previous life (Which really deals a deathblow to the impetus to help them, doesn't it?).
The fact that you know it is wrong to starve children is because the Triune God created you after His image.
Still, Rabbi Avi Shafran, director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, the largest organization of Haredi Jews in the United States, sees the future differently: «There will be an economic crunch, and there already are many two - income families in the community, but no Haredi Jew is starving, or having fewer children because of economic restraints....
When our mothers said, «Clean your plate, because children are starving in China,» they meant to teach us something about manners and gratitude.
Jeebus, Mohammed or Buddah don't care if your children starve or million die of preventable diseases because they are either dead or fictions.
This argument is arrived at by equating the plight of starving African peoples with that of a young white woman in the U.S. having an abortion because she already has two children and feels she couldn't possibly care adequately for a third.
Also, don't wait until your baby is starving, because then your child will be very focused then on getting his or her usual breastmilk or formula.
Because they can - I have a friend who lived a terrible childhood in a country where it was routine to see women die in childbirth and children to starve to death.
Ok seriously... outside the US they breastfeed that long because otherwise the child would most likely starve.
Others have likened the First Lady to a tyrant who aims to starve the nation's children (as well as a hypocrite because she ate a hamburger at Shake Shack once).
No child ever starved to death because he was playing softball and forgot to come home for dinner.
Your child won't starve because of one missed meal and it just makes mealtimes stressful for everyone involved.
But when your baby LOSES weight instead of gaining it, and cries because they're STARVING, you know, as a parent, that you aren't doing enough for your child, and you need to do something different.
It's really rich how you hypocrites on the right want to force every woman in the world to have unwanted children, then starve them to death because you are so against «government social programs».
«Millie is too stupid to steal,» one of her latest teenage additions says, as he teaches the children how to rob a grocery store because they are starving.
And yet, because these women are so charming, and so fully in the right from the beginning — we crave justice for them like we do for Jean Valjean merely stealing bread to feed a starving child — Good Girls is in danger of falling into the Breaking Bad trap all over again.
You wouldn't want your child to starve or fail their exams because they couldn't buy a textbook, right?
Ultimately the greatest disincentive is for mothers and fathers to have to see their own childrens lives wasted because they lack any opportunity to better themselves - the problem with this «do nothing» approach is that by the time people realize that another baby doesn't just mean one starving child but two or three it may be to late.
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