Sentences with phrase «because water vapor»

Typically, temperatures win because water vapor is weakened by upper level clouds — in the clear sky it would be a much closer compensation.
Because water vapor is lighter than dry air (mostly nitrogen and oxygen), that layer of air can move upward in the attic.
This was - and still is - because water vapor in the upper troposphere occurs in concentrations several orders of magnitude less than in the lower troposphere where most of our weather occurs.
Water vapor produces sixty to seventy percent of the Earth's global warming, but it is not included here because water vapor is not directly produced by human activity.
For example, the air holds more water vapor as temperature rises, which is a positive feedback magnifying the climate response, because water vapor is a greenhouse gas.
A wetter stratosphere also affects surface climate, because both water vapor and ozone are greenhouse gases, which trap heat leaving the Earth.
Because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, this results in further warming and so is a «positive feedback» that amplifies the original warming.
The concentration of H2O is a function of air temperature and while I'm sure it would be nice to have a relative humidity proxy, because water vapor is a response not a forcing of climate change, we are not losing evidence of cause of change.
As such, we can reasonably expect that the hotter the air is, the more humid it can be and, because water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas, the hotter the air will get.
Dave Springer says: ``... the molecules near the surface just keep picking up more and more energy as latent heat until they have enough energy to vaporize and then they leave the surface and quickly convect upwards because water vapor is lighter than air.
The end result is there's virtually no heating beyond the first few micrometers and the molecules near the surface just keep picking up more and more energy as latent heat until they have enough energy to vaporize and then they leave the surface and quickly convect upwards because water vapor is lighter than air.
Above this point, the amount of ozone decreases significantly because water vapor (specifically, the OH radical) is necessary to produce ozone.
The sensitivity is not very sensitive to the temperature you start at because the water vapor feedback and CO2 effects are linear with forcing.
JimD,» The sensitivity is not very sensitive to the temperature you start at because the water vapor feedback and CO2 effects are linear with forcing.»
But it is not a simple monotonic function of average specific humidity, because water vapor is never a well mixed gas, its atmospheric lifetime (~ 9 days) is way too short for that.
This is because water vapor is absorbing a lot of radiation to the right (wavelengths below 13.5 μm)-- dragging that part of the graph proportionately down.
Because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increase in humidity causes additional warming.
Adding the influence of water vapor concentration to the density profile makes the difference between the densities of the two cases a little larger, because water vapor lowers the density as H2O molecules are lighter than average for dry air.
On that site Lubos repeats the fallacy that because water vapor dominates CO2 in absolute quantity, increasing CO2 can't have any effect.
But, because the water vapor and CO2 spectra overlap, the total increase is actually only about 7 % since the water vapor is now absorbing radiation previously absorbed by CO2.
This is why gardeners will put water vapor in the air and water liquid on the ground around their garden on a clear cold night — it protects the local area from cooling as fast because water vapor and liquid both 1) cool much slower than dry air due to their massive heat capacity, and 2) cool even slower because they release their massive latent heat, which means that heat energy is released from them without requiring a drop in temperature — once they're in the latent heat release phase, they just keep shedding energy without dropping in temperature any further.
The Hot Spot does not exist because water vapor in the upper troposphere declines, whereas the models predict water vapor should increase.
that is because the water vapor pressure is supralinearly related to temperature: that is, a temp rise from 289K to 290K has a larger effect on vapor pressure (so, most likely, on the evaporation rate) than does a temp rise from 288K to 289K.
This is because water vapor is lighter than air.
That's because water vapor amplification is a fiction.
Because water vapor is the most plentiful greenhouse gas, this decrease in average humidity would cool things globally.
That is a mystery to Arrhenius because water vapor does not exist to it.
«They can throw out water vapor and ice, which sets the humidity of the stratosphere, and that has an impact both because water vapor is greenhouse gas and also because water vapor, through a sequence of events, has an effect on the ozone hole,» Romps said.
This acts as a positive feedback on the surface warming, because water vapor itself is a powerful greenhouse gas that, like CO2, absorbs and re-emits longwave radiation back to the surface.
Doubling CO2 might make Tucson.05 degrees warmer or something practically immeasurable, but it isn't likely going to change Miami at all because water vapor already blocks radiation over the same wavelengths that CO2 does (and more).
The peak temperature of the 1998 event would be the maximum temperature and that can't last long because water vapor is a negative feed back above that temperature.
Because water vapor condenses into clouds, which always reduce the insolation available for thermalizing the surface, its temperature need NOT necessarily rise in re-establishing steady climatic states after some perturbation in backradiation.
Boiling occurs in your kitchen because the water vapor escapes and can't build up so as to increase the surface pressure.

Not exact matches

It does indeed cause some warming of our planet, and we should thank Providence for that, because without the greenhouse warming of CO2 and its more potent partners, water vapor and clouds, the earth would be too cold to sustain its current abundance of life.
Because water molecules containing heavier isotopes exhibit a lower vapor pressure, when the temperature falls, the heavier water molecules will condense faster than the normal water molecules.
For comparison, a conventional photovoltaic cell made of crystalline silicon turns nearly 20 percent of incoming photons to electricity, and lasts much longer because it is not as susceptible to corrosion by water vapor.
Meanwhile, dry regions in the subtropics will get even drier because of atmospheric circulation patterns that carry water vapor away to higher latitudes.
Hydrogen may be the ultimate clean fuel because burning it — in chemical terms, reacting it with oxygen — yields only water vapor.
Knutson adds that an April report of water vapor in HD 209458 b was iffy, because it relied on a weaker signal from the Hubble Space Telescope, which was not designed to study exoplanets.
What does happen is that the sound field interacts with any small gas bubble that may exist in the water and causes the bubble to grow dramatically during the passage of the negative pressure portion of the sound field — the water essentially «boils» — because the pressure is below the vapor pressure.
Formed in the presence of sunlight by water vapor and pollutants like ozone and nitrogen oxides, hydroxyl is hard to measure, because it persists for just a second in the air before it reacts away.
The heat absorbed by water vapor and carbon dioxide is shared with all the nitrogen, oxygen and argon, because the latter molecules are always bumping into water vapor and carbon dioxide as they mix in the atmosphere.
The strength of the signal also varied over hours, weeks and months, because of the water vapor plumes rotating in and out of Herschel's views as the object spun on its axis.
The team chose the specific area examined in the study because it is Earth's warmest open ocean region and a primary source of heat and water vapor to the atmosphere.
He notes that DMF could rapidly replace ethanol, because it not only provides more energy but also has a higher boiling point (allowing DMF to blend more easily with gasoline) and it does not react with water (ethanol absorbs atmospheric water vapor, which degrades its potency).
That's because, as determined in subsequent experiments, the addition of water vapor served to transform gold nanoparticles into channel diggers, rather than the expected wire makers.
Climate scientists know that the intensity of extreme precipitation events is on the rise because there's more water vapor in the atmosphere caused by higher global and sea temperatures.
For instance, water ice plays the role of relatively inert rock or dirt on Pluto because it's usually too cold to change form into liquid or vapor.
It will be extremely challenging for astronomers to directly see water vapor on those worlds, because it's too low in the atmosphere and shielded from telescopes.
However, isn't it true that most energy is removed from the earth's surface by convection and evaporation, not radiation (because the lower troposphere contains so much GHGs, especially water vapor)?
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