Sentences with phrase «become a black hole for»

What's funny about «read it later» apps is that they sometimes become a black hole for content.
Unfortunately, the company has become a black hole for news; their website is still up, but has posted nothing new since 2010!
The vast majority of these boards have become black holes for your executive bio and resume.

Not exact matches

General relativity has never been tested in places where the effects of gravity become truly extreme — for example, at the edge of a black hole.
This immediately raised the question of what happened to much heavier stars when they ran out of fuel — did they go on contracting for ever until they became what we would now call a black hole?
For example, as accelerators manufacture black holes of increasing mass, the holes would poke further into the extra dimensions and could become comparable in size to one or more of them, leading to a distinctive change in the dependence of a hole's temperature on mass.
For Earth to become a black hole, it would be the size of a marble.
Were it not for the tragedy and drama of his life, would so many of us have become interested in black holes, the beginning of the universe, the nature of time?
«That's why our estimates of the minimum mass [needed for] an isolated star that eventually becomes a black hole are fuzzy.»
If some early massive black holes were lazy eaters, their super sizes become even more puzzling — and may rule out some theories for how they grew.
Researchers think these bubbles drag trails of relatively cooler gas (about 1 million degrees), and as the bubbles detach from the jets and drift farther out into the galaxy, the cooler gas trails become even cooler, becoming extremely cold (just slight above absolute zero), and rain back on the black hole as fuel for star formation.
For example, if a black hole is a member of a binary star system, matter flowing into it from its companion becomes intensely heated and then radiates X-rays copiously before entering the event horizon of the black hole and disappearing forever.
After the humans have become superhumans, the story doesn't do much except contriving a way for the four heroes to fight as a team against evil megalomaniac Doom, whose modest goal is to suck our planet into a black hole.
«Too much black just becomes a black hole — a universe of nothing — so what came into play for us then were the fabrics within that world and highlighting accessories.
The DFS highlights three areas of particular concern: ensuring payments are processed quickly to build user confidence that money will not «get stuck in a digital black hole»; ensuring virtual currencies do not become the tool of choice for terrorists, drug smugglers, illegal weapons dealers, money launderers, and human traffickers; making sure that the use of bitcoin as an investment is governed properly.
(5 steps for clearing your mind and protecting yourself from becoming sucked into a black hole of shame and negative thinking.)
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