Sentences with phrase «to become active participants»

Students become active participants in their own learning and monitor their academic progress daily.
I myself have now become an active participant of this online community that I previously never knew existed.
However, you can also earn a free gold membership by becoming an active participant with the site sharing promotional articles, press releases and recommending the site to other people.
One of the most significant advantages of eLearning is that it gives learners the opportunity to become active participants within the eLearning process.
I agree completely with your advice to go beyond merely discussing the issues and instead becoming active participants in addressing the issues.
By becoming an active participant with the school community, parents can reinforce expanded learning experiences for their children outside of the school day.
If learners can not navigate your eLearning course, then they can not become active participants in the learning process.
We the viewer of the exhibit become the active participant, the artist, and creator.
Also remember to include practice opportunities and challenges so people become active participants in their own learning.
Students who can understand and interpret their data and create goals become active participants which improve overall academic growth and confidence.
This year, over 50 curators and museum directors are contributing to the fair's programme while collectors become active participants.
I wanted to create a social dynamic during the studio visit where the visitor becomes an active participant.
It is pointless to join social media groups without becoming an active participant.
As a consequence, the learners simply won't be able to see its value and they won't become active participants in the online training process.
As viewers become active participants in the mythological relationship between humans, the centaurs, and their horse mothers, the mares of Magnesia, they are invited to somatically reimagine a hybrid inter-species that exists beyond the hero / monster narrative.
From William F. Fore, «Becoming Active Participants Rather Than Passive Receivers,» in Engage / Social Action, December 1981, pp. 22 - 23.
Users become active participants in the virtual environment seeing, hearing, feeling, and actuating as if they were in the real world.
Additionally, we use several tools that support CCSS and help students become active participants in their own learning.
In the 60s the membership of the Orthodox Churches in the World Council of Churches increased to include all of them and, following the second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church became an active participant in the ecumenical movement.
With his or her improved language and social skills, your child can become an active participant at mealtimes if given the chance to eat with everyone else.
«There is no doubt that this new initiative is helping New Yorkers become active participants in their government,» said Governor Cuomo.
When learning is entirely self - managed, however, it can be overwhelming for the learner, discouraging them from becoming an active participant in the learning process.
Rather than participating in an online training course to earn tangible rewards or to avoid a negative consequence, employees who are intrinsically motivated become active participants because they are excited about the online training experience or view it as an opportunity to learn something new and expand their knowledge base.
«Facing History is empowering young people to become active participants today to better inform their civic engagement in the future.
Following a meeting on Friday, December 15, 2006 attended by Governor Beratha, API President Commissioner I Made «Kadek» Wiranatha, API Director Oka Semadi, and the Chief of the Bali Tourism Authority Gede Nurjaya — the Governor reiterated his long - standing interest in seeing the Island's government become an active participant in an international air carrier operation.
After studying art in Geneva and working for the American Indian Movement for several years, Durham became an active participant in the vibrant New York City downtown art scene in the 1980s.
Do you need coaching or instruction?I Become an active participant to embellish your brand or as a strategic part of your job search.
Through cryptocurrency, Africans have access to a global, online economy that they can become active participants of.
Others create new situations wherein viewers become active participants in the artists» modes of exploration.
If you can inform the conversation around the subjects that matter to you - becoming an active participant within that conversation and accepting the dispersal of authority - you will help re-build trust, particularly trust in yourself and your argument, and this will ultimately serve the objectives of your campaign.
it is also necessary to learn the function of risk management is by becoming an active participant in the market but always keep yourself open to new learning experiences.
Users become active participants and interact with the virtual situations and other virtual agents, seeing, hearing, and feeling the experience as if they were acting in the real world (Wilson, 2002; Shapiro, 2007).
At Nolan, a climate and culture is being established that fosters student ownership of learning as students become active participants in both thinking and doing in partnership with their teachers.
Scott's secret ingredient is the kids, who become active participants in his show.
You suddenly had become an active participant in your learning.
Customers are no longer passive observers — they've become active participants, educating themselves about products prior to making a purchase via social media and online review sites.
If he truly believed having a «proactive presence in the regulatory process» was key to expanding market access he could have followed Elizabeth May's lead and registered as an intervenor and become an active participant in the Trans Mountain application.
We value this event because it introduces young women to successful and inspiring role models, motivating them to follow their lead and helping them become active participants in B.C.'s economy.»
On most of the public network, any anonymous individual can become an active participant, broadcast and propagate transactions, and view the full history of all previous transactions made by all participants on the network.
But he still insists «that the reader must be prepared to meet the Bible at least halfway and must become an active participant in the process of the text, rather than a passive listener.»
Instead of passively waiting on my dreams, I became an active participant in the everyday habit of working towards them.
I proposed that philosophers of education abandon their sterile attempts to locate necessary and sufficient conditions for the correct use of educational concepts and the relatively passive role of critically analyzing other people's theories, and resume their more traditional role of formulating general theories about education and becoming active participants in an ongoing conversation about how to bring them into effect.
We must be careful and stress, however, that an acknowledgement that wars can and have been used by God does not mean that Christians should become active participants in and supporters of such conflicts.
We become active participants rather than passive receivers.
You will find that you get a lot more accomplished when you take responsibility for your actions, and situation, and become an active participant in your own life.
Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals with autism and related disorders and the lives of their families by enabling them to become active participants and contributing members within their families and communities.
By age 3, your toddler is becoming an active participant in your travel adventure.
Language development begins with a newborn's cry and continues as they become active participants in everyday conversation.
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