Sentences with phrase «to become better listeners»

The phrase "to become better listeners" means to improve one's ability to hear and understand what others are saying, as well as to be more attentive and responsive in communication. Full definition
In addition to helping them target marketing to you, the data collection assists the devices in becoming better listeners by helping them improve their respective voice - recognition abilities.
Books, puzzles, and interactive games can help children become better listeners and learners.
Yes, beginning on Sunday, I'll abstain from expressing my opinion for an entire week, with the purpose of becoming a better listener and learner.
Listen — Help employees become better listeners by reminding them to take the time to listen to customers without rushing them, finishing their sentences or assuming that they already know what the shopper wants.
The key is to become more self - aware and concentrate on ditching the ego to instead become a better listener.
My last message about positive communication in the home is please become a good listener — pause, get down to their level (or up to their level if you have teens!)
Counseling Couples Therapy Marriage Counseling New Jersey Becoming a Better Listener Just LISTEN To Me - Don't Try and Fix It» This video says it all.
Becoming a better listener is actually quite easy.
If you want to become a better listener, you have to make it a priority.
That helped us become better listeners about what customers really want, and guided us as we expanded product offerings and created a new, more eclectic, modern look.
By learning the skills below, you will become a better listener and actually hear what the other person is saying — not just what you think they are saying or what you want to hear.
I agree if someone is dying I would be talking about the Lord, but if their dying wish is to talk about their family and it comforts them, then I would become a good listener.
The goal of the opinion fast is to become a better listener, to learn to think before I speak, and to show more openness and generosity to those with whom I disagree.
They also develop good reading abilities earlier, become better listeners, and develop a stronger command of written language.
Hearing At 2 months old your babies hearing will be becoming a better listener and they will be able to differentiate between voices they've heard more frequently.
Your baby can tell the difference between familiar voices and other sounds, and he's becoming a better listener.
Family meetings offer golden opportunities for you and your kids to connect more deeply, to become better listeners, to learn the art of compromise and to validate your collective ability to work together to resolve problems.
As she becomes a better listener, you can add another task or two.
In 90 seconds you'll quickly understand how Dr. Jane Nelsen, author of Positive Discipline, can teach parents how to get their children to become better listeners.
Learn to become a good listener.
To create, you have to become a good listener — to the world around you, and to yourself.
As the extravert of the two of us, it's been good for me to become a better listener.
But now, it seems more than ever, it's important to rise above these boundaries and become better listeners, doers, and caretakers.
If you become a better listener, your students not only will notice, but they'll start listening more to you.
Third, policymakers and reformers need to become better listeners.
That means that in order to communicate properly we must become better listeners.
This video helps us explore how to become better listeners, from the TED Radio Hour episode «Extrasensory».
In the moment that I went back to my classroom roots and became a better listener, my focus as an administrator changed.
Let's give our students the opportunity to focus on processing; thereby, giving them the chance to become better listeners, deeper thinkers and improved problem - solvers.
I have become a better listener and as a result, a better Instructional Coach.
Adults can help preschoolers make the most of their developing brains by serving as «cognitive coaches,» driving home the message that kids can become better listeners, learn to focus their attention, persist in learning tasks, and interact in more positive ways with peers if they think about and aim to control their actions.
My students are becoming better listeners and they're more sensitive to each others» needs.
(Read my accompanying blog post, Three Ways I've Become A Better Listener.)
Dogs especially need this trick as it helps them become better listeners while reducing their anxiety levels.
Providing guard dog training may help them become better listeners and understand that there is a time for aggression, such as when intruders are nearby, and a time to act calmly, when average people are present.
Become a better listener.
Though people can improve their public speaking skills or become better listeners, they can't change who they are.
All of the literature concludes that you can become a better listener.
Become a good listener, be caring and sensitive to people's moods.
Become a better listener.
Over time, I was able to find my voice through this reflective process and become a better listener and collaborator in my own right, building my commitment to child and family support and recognizing differences in how children are cared for in preschool and elementary settings.
Second, become a better listener and seek to discover your partner's deepest feelings and dreams.
I hope that I will continue to listen, read and learn as I try to become a good listener of the «voices of children».
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