Sentences with phrase «to become corrupt»

If memory operations occur during a system failure, such as a computer system crash, there is a chance that the memory could become corrupt with wrong data.
Saving this hard copy will ensure you have a back - up in case the electronic file becomes corrupt or lost.
What used to be a champion of Working Families has become a corrupt political enterprise.
While some officials become corrupt, it is likely that others remain honest.
When a court allows lies the court becomes corrupt.
In the baking goods aisle Islam is for sale since all the other foods started with this stuff but became corrupted when it was baked.
My PS4 save file for LEGO Dimensions just became corrupted while doing the quest in the basement of Castle Lemongrab.
Professional football has become a circus, FFP rules will never kick in and regulate / prevent clubs from overspending and it seems that the FA has become corrupt as hell.
Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air...»
I would be horrified if one of my memory cards became corrupt and I lost all those photos!!
Organized religion inevitably becomes corrupt in some way as they jump into politics and power struggles.
«Islam began as a religion of justice but it has become corrupted into an ideology of fear, said the Muslim writer».
Her stripped down style getting applied to a thriller makes for some neat moments, and the way things unravel so the three characters become corrupted by the same selfish behavior they abhor is a nice development.
In recent weeks Ubisoft have been bombarded with by fans after Assassins Creed Unity and Far Cry 4 were released after players encountered bugs in both games that ranged from frame rate drops, to saved data becoming corrupted and unplayable.
Languages die, stone inscriptions erode away, JPGs become corrupted, paths become overgrown with weeds and iron structures rust.
All religions became corrupt through misinterpretation scripture and lack of priesthood authority.
A new auto - rollback feature has also been added for maps, enabling map creators to rollback to previous creations if the map they're working on becomes corrupted.
We business people travel more than most, meaning you're susceptible to your values becoming corrupted.
He was a modern Moses, who was called upon to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ to its origins, since it had obviously become corrupted with man's influence (many religions are proof of that.)
It is essentially saying that anyone who leads a child to hate or otherwise become corrupted is better off dead.
Institutionalization is essential for any movement to live in history, but all institutions become corrupt.
Nobody is stopping you from donating your money and time from any organization you would like to support quit asking the government to do the job citizens should be doing on there own when government gets involved in charities, charities become corrupted.
Sometime after 100 AD we see the Catholics got a hold of the Bible and rewrote themselves back in as priests becoming corrupted with power.
The reason these people became corrupted and were killed was due to these evil or fallen angels that had committed a great error.
Unfortunately, if any of the sounds become corrupted it is difficult to work around them, as there are so few options.
Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted.
I also filmed and pre / post workout vlog, I did record us doing the circuit but somehow the file became corrupt halfway through shooting.
From a reading of Genesis and accepting it as a straightforward, literal history of the world's beginnings, there was once a perfect world («very good»; Genesis 1:31), but through Adam's rebellion the creation became corrupted.
But Cartel Land is interested in how idealism becomes corrupt.
After doing so they both change, Vladamir becomes corrupted while Frank fights for the good in an iron lung.
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