Sentences with phrase «become creative acts»

With vision our actions become creative acts of will, determination, exploration, transcendence, clairvoyance, expanding our ability to transform the conscious thoughts we have and attracting a higher vibrational frequency of light.
, and if that's not trippy enough, make your way over to Memory Palace, where remembering becomes a creative act.

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It's an act that should be as close to automatic as you can make it — until creative work becomes a necessary part of the equation.
Her empathy for others and her response to suffering became acts of creative resistance against a life - denying political order.
That is how Whitehead defined them (PR 12Sf 192), and undoubtedly how he understood God to be «in unison of becoming with every other creative act» (PR 345 / 523).
He says that any event can become a special act of God «insofar as it is received by someone as a symbol of God's creative and redemptive action.
This response was continuous, although the resurrection marked the crisis in its development — the moment when loyalty to the person reached its climax and when faith in the meaning of the event as an act of God became for the first time clear and sure — but at every stage this response was a constituent and creative element in the event itself, and the event had not fully happened until this response of faith had been fully made.
For Man, by the act of «noospherically» concentrating himself upon himself, not only becomes reflectively aware of the ontological current on which he is borne, but also gains control of certain of the springs of energy which dictate this advance: above all, collective springs, in so far as he consciously realizes the value, biological efficiency and creative nature of social organization; but also individual springs m as much as, through the collective work of science, he feels himself to be on the verge of acquiring the power of physicochemical control of the operations of heredity and morphogenesis in the depths of his own being.
When man's love fails or becomes distorted, the final resource in the love of God is a creative act of healing.
Creativity means, according to this interpretation, that every actuality is a free, creative act of unification, determining its own being, i.e., its own becoming.
To continue in the same vein and avoid becoming complacent, we believe that it is vital to both continue challenging ourselves while at the same time developing processes to act upon all the creative competences and ideas that already exist within the company
He wants to subvert the standards of judgment integral to our understanding of abstract painting, while being committed to the act of making... He is interested in — to use his own words — perversely cultivating the tenuous relationship between «creative seeing» and the randomness of nature without becoming explicit... By finding ways to foreground his conflicts about painting, while also expanding its definition, Burckhardt has become one of the most interesting artists of his generation.»
With Rembrandt, art became synonymous with an individual creative act, to the point that David Hockney whines when Damien Hirst relies on assistants.
The artist explains the project, saying, «The wall reliefs become monuments to the untold levels of mediation between my creative acts and the rest of the world».
The family legacy also includes a strong creative side: a grandmother who acted and made films, a father who actually wanted to become a photographer and a grandfather who worked as Music Director at the Coburg Landestheater.
The floor thereby became an important site for creative acts, as is often the case with young children.
The function of the image was reversed; it was detached from all objects in the external world, and became instead a vital graph of the artist's own expressionism; it reflected the self - sufficiency of the creative act.
More recently Stephen Horne in Agnes Martin: Edge Becoming Subject concludes: «In Duchamp's terms, our attentiveness is the creative act.
It became the basis for Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO), a creative approach to applying the Tanzanian Village Land Act.
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