Sentences with phrase «become false security»

Don't let a set of legal documents become false security that keeps you from doing what's best for your loved ones.

Not exact matches

At the very time when the temple was becoming an exclusive focal point of Israel's religion, Jeremiah saw that it was inducing in men a false sense of security.
The other interesting aspects of this article are the possible anecdotal evidence for one of the benefits of free birth over a birth with an unskilled midwife, possible resulting in a false sense of security - she realised something was wrong and went to hospital - and also the description of the birth - the first twin's head essentially becoming trapped by the second twin - which seems to match something Attitude Devant raised as a possible complication of first twin breech, in one of the Lisa Barrett threads.
Eventually, every gate becomes ineffective and near stairwells, you will be giving your child a false sense of security if you put one up.
There are also many potential ways for H5N1 to become transmissible, and focusing on Fouchier's five mutations could lead to a false sense of security.
The general rules on covenants in securities (which include both stocks and bonds) is one of completeness in which any false statement or any material omission becomes actionable on a strict liability standard, so that there is no forgiveness under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933securities (which include both stocks and bonds) is one of completeness in which any false statement or any material omission becomes actionable on a strict liability standard, so that there is no forgiveness under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933Securities Act of 1933...»
, into a false sense of security as the former ExxonMobil's CEO seeks to become our next Secretary of State.
The false sense of heightened security many experience when driving an SUV becomes more dangerous as vehicle operators feel secure in driving at dangerous speeds in poor weather conditions.
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