Sentences with phrase «become iffy»

If not, it becomes an iffier proposition.
Unfortunately, sequels became an iffy matter.

Not exact matches

Believing iffy things to be factually true became the definition of being a Christian, and if you can't believe, then you're not a Christian.
Among numerous consumer trends targeted in the new products, pursuit of clean label — formulations free from ingredients perceived as iffy by the public — has become the most prominent new product theme in the bread category.
The shuffling on the line took its toll against Georgia (Franklin has become a pro at handling iffy snaps), and then matters got worse when he re-aggravated his shoulder in the week leading up to the Arizona State game.
If Debuchy can become good once again (Either as RB, or RCB in a back 3) then it could be very valuable, especially with our current injury problems and Bellerin's iffy form.
Labour's voluble activist base on Twitter then leapt on every iffy poll and each tweet describing yet another great session on the #Labourdoorstep to amplify and broadcast the narrative that Ed Miliband was about to become prime minister.
Papanicolaou invented the Pap smear in 1941; the screening susses out iffy - looking cervical cells before they have a chance to become full - blown cancer.
Outside of those sporadic iffy interiors, this became a good presentation.
Although the user interface frequently left me questioning the sanity of whomever designed it and the infuriating streaks of iffy RNG left me hurting because enemies suddenly became impossible to hit, I kept going back for a bit more punishment.
And unless something like the hockey stick is known with high confidence, it's hard to know what fraction of the temperature trend assign to CO2, and then «supported by temperature trends» becomes a very iffy argument.
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